NYC is considering removing statues of Washington and Columbus

They “freed themselves”? Are you kidding?
You sound dumber by the minute.
I'm unimpressed by your assessment.
Black Americans are abusing Black Americans daily. We all have equal rights today. Why aren’t you upset about that, Blasian Caramel?
You don't know I am or am not concerned with. 😄 You're just making shit up as you go along.
It’s my fault that black kill one another at alarming rather and single parent households are 75% of the black community. Was around 20% in 1960.
Are you confessing?
I'm not pissed about any of that. I'm actually amused that with a straight face you argued to me that White people finally giving up their abuse of black people is some sort of virtue..... 😄
of course the fact that African Blacks created the Black Slave trade market by selling out other Blacks and some of that continues today in parts of Africa….. yet you lose your shit over a President dead 225 years who owned slaves.
Then you don’t know history.
I'm unimpressed by your assessment.
I am Not here to impress you, Blasian Caramel.
You don't know I am or am not concerned with. 😄 You're just making shit up as you go along.
I do. If it doesn’t fit your narrative you don’t care.
Are you confessing?
That you’re a Blasian Caramel? Taking your word for it.
of course the fact that African Blacks created the Black Slave trade market by selling out other Blacks and some of that continues today in parts of Africa….. yet you lose your shit over a President dead 225 years who owned slaves.
Who's losing their shit? 😄 You're the one crying about African slaves in a sad attempt at deflection.
of course the fact that African Blacks created the Black Slave trade market by selling out other Blacks and some of that continues today in parts of Africa….. yet you lose your shit over a President dead 225 years who owned slaves.

Given their history (and present) of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, institutional racism, and the KKK, the Democrat party should be abolished.
Then you don’t know history.
Says the man of make believe..... 😄
I am Not here to impress you, Blasian Caramel.
Lucky you then.
I do. If it doesn’t fit your narrative you don’t care.
You don't. You just make believe. Literally.
That you’re a Blasian Caramel? Taking your word for it.
Don't tell Marty. He'd be disappointed in you.
Given their history (and present) of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, institutional racism, and the KKK, the Democrat party should be abolished.
At a minimum, they ought to rename themselves just like they make high schools, military bases, and highways are made to rename themselves with racist pasts. The Democrat Party is replete with racists legacies.

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