NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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Our definition of trolling is disparate. I find your evasiveness as lack of active listening skills as trolling. Opinions vary.
The only think I evaded was off topic discussion. The website’s administrators agree with my definition, not yours. You invent your own definitions to suit your purposes. It’s a sign of intellectual weakness.
They do? Then post proof of that. When you post shit like "no one has ever heard of this guy" that is 100% a troll post.
They do? Then post proof of that. When you post shit like "no one has ever heard of this guy" that is 100% a troll post.
Content like yours is specifically addressed in this thread. It needs to stay on topic.

I never said “no one has ever heard of this guy”, I said barely anyone has heard of him and I posted a link to why I believe that. Why would anyone call that a troll post?
They do? Then post proof of that. When you post shit like "no one has ever heard of this guy" that is 100% a troll post.
Content like yours is specifically addressed in this thread. It needs to stay on topic.

I never said “no one has ever heard of this guy”, I said barely anyone has heard of him and I posted a link to why I believe that. Why would anyone call that a troll post?
my god youre right,,,
openly admitting your own ignorance isnt trolling,,,
They do? Then post proof of that. When you post shit like "no one has ever heard of this guy" that is 100% a troll post.
Content like yours is specifically addressed in this thread. It needs to stay on topic.

I never said “no one has ever heard of this guy”, I said barely anyone has heard of him and I posted a link to why I believe that. Why would anyone call that a troll post?
Because neither you nor I are experts in Ukraine foreign policy. He may be very well known to the CIA and or the FBI.
They do? Then post proof of that. When you post shit like "no one has ever heard of this guy" that is 100% a troll post.
Content like yours is specifically addressed in this thread. It needs to stay on topic.

I never said “no one has ever heard of this guy”, I said barely anyone has heard of him and I posted a link to why I believe that. Why would anyone call that a troll post?

“Hunter Biden’s laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” Ratcliffe said, adding again that “this is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign.”

Ratcliffe’s comments come after Schiff over the weekend described the emails as being part of a smear coming “from the Kremlin,” amid claims the revelations are part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

A senior intelligence official backed up Ratcliffe's assessment.

"Ratcliffe is 100% correct," the senior intelligence official told Fox News. "There is no intelligence at this time to support Chairman Schiff's statement that recent stories on Biden's foreign business dealings are part of a smart campaign that 'comes from the Kremlin.' Numerous foreign adversaries are seeking to influence American politics, policies, and media narratives. They don't need any help from politicians who spread false information under the guise of intelligence."

Ratcliffe went on to say that the laptop is “in the jurisdiction of the FBI.”

This is credible. As Ratcliffe (while biased) is the DNI. If he is lying the ramifications would be significant.
And how do YOU know this? I find posts such as these as pure trolling.
Because I’ve paid really close attention and never heard this name come up. Biden’s team has never heard of this person either.

“There was no meeting. Period. I was in all of the Vice President’s meetings that touched on Ukraine, and I’d never heard of this guy until now,” Mike Carpenter, who was Biden’s lead adviser for Ukraine at the time, said in a statement provided to us by the campaign.

Why do you think this post is “pure trolling”? I don’t think you understand what trolling is. Here’s a definition:
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internetby posting inflammatory and digressive,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

It was not inflammatory or digressice. It was not extraneous or off topic. I’m not intending to provoke any emotional response. It’s not like I’m accusing other people of being foreigners which has nothing to do with the topic.
At least Quid Pro Joe's handlers are starting to do a CYA. It's a weak one, but at least someone came out of the bunker.
This is credible. As Ratcliffe (while biased) is the DNI. If he is lying the ramifications would be significant.
Ramifications for lying from the Trump administration? I’ll believe it when I see it.

The odds that it’s credible keep increasing but this still seems shady as hell. I don’t trust Giuliani or Bannon one iota.
Because neither you nor I are experts in Ukraine foreign policy. He may be very well known to the CIA and or the FBI.
Of course we aren’t experts. That’s why I did quote an expert, Mike Carpenter who said he never heard of this person.

Mike Carpenter’s bio:

So you see, I’m not trolling, I’m making statements based on information I’ve read (which you lied about).
Who is this guy? I am shocked Twitter has not banned him.
Yet another right wing conspiracy theorist.

Trump supporters LOVE their nutty conspiracy theories.
Again, are you stupid. Stop responding to my posts if you’re going to be dishonest or I ll blast you on here and tell everyone you’re a Brit interfering in our elections and do so after every single one of your posts on this board. Enough!
What's your evidence he's British?

#1) He would never state where he was from

#2) He oddly Leftist lingo and lack of knowledge about the US when we were discussing looting in cities.

#3) He used the word "dodgy"....Brits use that. I have worked with many.

I am 100% positive he is British.
You're 100% retarded. At least you admit it's from your misguided imagination.
Opinions vary. I am married with children. Of course I am retarded. I am 100% positive he is a Brit. My spidey sense never lets me down. Do you still have that car btw?
No. Eventually, it was no longer worth the maintenence. My wife bought that one for me because I had a white one when we we got married which I traded in for a conversion van when we had our first child.

The emails are authentic. Joe is a crook. You are voting to put a legit traitor in the WHITE HOUSE who is on the take from China. Does that seem smart?
No, it seems like you're a hyperventilating idiot.

Why didnt you question the source and validity of the Steele Dossier used to get the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign?
I did. And I posted some of it had been verified. I also acknowledged some of it was salacious and unverified.

Do you acknowldge any of the photos and emails we have seen so far appear to be authentic?
How can anyone acknowledge they're authentic when no one has published the metadata?
thats not needed,,,
Oh yes it is....without provable provenance it is nothing.
how do you they dont have that???
How do you know they do?

