NY times goes to Mitt Romneys church to dig up dirt

Maybe the slimes can run down some more people Romney went to high school..50 YEARS AGO..

Why do you care?

Doesn't matter what or who or when, you rws are so desperate, you'll just make excuses and you'll vote for a man who has said he plans to bankrupt the country.

And, when he does, you'll blame Obama.

Because that's what Rs do.

We care because you always make excuses for Obama and he's pretty close to bankrupting the country now.

And when HE does...you'll blame BUSH!

Because that's what D's do
For the record, the Times "ignored" the Wright story so often in 2008 that it managed to publish just 200-plus articles and columns that mentioned both Obama and Rev. Wright, according to Nexis. The Times published more than 126 rticles and columns that mentioned Obama and Wright at least three times each, and 33 hefty pieces that mentioned both men at least eight times each.

Here We Go Again. Breitbart: NY Times "Ignored" Rev. Wright Story | Media Matters for America

nice try,but niot quite.

unlike say the media research center which provides examples of the actual articles or video, that link doesn't say HOW the times spoke of wright and obama.......sure they mentioned him 3 times?


obama went to a church where in rev. wright spoke to the congregation, wright would provide sermons on issues of the day with Obama in attendance. Obama was a member of wrights congregation for 20 years..........

there ya go....3 each....:lol:

how so?


New York Times correspondent Jodi Kantor appeared on MSNBC this morning to discuss an investigative report she did on Mitt Romney's Mormon church, his values and what his fellow worshipers say about him.

"What we were really looking at is the biographical influence of faith on Mitt Romney's life," Kantor explained.

While Kantor concedes "nobody thinks that as president he would sort of impose Mormon doctrine or rule with, you know, a Bible on his desk in the Oval Office and make decisions that way," she investigated how he applies his religion to political and personal decisions.

Kantor says she found out that Romney like to pray "quite a lot" and "quite seriously" on both political and business decisions.

"We're talking about much more subtle matters of world view, of morality, of values," Kantor told MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts. "And so some of things that we see he learned from the church is a real emphasis on persistence and resilience, a real emphasis on rules and another interesting thing I learned is that prayer plays a huge role in the way he sort of approaches the world and makes decisions. He prays quite a lot, quite seriously and he has prayed on both political and business decisions."

more at
NYT Reporter Goes To Romney's Church, Seeks Dirt From Worshipers | RealClearPolitics

now, I will tell you what, IF you can provide the same alike language from a NY Times reporter, given similar coverage in that paper, speaking to/of Obama, asking the same questions the same way of obama and to other congregation goers, then, you have a point....*shrugs*
Good for them. Do you think that only Cons can dig into Obama's past and not expect Democrats to expose Romney?

Yeah. So much to expose of Romney.

Did you know he actally prays over important decisions?
And he actually believe the Constitution is an inspired document and that the United States is an exceptional nation founded with the guidance of the Lord.
You know he actually believes in being good to people?

He's a total wack job.
Maybe the slimes can run down some more people Romney went to high school..50 YEARS AGO..

Why do you care?

Doesn't matter what or who or when, you rws are so desperate, you'll just make excuses and you'll vote for a man who has said he plans to bankrupt the country.

And, when he does, you'll blame Obama.

Because that's what Rs do.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So says the supporter of Obama-the-Blamer-in-Chief!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Truth about Obama my butt, dupe. LOL!

We are already suffering Obama's Doctrine...and this Republic will be lots better without his theocracy brand of redistribution and Clas Warfare.

Now it’s been quantified. If you thought the news media had been giving lopsided coverage to the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., Senator Barack Obama’s former pastor, you would be correct.

Mr. Wright even got more exposure than Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Mr. Wright dominated 42 percent of political stories last week, from April 28 to May 4, according to a survey by the Project for Excellence in Journalism, which uses empirical methods to analyze news coverage.
Maybe the slimes can run down some more people Romney went to high school..50 YEARS AGO..

like ayers?

shut up

really? when did the NYslimes Interview Ayers about his association with obama?
now you stfu

Unfortunately, there's nothing newsworthy about Ayers, dupe/hater.

Obama and '60s Bomber - A Look Into Crossed Paths - NYTimes.com
Oct 3, 2008 ... In a televised interview last spring, Senator John McCain, Mr. ... said in an
interview this week, explaining that he has long consulted Mr. Ayers ...

www.nytimes.com/2008/10/04/us/politics/04ayers.html?pagewanted=all - Similar
Did they interview Dingy Harry Reid's paritioners about HIS views?:eusa_whistle:
like ayers?

shut up

really? when did the NYslimes Interview Ayers about his association with obama?
now you stfu

Unfortunately, there's nothing newsworthy about Ayers, dupe/hater.

Obama and '60s Bomber - A Look Into Crossed Paths - NYTimes.com
Oct 3, 2008 ... In a televised interview last spring, Senator John McCain, Mr. ... said in an
interview this week, explaining that he has long consulted Mr. Ayers ...

www.nytimes.com/2008/10/04/us/politics/04ayers.html?pagewanted=all - Similar
Ayers is a terrorist pig and a piece of shit. So is his wife.
Really? You think that's disgusting?

Quick question.............how do you feel about Karl Rove's super PAC bringing up the Rev. Wright issue again?

What's good for the goose is sauce for the gander.................

Reverend Wright is a public figure, so what's wrong with brining him up? How does that equate to every nobody that knows Romney money to libel him?

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