NWO battles for control with illegal immigration & trade agreements


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
It sure seems that some people have a tough time being content with what the good lord has blessed them with. I am not talking about a person who desires to work their way up by building, saving and working and spending their own money to do it. I am talking about the cartels, the banks, the corrupt politicians, their crony's and investment funder's that desire to take a larger cut of someone else's work under the guise of collective bargaining. Diversity man, it brings forth a few who desire to gain control of someone else's garden without ever investing in those other peoples garden (mind's). Heck they have no clue who really owns the garden but they are sure it is theirs to do with whatever and whenever they please. Hitler, Lenin, Mao and Stalin all had their own version of collective bargaining.

Greedy bastards that have plenty always seems to want more at someone else's expense.

There sure are a lot of posters on this board that are not Americans that think they are going to dictate policy to us. Special interest groups, collective bargaining groups, NGO's, LLC's, Corporate lackies and some pissy little peeps that have lived in their lil' cubicles having no real clue on what is going on outside of their cubicles but think up great theories on how others should be thinking and living. Some of them even have degrees which doesn't entitle them to anything anymore than the drivers license that they carry around in their purse or wallet. They can have that drivers license but it doesn't mean that they are exempt from causing or having a wreck. They can wreck other peoples lives, nations, finances, cause wars and wreck whole economies, plus a car or a truck for that matter but the law is the law and we are all supposed to follow it right? ....life in the fast lane....until they crash....

The Europe Union screwed over their own people with trade agreement which includes acceptance of Islam and migrants even when they are hostile to the citizens. They turned their enforcement over to the UN and a few puppet masters. If Europe wants to get along with Islamist they'd better get them some goat farms for their newly acquired citizens. Hell, they treat their goats better than women, give them goats.

America is not a part of the European Union nor the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) but the Trans Pacific Partnership was an attempt to bound America to both. The following should make it clear why and how this would have been accomplished. Perhaps the following information will help expose the dirty little secret of the EU and provide a greater understanding of why the big push for immigration is on so hard now in America and Europe. It should also reveal why the UK needs to pull out of the EU (Brexit) ASAP. It's called subversion and it is being implemented under the guise of international trade. It's time to wake up now America. Watch this eight minute video:

"The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, also known as the Barcelona Process, was created in 1995 as a result of the Conference of Euro-Mediterranean Ministers of Foreign Affairs held in Barcelona on 27 and 28 November under the Spanish presidency of the EU. The founding act of the Partnership in 1995 and Final Declaration of the Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference is called the Barcelona Declaration,[9] which is often used to refer to the Process itself."
Union for the Mediterranean - Wikipedia

Union for the Mediterranean - Wikipedia
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is an intergovernmental organization of 43 countries from Europe and the Mediterranean Basin: the 28 member states of the European Union and 15 Mediterranean partner countries from North Africa, the…

On our southwestern end La Raza claims it plans take over give what they call Aztlan and give it back to the Indians and Spain. The problem is, first they will have to take it away from America but Spain already sold to America... after my rant does anyone even remember Barcelona?

http://americanpatrol.com/REFERENCE/Aztlan-PavingWayTo.html .... http://illegalaliens.us/aztlan.htm

and of course we shouldn't forget.....

The Democrat Voters identify with Islamist's hatred for America
They got pretty desperate in thinking they could keep adding more dung but fact is they added to much fertilizer and its an overload at this point.
Trump is a temporary respite from Biblical prophecy. The Democrats and Republicans alike will give up our sovereignty. And right under our noses. We will be a part of the "all nations" that come against Israel. We will have a world leader. We will be one of the countries that force Israel to give up land for a temporary peace. We even know how long that peace is going to last and how it is broken.

If, as the Bible calls the rate this will all happen as birth pangs that increase in speed and severity, then Trump is the Braxton Hicks part of the equation.
Bible prophecy now reads like the nightly news..
Trump is a temporary respite from Biblical prophecy. The Democrats and Republicans alike will give up our sovereignty. And right under our noses. We will be a part of the "all nations" that come against Israel. We will have a world leader. We will be one of the countries that force Israel to give up land for a temporary peace. We even know how long that peace is going to last and how it is broken.

If, as the Bible calls the rate this will all happen as birth pangs that increase in speed and severity, then Trump is the Braxton Hicks part of the equation.
Bible prophecy now reads like the nightly news..
People trying to read Bible prophecy per their own precepts and make sure it is fulfilled is a good portion of the problem along with the people going along with obviously evil shit like altering dna, feeding people known toxins, trying to create chimera's and the likes, etc..... A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. Seven years spiritually speaking is nothing in eternity and most never even consider the eighth day that is spoken about. Most never take the time to read and study other writings either that were written by people holy spirit filled (they can't or won't until the spirit leads them to do it) and many that do read it all still cannot understand as it is not given to them for they can understand until they are prepared by the spirit to be able to accept it and understand it. It is a part of the process of becoming that spiritual being created in the image of the son (firstborn). One could call it spiritual evolution that occurs within humankind.

Land is also speaking of the flesh of each human. God prevails and we desire to be children of Jehovah. Lets say a piece of our flesh become ill and we give up a portion to surgery so we have lost a portion and the body is no longer whole. If the causation of the illness was not dealt with the peace our flesh given up will be a only be a temporary fix. Nations and the whole world is the same way. If a sickness is in one area and it is not isolated it will spread. What we have at the moment is a battle for who gets to determine what to do with that sickness. Many modern day jews think they are the absolute chosen and even many Christians have fallen into that trap believing that they should be taking trips to a place on the land of the world to seek God but they totally ignore what Jesus taught them and said about false prophets.
The sad thing is, people are only becoming outspoken now, when it's already too late.
Its not too late. Just may get a little messy looking while cleanup goes on.
A little?? It's going to be horrific!
I suppose that depends on how brain dead those in the top 1% and their minions with demons stay. Truth is a hell of a weapon once loosed.
It's also too heavy for any one person to carry.

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