NY Times: Trump Approval Keeps Rising


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
When you’re running against anti-American morons it’s hard not to look good.


Aside from being generally unreliable and ridiculously pre-mature, the wording of the questions is very important.

President Trump is not a "likable" person. I support him totally, but I think he's a jerk, and I would not even want to golf with him, which is saying something.

How many polls actually ask, "How is the President doing his job?" or words to that effect? They don't ask it because they don't want to know the answer.
Aside from being generally unreliable and ridiculously pre-mature, the wording of the questions is very important.

President Trump is not a "likable" person. I support him totally, but I think he's a jerk, and I would not even want to golf with him, which is saying something.

How many polls actually ask, "How is the President doing his job?" or words to that effect? They don't ask it because they don't want to know the answer.
effective and obnoxious but being clean, straight and sober his whole adult life he confuses the Ds.
By comparison to the dem candidates Trump actually looks Presidential.
Watch what happens to his ratings when the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz reports and indictments roll out.
the MSM gets Trump more voters
the only ones who are stupid are the ones that believe the MSM crap
people are tired of hearing RACISM--WHITE THIS WHITE THAT 24/7
he can still pack em in at rallies

thhe ohio reporter caught hell for announcing he really wanted to go to a live rally
Lots of people are turning on to trump
Trump is an American. The democrats would rather campaign in Mexico.
Trump keeps rising, from the lows of high 30’s to mid 40s. What a guy, what a turn around. :rolleyes:

Anyone who thinks winning presidency with those approval numbers is a walk in the park is an ignoramus, especially considering how late into business cycle this economy is.
When you’re running against anti-American morons it’s hard not to look good.

Yes, exactly. When you have longtime Democrats like Rahm Emmanuel, Eric Holder, and Paul Begala calling out the current Democratic front runners for being "crazy" and "unhelpful," "out of the mainstream," etc., you know the Dems are in trouble.

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