NY Times claims Mary Poppins racist, cause of black face. Yes, Mary Poppins

I guess I will make a comment. Well more a question. Where does the NYT say Mary Poppins was racist?
that's the first thing that enters racists' minds when they see her face like that
......they are so OBSESSED with race that it warps their minds and prove THEY are the racists
Never let an opportunity to call somebody a racist go by, unused, right NYT ?

Would anyone care to see my list of funny New York Times blunders ?

Any comment anyone want to make. I am speechless.

There are people in any profession who possess the skill to do the job but not the smarts to know when or where to do the job.

Someone who knew how to write, thought of a silly thing to write in order to advance the bull shyte narrative of White racism permeating our culture.

This silly thing, as silly as it is, will be taken to heart by the stupidest among us to fuel their well cultivated hatred for White folk.

There will be some harm from this.

But we will never see it tallied.

And those who are truly screwing up America will continue on as though nothing bad has happened at all.

And their bosses will pretend ignorance.

Education is the key.

Any comment anyone want to make. I am speechless.

Did this lady at the NYT write that?

I'll have a problem with blackface when whiteface becomes a no no. So far..blacks can bleach their faces, put on makeup to pretend to be white for a movie role (White Chicks), straighten their hair to be straight and/or color their hair to blonde, redhead etc, and in general do what they are now screaming about.

Whats next? A tan will be a no no?
The New York Times is the Jewish run newspaper that refused to report on the Nazis killing Jews because they assumed that would weaken the American public's support for the war.

In other words, they ASSUMED that the typical American hates Jews so much they would support Hitler if they knew he was killing Jews!!!!
I'll have a problem with blackface when whiteface becomes a no no. So far..blacks can bleach their faces, put on makeup to pretend to be white for a movie role (White Chicks), straighten their hair to be straight and/or color their hair to blonde, redhead etc, and in general do what they are now screaming about.

Whats next? A tan will be a no no?
White people hair is stringy not straight. Asians hair is straight. Blacks can have blonde or red hair. We hold the genes for all human appearance.
White people hair is stringy not straight. Asians hair is straight. Blacks can have blonde or red hair. We hold the genes for all human appearance.
If anybody ever doubted how idiotic Asclepias can be in this forum, they're past that now. I nominate > "White people hair..." for idiot post of the year (and we're only in February)


BTW - Gracie's post ("I'll have problem with blackface…") is one of the best. Great post, Gracie.

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