NY AG says she may seize Trump's buildings if he can't pay his $354M civil fraud fine

Not at all.

But let’s be honest. A new thing for you. When you sign an application for a loan you sign that all information is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Providing false information is called something. Isn’t it?

Trump and his sycophants claim it is normal to lie. It is the Banks that need to check things.
/——-/ Who proved the document wasn’t true?
Nope . I'm from Alabama. My family has been here since 1619. Trump is a moron.
Interesting you claimed your family was in the North American continent since 1619 which is roughly before the Mayflower came over and that they were settled in New Amsterdam which actually was not founded till 1625 if my information is correct.. I know Alabama didn’t become a state till many years later but hey Please enlighten me if my facts are incorrect or if you are once again stretching the truth just a tad bit… Maybe your memory is not quite intact seeing how you are now in your 8 th decade of life….I just might give you the benefit of the doubt on this but seeing how you have stretched the facts on other topics I rather doubt I will unless you enlighten me….
Haha, notice how you have to lie to yourself to soothe yourself? Normal adults don't really have to do this.
You are the one lying to yourself constantly about the fantasy of THE TRUMP CULT. Meanwhile you swallow whatever pablum your Democrat Masters spoon up for you. How sad.

Interesting you claimed your family was in the North American continent since 1619 which is roughly before the Mayflower came over and that they were settled in New Amsterdam which actually was not founded till 1625 if my information is correct.. I know Alabama didn’t become a state till many years later but hey Please enlighten me if my facts are incorrect or if you are once again stretching the truth just a tad bit… Maybe your memory is not quite intact seeing how you are now in your 8 th decade of life….I just might give you the benefit of the doubt on this but seeing how you have stretched the facts on other topics I rather doubt I will unless you enlighten me….

Early settlement (1609–1624)​

In 1524, nearly a century before the arrival of the Dutch, the site that would later become New Amsterdam was named Nouvelle Angoulême by the Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, to commemorate his patron King Francis I of France, whose family consisted of the Counts of Angoulême.[5] The first recorded exploration by the Dutch of the area around what is now called New York Bay was in 1609 with the voyage of the ship Halve Maen (English: "Half Moon"), commanded by Henry Hudson[6] in the service of the Dutch Republic, as the emissary of Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange and stadholder of Holland. Hudson named the river the Mauritius River. He was also covertly attempting to find the Northwest Passage for the Dutch East India Company. Instead, he brought back news about the possibility of exploitation of beaver by the Dutch who sent commercial, private missions to the area the following years.

At the time, beaver pelts were highly prized in Europe, because the fur could be felted to make waterproof hats. A by-product of the trade in beaver pelts was castoreum—the secretion of the animals' anal glands—which was used for its medicinal properties and for perfumes. The expeditions by Adriaen Block and Hendrick Christiaensen in 1611, 1612, 1613 and 1614, resulted in the surveying and charting of the region from the 38th parallel to the 45th parallel.[7] On their 1614 map, which gave them a four-year trade monopoly under a patent of the States General, they named the newly discovered and mapped territory New Netherland for the first time. It also showed the first year-round trading presence in New Netherland, Fort Nassau, which would be replaced in 1624 by Fort Orange, which eventually grew into the town of Beverwijck, renamed Albany in 1664.
You are the one lying to yourself constantly about the fantasy of THE TRUMP CULT. Meanwhile you swallow whatever pablum your Democrat Masters spoon up for you. How sad.

Interesting. The Trump fanboys scream Trump had a great economy. When anyone points out the fact that his last year in office was marked by shortages in the stores, and a double digit unemployment rate. The Fanboys blame democrats.

According to the Fanboys Trump is only responsible if things go well. If things go badly, that is someone else’s fault. They want to give credit to Trump for low gas prices. But it was the last year that saw the drop in gas prices. When anything not vital was closed. And people couldn’t go anywhere. So the democrats get the blame for everything being closed, but Trump gets the credit for the resulting surplus of supply which caused lower prices because people had nowhere to go.

Trump pushed deregulation of small or midsized banks. He said it would be good for them and not present any risk. Predictably the banks started to fail without the requirements that had been in place. Is it Trump’s fault for pushing deregulation? No. It’s the Democrats for an economy with higher interest rates that cost the banks operating on the margins too much money.

Trump is great for the deregulation but not responsible for the result.

