NY Times & Fake News


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
The New York Times has a very long prestigious history of promoting Fake News...but many Americans are unaware and are often deceived, even today. The Times use of Fake News goes all the back to the 1930s, but continues unabated today.

Fake News and the New York Times
With all of the recent accusations that mainstream media outfits like the Washington Post have unloaded regarding what some journalists call “fake news,” a simple truth regarding the media establishment seems to be lost: the very mainstream and respected New York Times has been publishing real-live fake news for the past eight decades.

Most people familiar with the modern history of the NYT and its Progressive ideology are familiar with the paper’s denial of the Stalin-induced famine in the Ukraine in 1931 and 1932 that killed up to seven million Ukrainians. Its lead reporter, Walter Duranty, was a True Believing Stalinist and believed that whatever Stalin did to promote his version of communism was a good thing. Even though some editors at the NYT were very suspicious of Duranty’s claims – that there was no famine at all in the U.S.S.R. or the Ukraine – nonetheless the newspaper ran his dispatches and accepted the Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for the Duranty stories.

To put it in present terms, the NYT gave its readers fake news and for many years refused to acknowledge that its Pulitzer Prize was based upon fraudulence that made the Washington Post’s “Jimmy’s World” hoax seem to be the definition of Truth. (At least the Post had the good sense to admit what happened and return the Pulitzer Prize; the 1932 Pulitzer still is acknowledged in the NYT lobby.)

This is the mentality that led to the newspaper becoming an apologist for the worst deeds of Josef Stalin and the enabler of the serial liar Duranty. The narrative has not changed in nearly a century, and it never will change. If the New York Times can fake it, then expect fake news to rule.

All Fake News, All the Time - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

This may explain why many on the Left are uninformed, so truth, facts, and reality often surprise them.
I am going to say that is a legend of bogus news stories the Times reported. It supposed to be real news that is "fit to print."

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