NY Attorney General Says She was PROUD to Have an Abortion

A lot of women that have had one regretted having it.

You never hear about those women...same as you never hear about the people who were transitioned when they were preteens and teens and then regret it ten years later.
johngaltshrugged said:
How rude to all the tranny men who will never have a chance to murder a baby.
Can you imagine the pain the he/she's are going through hearing her brag about the infanticide they will never get to enjoy themselves?

maybe some well know leftist women will have babies for them to kill.

"I Love New York." - This scary goat.
These defiant leftists are really going overboard. Walking into an abortion clinic is, at a minimum, a solemn moment when a budding life is about to be snuffed out. Only a monster would be “proud” of what she was about to do to her own child.

You've answered your own question. Pro-death (pro-choice) people are fucking monsters, why mince words? Only ghouls eat the living and these pro-choice people have 'eaten' over a hundred million unborn lives. A small, semi-irrational part of me continues to believe in the existence of a centralized, global child sacrifice cult. I mean why not? People haven't changed much in 10,000 years. Some of them could very likely worship the old gods in this way.
These defiant leftists are really going overboard. Walking into an abortion clinic is, at a minimum, a solemn moment when a budding life is about to be snuffed out. Only a monster would be “proud” of what she was about to do to her own child.

Sounds like she wanted an education, a career in the law, serving the community and elected office more than being a statistic of being an unmarried black mother, totally legal and above board at the time. Looks like still not married and no other kids.
We need a steady decline in the number of pregnancies. Young women and men should be shown how incredibly difficult it is to have and raise kids. Imagine how this would deter them from having kids.
Sounds like she wanted an education, a career in the law, serving the community and elected office more than being a statistic of being an unmarried black mother, totally legal and above board at the time. Looks like still not married and no other kids.
So? That doesn’t mean she has to brag about how PROUD she was to do it. A person with a heart would say, “Of course I walked into the abortion clinic with a sadness that this was necessary for me to continue my education. Nobody would be PROUD of doing it.”
initforme said:
We need a steady decline in the number of pregnancies. Young women and men should be shown how incredibly difficult it is to have and raise kids. Imagine how this would deter them from having kids.

mankind has been doing it for millennia without help from the gov't.
I’d be proud of her if she had been aborted.
My granddaughter just got married. She is going to get her tubes tied. That ensures no kids. She and her husband decided this and we fully support that idea.
I'll sign on to the practice of abortion as practiced; the moment I, and all men are allowed the privilege. Cuz equality, and shit...

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