NY Daily News: Donald Trump is a Madman

I don't know if Trump is demented or not, he is probably faking it. He can do whatever ,as the GOP and their donors want a tax cut and away with the ACA and Medicaid and cuts to Medicare. As long as he wants a tax cut and rid of the ACA he is just a tool the GOP is using.
In all honesty I worry about Reasonable's mental health. The poor kid is definitely dealing with severe issues that we should not joke about.
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I would have loved to be a fly on the wall this morning when DT read his NY Daily News, like he’s done every day for the past 40 years, and the headline read:

Donald Trump is a madman: The President's Wednesday Twitter spasm confirms what many Americans have long suspected.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.

Early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump or whomever was manning his Twitter account retweeted, seemingly at random, three videos of supposed violence against Christians by Muslims.

At least one of those was long ago debunked. The words of the tweet spread to Trump’s 43.6 million followers referred to a violent young man pictured in a video as a “Muslim migrant.” The perpetrator appears to have been neither a Muslim nor a migrant.

Donald Trump is a madman

Fake news trash.
There was live report from an undisclosed location in Libya where a reporter just observed 6 young girls being sold into slavery.
CNN reported on this eye witness account.

A few days earlier Trump went into one of his fake news rants about CNN. The Libyan press picked up on this and used Trump’s words to invalidate this slave auction. “ How can you believe what CNN is reporting.”

This crazy man is now putting people at risk all over the world, not only in the United States.
This is chilling.

'Fake news': Libya seizes on Trump tweet to discredit CNN slavery report
But CNN is indeed Fake News. Glad our moral ethical president tells the truth. We truly are blessed by God to have him as our leader.
You’re insane..The girls were sold into slavery. CNN reported the details. The Libyan government used Trump’s unamerican anti 1st amendment rant on fake news to COVER FOR THESE SLAVE TRADERS. You don’t see any problem with that?

So who is running the slave trade? Oh yea...MUSLIMS. You un-American twits are the one that cover for barbarian Muslims every day. When President Trump calls them out, you throw a fit and start posting how he is “unfit” for office.
He is mentally unfit to serve us as President.

He is dangerous.....And extremely harmful for the USA.

As the opinion piece says, all but those under his SPELL can see it...

The Bible says the future Antichrist puts a spell on his followers, uses "magical arts"" to spell bound them.......
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I would have loved to be a fly on the wall this morning when DT read his NY Daily News, like he’s done every day for the past 40 years, and the headline read:

Donald Trump is a madman: The President's Wednesday Twitter spasm confirms what many Americans have long suspected.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.

Early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump or whomever was manning his Twitter account retweeted, seemingly at random, three videos of supposed violence against Christians by Muslims.

At least one of those was long ago debunked. The words of the tweet spread to Trump’s 43.6 million followers referred to a violent young man pictured in a video as a “Muslim migrant.” The perpetrator appears to have been neither a Muslim nor a migrant.

Donald Trump is a madman

My suspicion is it will take until Lying Trump actually starts his FIRST war and American sons and daughters start dying by large numbers. As with many of the uneducated it takes something like that to snap them out of their sheep-like stupor that they are living in now.
View attachment 163735

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall this morning when DT read his NY Daily News, like he’s done every day for the past 40 years, and the headline read:

Donald Trump is a madman: The President's Wednesday Twitter spasm confirms what many Americans have long suspected.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.

Early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump or whomever was manning his Twitter account retweeted, seemingly at random, three videos of supposed violence against Christians by Muslims.

At least one of those was long ago debunked. The words of the tweet spread to Trump’s 43.6 million followers referred to a violent young man pictured in a video as a “Muslim migrant.” The perpetrator appears to have been neither a Muslim nor a migrant.

Donald Trump is a madman

My suspicion is it will take until Lying Trump actually starts his FIRST war and American sons and daughters start dying by large numbers. As with many of the uneducated it takes something like that to snap them out of their sheep-like stupor that they are living in now.
There are some who will still follow him, to the grave.... :(
View attachment 163735

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall this morning when DT read his NY Daily News, like he’s done every day for the past 40 years, and the headline read:

Donald Trump is a madman: The President's Wednesday Twitter spasm confirms what many Americans have long suspected.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.

