NYC is considering removing statues of Washington and Columbus

You're not fooling anybody. I don't mind at all teaching little white children that old Democrats like Robert E. Lee and Jefferson David were shit people from a shit culture. The people who are going to object to that are Republicans.
Why don’t you also teach them about LBJ, Woodrow Wilson, Al Gore Sr, Robert Byrd and a host of 20th Century Democrats and how they treated Blacks; how they only backed Civil Rights once they realized they could buy votes through welfare.
Yeah. Because we aren't snowflakes like you cuck whites. Inarticulate comments from Biden aren't going to drive us to vote for racist Republicans who are trying to do things like disenfranchise black voters.

No, dont try to twist what biden said. This is what the racist that you voted for said:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

If some R had said that you would have been screaming like a wild banshee.
Nope, thats just more revisionist history. You can't whitewash it.
What am I white washing? 😄 Do you disagree with me that Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis where shit people from a shit culture? And do you disagree that Atlanta's democratic party is decidedly more black and less pro segregation? I mean how stupid would you like to pretend to be in service of these silly arguments? 😄
Why don’t you also teach them about LBJ, Woodrow Wilson, Al Gore Sr, Robert Byrd and a host of 20th Century Democrats and how they treated Blacks; how they only backed Civil Rights once they realized they could buy votes through welfare.
Sure. I don't mind teaching about all those racist whites. It snowflake Republicans who do. You're starting to sound like a rabid white winger though. If the segregationsts are deeply racist and the people who ended segregation are deeply racist, sounds to me like you're admitting America was a deeply racist country. 😄 I'll take that.
I have no problem talking about both, you're the one who seems overly emotional about it.

In what way are they my "masters" other than in your imagination? All that is is projection and deflection of your own veneration of slavers.

Go and find one quote of mine where I suggest support for either as you have with that slaver Washington.

Overly emotional? American blacks compared to Congo children being worked to death by the CCP or Latin American sex slaves....yeah almost the same thing
What am I white washing? 😄 Do you disagree with me that Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis where shit people from a shit culture? And do you disagree that Atlanta's democratic party is decidedly more black and less pro segregation? I mean how stupid would you like to pretend to be in service of these silly arguments? 😄

Hey, you're the one voting for the racists and slave enablers.
Yeah. Because we aren't snowflakes like you cuck whites. Inarticulate comments from Biden aren't going to drive us to vote for racist Republicans who are trying to do things like disenfranchise black voters.
Show US a disenfranchised Black Voter in the past 50 years? Literacy Tests are a legacy of Democrats.
What struggles? All I've seen you do so far is cry over statues. 😄
What happened to
The positives are that maybe one day little black children won't grow up in a bigoted society that venerates people who used to own and treat their ancestors like property.
You didn’t mind crying over statues when it suited you. It’s almost like you’re full of shit, well not almost it’s obvious you’re full of shit and racism.
Overly emotional? American blacks compared to Congo children being worked to death by the CCP or Latin American sex slaves....yeah almost the same thing
Overly emotional about what? And what's your point about Congo children? Try to express clearer thoughts.
What happened to

You didn’t mind crying over statues when it suited you. It’s almost like you’re full of shit, well not almost it’s obvious you’re full of shit and racism.

CG types can transport themselves back in history and hurl their righteous arrows and them come back to the present and tell little johnny that he can cut off his pecker and be a woman. Thats what we're dealing with here.
Hey, you're the one voting for the racists and slave enablers.
Is there some reason you're afraid to answer my questions?

Are Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis shit people from a shit culture?

Are Black Democratic representatives the ideological descendants of white segregationists?
Is there some reason you're afraid to answer my questions?

Are Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis shit people from a shit culture?

They fought, they lost. The winners decided in the interest of getting the country back together to let them mourn the loss they saw fit. Someone over 150 years later getting sand in their fake vagina over it is just retarded.
What happened to

You didn’t mind crying over statues when it suited you. It’s almost like you’re full of shit, well not almost it’s obvious you’re full of shit and racism.
Who's crying? It would be a positive for black children to grow up in a society that didn't venerate people who owned their ancestors as property. Who else other than a mutant racist could disagree with that fairly benign statement?
They fought, they lost. The winners decided in the interest of getting the country back together to let them mourn the loss they saw fit. Someone over 150 years later getting sand in their fake vagina over it is just retarded.
That's not an answer. If you were too scared to answer why even bother to comment? 😄
No, I wouldn't remove their statues.
That isn't what I asked you. I asked you if you agree with me that they were shit people from a shit culture? See you can't pretend your way to victory with this tactic because I'll always be more willing to shit on old white slavers and their deplorable culture than you are.
That's not an answer. If you were too scared to answer why even bother to comment? 😄

That is the answer. They beat them, they let them mourn or celebrate their lost cause as part of the healing process between the winners and the losers.

You didn't beat anyone, or win anything, so your views and desires and those of your ilk are moot and pointless.
That isn't what I asked you. I asked you if you agree with me that they were shit people from a shit culture? See you can't pretend your way to victory with this tactic because I'll always be more willing to shit on old white slavers and their deplorable culture than you are.

No, I dont agree that the founders were bad people nor was their culture. With that said, slavery is wrong. That was a different era in human history.
That is the answer. They beat them, they let them mourn or celebrate their lost cause as part of the healing process between the winners and the losers.

You didn't beat anyone, or win anything, so your views and desires and those of your ilk are moot and pointless.
I didn't say I beat anyone. Black southern Civil rights heroes are the ones who shit all over them, I just benefit from their legacy.

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