NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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Didn't have time?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
You think the DNC would tear down their entire server room just to ship it to the FBI and rebuild it during the last months of a presidential campaign?

No. No one does this. When big corporations get hacked, they don’t ship their servers to the FBI. They take a forensic copy, wipe the system and reboot from a backup. As much as the village rabble think this is unusual, it’s not.
Come on man. They have at least two back up locations. They could have easily done this. Very easily. Do you know how server farms work?
can you prove that or are you just makin shit up again???
For starters, it’s completely logical. No one has time to disrupt their entire organization for almost no benefit. Forensic copies are as good if not better in some circumstances. It’s only the conspiratorial who think this is somehow suspicious.

when russia hacks your account good americans make the time,,,
Total nonsense. The FBI had no problem attributing the attack despite not having the physical hardware. There was nothing to be gained by doing so.
you said a funny,,,

so do you still think joe and hunter denied the meeting took place???
If it did, it was no more than an introduction and a handshake. They denied it happened as the Post has suggested.
WOW thats a nice dodge of the facts after you said several time they themselves denied it,,,

its almost like you just lied through your tooth,,,
can you prove that or are you just makin shit up again???
For starters, it’s completely logical. No one has time to disrupt their entire organization for almost no benefit. Forensic copies are as good if not better in some circumstances. It’s only the conspiratorial who think this is somehow suspicious.

when russia hacks your account good americans make the time,,,
Total nonsense. The FBI had no problem attributing the attack despite not having the physical hardware. There was nothing to be gained by doing so.
thanks for your opinion,,, but do you have any facts???
WOW thats a nice dodge of the facts after you said several time they themselves denied it,,,

its almost like you just lied through your tooth,,,
I’ve been consistent. You’re the one that can’t keep track of what I’ve said. You’ve done so in this thread and I called you out.
So then the polls are 100% meaningless? We are both just going to guess?
They’re far from meaningless, they’re just not the end all be all. I’m not guessing, I’m formulating an opinion based on facts.

I’ll leave the guessing to you.
I never claimed anything,,, just going off of the information we have,,,
That’s because you’re just grasping at straws to muddy the waters. This is a non-issue.
I'm grasping at the information we have,,,

youre the one makin shit up,,,
I’ve not made anything up. You’re grasping for reasons to doubt, not even making a counter argument. Meanwhile you ignore everything that confirms I’m right.
So then the polls are 100% meaningless? We are both just going to guess?
They’re far from meaningless, they’re just not the end all be all. I’m not guessing, I’m formulating an opinion based on facts.

I’ll leave the guessing to you.
Facts state Biden should win and you said his win would be a miracle? You're not entitled to your own facts unless of course the polls are meaningless. If so then sure we can go from there. Cannot have it both ways. You're formulating your opinion based on your personal biases and conspiracy theories.
I never claimed anything,,, just going off of the information we have,,,
That’s because you’re just grasping at straws to muddy the waters. This is a non-issue.
I'm grasping at the information we have,,,

youre the one makin shit up,,,
I’ve not made anything up. You’re grasping for reasons to doubt, not even making a counter argument. Meanwhile you ignore everything that confirms I’m right.
I've seen nothing that confirms youre right,,you just give your opinion while throwing in a few nonrelevant links,,,
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