You just choose to believe...or at least, act as though you do.
Because neither you nor I are experts in Ukraine foreign policy. He may be very well known to the CIA and or the FBI.
Of course we aren’t experts. That’s why I did quote an expert, Mike Carpenter who said he never heard of this person.

Mike Carpenter’s bio:

So you see, I’m not trolling, I’m making statements based on information I’ve read (which you lied about).
That is ONE person. Come on man. One biased person. Like Scully...who said his Twitter was hacked. Information you read from BIASED SOURCES. Will you quote Adam Schiff next? Please source credible persons.
Who is this guy? I am shocked Twitter has not banned him.
Yet another right wing conspiracy theorist.

Trump supporters LOVE their nutty conspiracy theories.
Again, are you stupid. Stop responding to my posts if you’re going to be dishonest or I ll blast you on here and tell everyone you’re a Brit interfering in our elections and do so after every single one of your posts on this board. Enough!
What's your evidence he's British?

#1) He would never state where he was from

#2) He oddly Leftist lingo and lack of knowledge about the US when we were discussing looting in cities.

#3) He used the word "dodgy"....Brits use that. I have worked with many.

I am 100% positive he is British.
You're 100% retarded. At least you admit it's from your misguided imagination.
Opinions vary. I am married with children. Of course I am retarded. I am 100% positive he is a Brit. My spidey sense never lets me down. Do you still have that car btw?
No. Eventually, it was no longer worth the maintenence. My wife bought that one for me because I had a white one when we we got married which I traded in for a conversion van when we had our first child.

The emails are authentic. Joe is a crook. You are voting to put a legit traitor in the WHITE HOUSE who is on the take from China. Does that seem smart?
No, it seems like you're a hyperventilating idiot.

Why didnt you question the source and validity of the Steele Dossier used to get the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign?
I did. And I posted some of it had been verified. I also acknowledged some of it was salacious and unverified.

Do you acknowldge any of the photos and emails we have seen so far appear to be authentic?
How can anyone acknowledge they're authentic when no one has published the metadata?
thats not needed,,,
Oh yes it is....without provable provenance it is nothing.
how do you they dont have that???
How do you know they do?

You just choose to believe...or at least, act as though you do.
Let us all guess together...no one knows for sure on this site.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

It is an obvious lie...

How do we know? Because if it was true the Hard Drive would be in the FB I hands right now... This is a simple dirty trick...

The real question is did the Russians help? The FBI should add this to there investigations of Rudy...

It been in the hands of the FBI for a year.

Well the FBI is investigating is it connected to Russia... Which kind of tells you the whole thing is horse shit...

By the way is this the "October Surprise" from Rudy... That's pathetic...


This is credible. As Ratcliffe (while biased) is the DNI. If he is lying the ramifications would be significant.
Ramifications for lying from the Trump administration? I’ll believe it when I see it.

The odds that it’s credible keep increasing but this still seems shady as hell. I don’t trust Giuliani or Bannon one iota.
If Trump loses and you say he 99.9% will, there will be ramifications. 100%. I didn't quote Rudy or Stevie. Find where I did.
That is ONE person. Come on man. One biased person. Like Scully...who said his Twitter was hacked. Information you read from BIASED SOURCES. Will you quote Adam Schiff next? Please source credible persons.
This is what a credible person’s resume looks like:

Dr. Michael Carpenter is Managing Director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement and a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. He also serves on the Jamestown Foundation board of directors.

Dr. Carpenter previously served in the Pentagon as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense with responsibility for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, the Balkans, and Conventional Arms Control. He also served in the White House as a foreign policy advisor to Vice President Joe Biden as well as on the National Security Council as Director for Russia. Previously, Dr. Carpenter was a career Foreign Service Officer with the State Department.

He holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California at Berkeley and a B.A. in International Relations from Stanford University. Dr. Carpenter has appeared on MSNBC, CNN, BBC, ABC News, Bloomberg, Voice of America, and other outlets, and has been cited or published in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, McClatchy, Atlantic, Politico, The Hill, and Defense One.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

The contents have already been verified dumb ass.
If Trump loses and you say he 99.9% will, there will be ramifications. 100%. I didn't quote Rudy or Stevie. Find where I did.
You rarely seem to quote anyone, which is a negative, it a positive.

I’ve been saying for a while it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins. There’s never been ramifications for anyone in the Trump administration lying to help Trump as far as I can recall.
That is ONE person. Come on man. One biased person. Like Scully...who said his Twitter was hacked. Information you read from BIASED SOURCES. Will you quote Adam Schiff next? Please source credible persons.
This is what a credible person’s resume looks like:

Dr. Michael Carpenter is Managing Director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement and a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. He also serves on the Jamestown Foundation board of directors.

Dr. Carpenter previously served in the Pentagon as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense with responsibility for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia, the Balkans, and Conventional Arms Control. He also served in the White House as a foreign policy advisor to Vice President Joe Biden as well as on the National Security Council as Director for Russia. Previously, Dr. Carpenter was a career Foreign Service Officer with the State Department.

He holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California at Berkeley and a B.A. in International Relations from Stanford University. Dr. Carpenter has appeared on MSNBC, CNN, BBC, ABC News, Bloomberg, Voice of America, and other outlets, and has been cited or published in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, McClatchy, Atlantic, Politico, The Hill, and Defense One.
Appeared on MSNBC and CNN....LOL

He is biased!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aka.. unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something. In this case it is the Republican Party. You may as well quote Kamala Harris. She has a lot of accolades but she is a giant hack as was illustrated during the Kavanaugh and ACB hearings.
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