Time and again it is always the same. With every one of his claimed successes, the truth is it isn’t great, or good, or even mediocre most of the time.

That is the patten with Trump supporters. When this is pointed out the claim everyone but them is in a cult.

I didn’t vote for Biden. I sat out 2020. I said so before the election. I clearly stated many times that I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way superior to the other. I’m accused of being in the cult.

As close as I can get to a definition of who isn’t in the cult. It is anyone who doesn’t support Trump 120%.
Interesting. The Trump fanboys scream Trump had a great economy. When anyone points out the fact that his last year in office was marked by shortages in the stores, and a double digit unemployment rate. The Fanboys blame democrats.

According to the Fanboys Trump is only responsible if things go well. If things go badly, that is someone else’s fault. They want to give credit to Trump for low gas prices. But it was the last year that saw the drop in gas prices. When anything not vital was closed. And people couldn’t go anywhere. So the democrats get the blame for everything being closed, but Trump gets the credit for the resulting surplus of supply which caused lower prices because people had nowhere to go.

Trump pushed deregulation of small or midsized banks. He said it would be good for them and not present any risk. Predictably the banks started to fail without the requirements that had been in place. Is it Trump’s fault for pushing deregulation? No. It’s the Democrats for an economy with higher interest rates that cost the banks operating on the margins too much money.

Trump is great for the deregulation but not responsible for the result.

Time and again it is always the same. With every one of his claimed successes, the truth is it isn’t great, or good, or even mediocre most of the time.

That is the patten with Trump supporters. When this is pointed out the claim everyone but them is in a cult.

I didn’t vote for Biden. I sat out 2020. I said so before the election. I clearly stated many times that I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way superior to the other. I’m accused of being in the cult.

As close as I can get to a definition of who isn’t in the cult. It is anyone who doesn’t support Trump 120%.
Trump Cult. Trump Fan boys. All phony constructs that the Democrat minions need to explain REAL AMERICANS wanting their country back.
Trump Cult. Trump Fan boys. All phony constructs that the Democrat minions need to explain REAL AMERICANS wanting their country back.

So you can’t argue with anything I posted except my term fanboys.

The reason you can’t is it rings true. You are not about to blame Trump for anything. Are you?
OK, you don't have a clue what you meant, you just threw some shit out there and hoped no one would look at it to close.

YOu are dismissed as irrelevant.

Have a nice day.
You don’t even remember what started the conversation, it’s okay, I understand you can’t keep up…
Several bases for appeal:
  • 8th Amendment (seriously),
  • Legislative history indicates this case is disconnected with the import of the law,
  • Bias on the part of the prosecutor and judge (public statements),
  • Unique-ness of the prosecution,
There's more.
Also a decent case it is based on an ex post facto bill of attainder.

Early settlement (1609–1624)​

In 1524, nearly a century before the arrival of the Dutch, the site that would later become New Amsterdam was named Nouvelle Angoulême by the Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, to commemorate his patron King Francis I of France, whose family consisted of the Counts of Angoulême.[5] The first recorded exploration by the Dutch of the area around what is now called New York Bay was in 1609 with the voyage of the ship Halve Maen (English: "Half Moon"), commanded by Henry Hudson[6] in the service of the Dutch Republic, as the emissary of Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange and stadholder of Holland. Hudson named the river the Mauritius River. He was also covertly attempting to find the Northwest Passage for the Dutch East India Company. Instead, he brought back news about the possibility of exploitation of beaver by the Dutch who sent commercial, private missions to the area the following years.

At the time, beaver pelts were highly prized in Europe, because the fur could be felted to make waterproof hats. A by-product of the trade in beaver pelts was castoreum—the secretion of the animals' anal glands—which was used for its medicinal properties and for perfumes. The expeditions by Adriaen Block and Hendrick Christiaensen in 1611, 1612, 1613 and 1614, resulted in the surveying and charting of the region from the 38th parallel to the 45th parallel.[7] On their 1614 map, which gave them a four-year trade monopoly under a patent of the States General, they named the newly discovered and mapped territory New Netherland for the first time. It also showed the first year-round trading presence in New Netherland, Fort Nassau, which would be replaced in 1624 by Fort Orange, which eventually grew into the town of Beverwijck, renamed Albany in 1664.
The Swedes Also Had an American Colony

Greta demands reparations!

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