Early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump or whomever was manning his Twitter account retweeted, seemingly at random, three videos of supposed violence against Christians by Muslims.

At least one of those was long ago debunked. The words of the tweet spread to Trump’s 43.6 million followers referred to a violent young man pictured in a video as a “Muslim migrant.” The perpetrator appears to have been neither a Muslim nor a migrant.

Donald Trump is a madman
Never ending crying by media whores is really getting old.
View attachment 163735

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall this morning when DT read his NY Daily News, like he’s done every day for the past 40 years, and the headline read:

Donald Trump is a madman: The President's Wednesday Twitter spasm confirms what many Americans have long suspected.

After his latest spasm of deranged tweets, only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is, by any honest layman’s definition, mentally unwell and viciously lashing out.

Some might say we are just suffering through the umpteenth canny, calculated presidential eruption designed to distract the nation from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, or perhaps from unpopular legislation working its way through Congress.

Quite possible. But Occam’s razor, and the sheer strangeness of Trump’s behavior, leads us to conclude that we are witnessing signs of mania.

Early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump or whomever was manning his Twitter account retweeted, seemingly at random, three videos of supposed violence against Christians by Muslims.

At least one of those was long ago debunked. The words of the tweet spread to Trump’s 43.6 million followers referred to a violent young man pictured in a video as a “Muslim migrant.” The perpetrator appears to have been neither a Muslim nor a migrant.

Donald Trump is a madman

Douche bag snowflakes believe anyone who doesn't agree with their twisted version of reality is mad. The truth is precisely the opposite: those who believe the snowflake version of reality are mad.

Go Trump!
OOH! Look at Hillary!
The only argument a Trumptard can come up with...
People who supported the crazy Parkinson's bitch are telling us that Trump is unfit for office. Who you supported in the past shows us how good your judgement is. You don't have a good record.
In all honesty I worry about Reasonable's mental health. The poor kid is definitely dealing with severe issues that we should not joke about.

His hatred of Trump is positively pathological. It's easy to imagine the foam coming from his mouth whenever he talks about Trump.
There are some who will still follow him, to the grave

Isn't THAT exactly what a cult leader expects from his followers?
YES and calling the WH a circus is an insult to circuses

Although there ARE some similarities........

For example, the Trump WH communication folks and the chief of staff, can easily be compared to those in a circus who have to pick up the elephants' shit ...
There are some who will still follow him, to the grave

Isn't THAT exactly what a cult leader expects from his followers?
YES and calling the WH a circus is an insult to circuses
These republican idiots remind me of Charlie Mansons followers....Anything goes if their leader tells them to,,,,, ,believing anything the biggest liar ever in our WH says......Party before country = republicans
The fake news the OP linked to is just an "opinion" piece. Here's four more declaring GOP tax bill an affront to fairness, affront to decency, affront to the democratic process, and felony robbery. lmao
There was live report from an undisclosed location in Libya where a reporter just observed 6 young girls being sold into slavery.
CNN reported on this eye witness account.

A few days earlier Trump went into one of his fake news rants about CNN. The Libyan press picked up on this and used Trump’s words to invalidate this slave auction. “ How can you believe what CNN is reporting.”

This crazy man is now putting people at risk all over the world, not only in the United States.
This is chilling.

'Fake news': Libya seizes on Trump tweet to discredit CNN slavery report
But CNN is indeed Fake News. Glad our moral ethical president tells the truth. We truly are blessed by God to have him as our leader.
You’re insane..The girls were sold into slavery. CNN reported the details. The Libyan government used Trump’s unamerican anti 1st amendment rant on fake news to COVER FOR THESE SLAVE TRADERS. You don’t see any problem with that?

So what if the non white third world girls were sold into slavery. America First and Nationalism is the main priority.


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