Nutty Liberals Blame Trump for Synagogue Attacks

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the MSM is not infatuated with jews-------Christians and Muslims are infatuated
with jews---------to understand---read the NT and the Koran, talk to them and visit
their houses of worship. Then read some hindu literature and talk to hindus----
I don't need to read your suggested sources to see what I see- infatuation with jews.
Liberals have no platform, no solutions, no leadership and no credibility. That's why they have to attack their betters. They can't win anything on merit. That's why they have turned to this unhinged, illogical scorched earth approach. 80 % of the people see this as an ignorant attempt to undermine our President. Even Capt. Big Gulp is spending millions of his own money to slander Trump in Pa. and Wisconsin.
the MSM is not infatuated with jews-------Christians and Muslims are infatuated
with jews---------to understand---read the NT and the Koran, talk to them and visit
their houses of worship. Then read some hindu literature and talk to hindus----
I don't need to read your suggested sources to see what I see- infatuation with jews.

to what MSM do you refer? that of the USA? The USA is a Christian majority
country and ---lately, includes a very significant and vociferous muslim minority.
You need something to cure your superficial thinking
Trump has made the calculation that keeping the white supremacists happy is to his advantage. His forced sounding readings from prepared statements have done nothing to dissuade the haters from truly beliving that Trump supports their cause. It's difficult to say what Trump actually believes on race but it is clear he loves unconditional support from anyone.
Where do you liberals get this crap?
....anti-Semites for years!!!!!

The left's default position, Blame Trump, has kicked into full gear with this whopper from New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, commenting on a series of anti-Semitic attacks in New York.

Speaking for MSNBC, Cuomo said, according to the left-leaning PoliticusUSA:

What can anyone make of President Trump’s tweets? They say more about the sender than anything else. New York, he believes, is a Democratic state, and this is how he plays to his partisan base, by demonizing Democrats. Democrats are evil, Democrats are bad, Democrats have lost their mind, they’re anti-American. You foment [that] hate and then you’re shocked when you see these episodes of hate all across the country?

That has now become the dialogue and the currency of this nation and it’s in politics, but then it resonates out of the politics into society. And now you see people who are acting out on those hateful acts and people are impressionable, and some people are lost and some people are vessels and some people are ill, and they hear it and they respond.

Which is pretty appalling logic, given that the current string of attacks in New York are not the product of some kind of generic and unnamed "hate," as Cuomo is trying to sell it, but a very specific kind of hate, Jew hatred, the very thing that Democrats have been tolerating more and more in their party in the name of "inclusion."

Where have Democrats been as the "Rev." Al Sharpton has gone out of his way to incite violence against Jews? Criticizing him? Not in the least. Sharpton's been right there in the berth of the Democratic Party, with strings of politicians lining up to kiss his ring and win his endorsement.

Where have Democrats been as Louis Farrakhan has spewed his hate?

(Excerpt) Read more at .


When has the President ever said or done anything even vaguely antisemitic?...Hell his DAUGHTER AND HER CHILDREN ARE JEWS!!!
....anti-Semites for years!!!!!

The left's default position, Blame Trump, has kicked into full gear with this whopper from New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, commenting on a series of anti-Semitic attacks in New York.

Speaking for MSNBC, Cuomo said, according to the left-leaning PoliticusUSA:

What can anyone make of President Trump’s tweets? They say more about the sender than anything else. New York, he believes, is a Democratic state, and this is how he plays to his partisan base, by demonizing Democrats. Democrats are evil, Democrats are bad, Democrats have lost their mind, they’re anti-American. You foment [that] hate and then you’re shocked when you see these episodes of hate all across the country?

That has now become the dialogue and the currency of this nation and it’s in politics, but then it resonates out of the politics into society. And now you see people who are acting out on those hateful acts and people are impressionable, and some people are lost and some people are vessels and some people are ill, and they hear it and they respond.

Which is pretty appalling logic, given that the current string of attacks in New York are not the product of some kind of generic and unnamed "hate," as Cuomo is trying to sell it, but a very specific kind of hate, Jew hatred, the very thing that Democrats have been tolerating more and more in their party in the name of "inclusion."

Where have Democrats been as the "Rev." Al Sharpton has gone out of his way to incite violence against Jews? Criticizing him? Not in the least. Sharpton's been right there in the berth of the Democratic Party, with strings of politicians lining up to kiss his ring and win his endorsement.

Where have Democrats been as Louis Farrakhan has spewed his hate?

(Excerpt) Read more at .


When has the President ever said or done anything even vaguely antisemitic?...Hell his DAUGHTER AND HER CHILDREN ARE JEWS!!!

According to the other Cuomo, if you are Pro-Life you don't belong in NY. Talk about divisive language.
Can anyone explain The Demonic Hatred The Democrat Party has for Jews, Christians & Israel?

I'm glad you asked that because it sure as hell beats me why the Dems constantly attack one of their most loyal constituencies.
I would be totally fascinated by anything printed on t his subject and have been wondering about it for some time.

Styen chimes in on nazi progressive left winGers

Did whichever twelve-year-old staffer came up with that fatuous pap even have to run it by the big guy? Admittedly, Bill de Blasio's speechwriters seem to be laboring under the illusion that he's mayor not of New York but of Sesame Street. But it was so well-received that the intern on duty followed up with:

Anti-Semitism is an attack on the values of our city.

That's a real dodge, isn't it? First, "values" should be attacked - or at any rate challenged, contested, debated, eternally. Otherwise, they're just a state ideology - and, as in this case, a useful deflection for sleazy cowardly politicians. What's being attacked is not "values" but actual Jews with bones and arteries and lungs and other inviting body parts.

Values, Complications and Evasions

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