NY Attorney General Says She was PROUD to Have an Abortion

So it doesn't seem weird that she would get an abortion and tell the world how proud she is over it.


It is a media circus right now and very little surprises me anymore, anyway. She is pro-abortion, to the max. Possibly she speaks boldly to convince herself. I don't know.
I think it has it's place, but should be avoided most of the time. Some, I think absolutely coldly, bloodily abuse the use of the procedure, possibly as their favored method of birth control. Some situations, like a first time teen pregnancy that could ruin the child going through it, not ready for it, handled immediately, I have no problem with it. On the other hand, I would have no problem with forced sterilization, if they had another. Have no problem with it for a woman or girl that is the victim of rape or incest, as I value the injured rather than the potential person.
The bottom line for me, is I have no intention to make the decision for someone or give credence to a blanket condemnation or approval and certainly do not see the government being able to vote itself the right to make that choice for everyone, as a one size fits all situations ruling.
You notice that not a single leftist has been on this thread to defend the wretched woman? Even THEY can’t defend someone who speaks of her abortion with pride.

Because it gives lie to the standard trope of "legal, safe and rare"
It is a media circus right now and very little surprises me anymore, anyway. She is pro-abortion, to the max. Possibly she speaks boldly to convince herself. I don't know.
I think it has it's place, but should be avoided most of the time. Some, I think absolutely coldly, bloodily abuse the use of the procedure, possibly as their favored method of birth control. Some situations, like a first time teen pregnancy that could ruin the child going through it, not ready for it, handled immediately, I have no problem with it. On the other hand, I would have no problem with forced sterilization, if they had another. Have no problem with it for a woman or girl that is the victim of rape or incest, as I value the injured rather than the potential person.
The bottom line for me, is I have no intention to make the decision for someone or give credence to a blanket condemnation or approval and certainly do not see the government being able to vote itself the right to make that choice for everyone, as a one size fits all situations ruling.
15 weeks.........that is the law in question.........that is 4 months to decide..........It doesn't ban abortion..........and the blue gone nuts states will still do partial birth abortions which are barbarism.

I see nothing to be proud of with 62 million abortions since the Roe ruling.
These defiant leftists are really going overboard. Walking into an abortion clinic is, at a minimum, a solemn moment when a budding life is about to be snuffed out. Only a monster would be “proud” of what she was about to do to her own child.

I hope they gave her a medal.
15 weeks.........that is the law in question.........that is 4 months to decide..........It doesn't ban abortion..........and the blue gone nuts states will still do partial birth abortions which are barbarism.

I see nothing to be proud of with 62 million abortions since the Roe ruling.
That was her and her decision. Even she did not say she was proud of 62 million abortions, since, before, or in the future.
For weeks is not the question of the law anymore, at least not at the Federal Supreme Court level. They have kicked it back to the states. Legislators should have dealt with it in the first place, but they preferred the court to decide. As long as there are the loose filibuster rules of today, it will not be dealt with by the US House and Senate. Tell ya what, though, I swear to never have one, if you like.
These defiant leftists are really going overboard. Walking into an abortion clinic is, at a minimum, a solemn moment when a budding life is about to be snuffed out. Only a monster would be “proud” of what she was about to do to her own child.

It's called an 'opinion' you fucking rabid nutcase.
15 weeks.........that is the law in question.........that is 4 months to decide..........It doesn't ban abortion..........and the blue gone nuts states will still do partial birth abortions which are barbarism.

I see nothing to be proud of with 62 million abortions since the Roe ruling.
One third of the dead babies from abortion are not given to the authorities, We've lost a hundred million unborn future citizens the truth be known. That happens to be the same number of dead as China killed within her borders in WWII when nobody was looking at China for human rights abuses.
These defiant leftists are really going overboard. Walking into an abortion clinic is, at a minimum, a solemn moment when a budding life is about to be snuffed out. Only a monster would be “proud” of what she was about to do to her own child.

This is the woman who has been chasing Trump f
These defiant leftists are really going overboard. Walking into an abortion clinic is, at a minimum, a solemn moment when a budding life is about to be snuffed out. Only a monster would be “proud” of what she was about to do to her own child.

not a demorat but having a abortion is a private matter for the woman to choice is my opinion... BUT TO BE PROUD OF IT is a different matter
It's called an 'opinion' you fucking rabid nutcase.
^^^ Another example of the intolerance and lack of civility among the left today.

And I gave MY opinion, you fucking rabid nutcase. Why is a cold-hearted leftist allowed to give her opinion about how PROUD she was to have walked into an abortion clinic to kill her unborn child - and I am not allowed to give my opinion that I find that appalling and disgraceful?

Oh right….I forgot…..leftists are allowed to brag about snuffing out the life of their own child, and conservatives have to keep quiet - or get cursed out. All part of the silencing.
So she had an abortion whoop de doo.
She BRAGGED about how proud she was to do it - a Democrat elected official.

And it IS a big whoop de do. The fact that leftists consider aborting a child to carry the same significance as having a wart removed is the KEY to the problem.
That was her and her decision. Even she did not say she was proud of 62 million abortions, since, before, or in the future.
For weeks is not the question of the law anymore, at least not at the Federal Supreme Court level. They have kicked it back to the states. Legislators should have dealt with it in the first place, but they preferred the court to decide. As long as there are the loose filibuster rules of today, it will not be dealt with by the US House and Senate. Tell ya what, though, I swear to never have one, if you like.
Again, the issue is that she bragged about how proud she was to do it,
It's called an 'opinion' you fucking rabid nutcase.
And we are free to comment on it you, "fucking rabid nutcase".

Free speech doesn't mean either free of criticism or consequences it simply means there are extreme limits on when gov't may limit speech.
Didn't bother me. Doesn't bother me that she is proud. She has accomplished a lot. She doesn't have a history of repeated abortions, or being a slut. Doesn't sound like she one of those 8 or 9 month people and doubt she made the decision frivolously. I have never had on and been into the situation. I have no need to judge the woman. She does not threaten me or anyone I know or care about. With you, it's a sanctity of human life thing. OK. Depending on how, when, and history, it is not with me.
She's a leftist political hack

That's not bad enough? :p
I’m pro choice, but I find her comments uncalled for and quite disgusting actually.
These defiant leftists are really going overboard. Walking into an abortion clinic is, at a minimum, a solemn moment when a budding life is about to be snuffed out. Only a monster would be “proud” of what she was about to do to her own child.

Exactly as I predicted as soon as the leak came out. The Dems cannot help but overreact here and show their a$$--and most Americans, rest assured, will find it appalling. The folks who said "well the Dems won the midterms now" were premature and way wrong on this.
I’m pro choice, but I find her comments uncalled for and quite disgusting actually.

Ding ding ding

Even most pro-choicers are so reluctantly. They recognize that this may be desirable or "necessary" but they're not happy about it (btw as a pro-lifer I disagree but understand the position).

Then there are the ghouls......
I’m pro choice, but I find her comments uncalled for and quite disgusting actually.

As I said upthread, there are decent ways to express support for abortion other than to come across as a cold-hearted bitch. All that does is convince people who are opposed to abortion that the pro-choice people are heartless.

She could have said, ”I walked into the abortion clinic with mixed emotions. I was relieved that I had the opportunity to terminate the pregnancy and move forward with my life, but at the same time I was aware that I was ending the life of my unborn child, and for that there was sadness.”

THEN she would have seemed human, and not a monster.

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