NYC is considering removing statues of Washington and Columbus

Q: Why NOW, hundreds of years after slavery was abolished, are leftists tearing down statutes of American presidents? Why the focus on how “bad” our country was?

A: It’s anti-American Marxists, intent on destroying the country by trying to get people to believe its foundations were evil.
I'm not part of a violent fundamentalist terrorist group? I advocate for democratic change? Did you really need these differences pointed out to you like you were some Bingo?
You’re advocating the same tactics as that violent fundamentalist terrorist group…..Walks like a duck.
Again, for your comparison to be apt someone would have to be suggesting that we venerate non white slavers. Who's doing that? You bringing up other slavers that no one is suggesting we venerate is absolutely a deflection. And your argument that Washington evolved is a lie. He died a slaver. Saying America evolved is true buy Washington didn't.

I don't care about those countries. I care about this one that I and my family live in. Do have anything else other than deflections and pleas?

America is showing that its moving on by removing monuments to slavers. Maybe try to be less of an obvious bitch about it. 😄
Removing statues en masse in a pathetic attempt to write history is regressive. This country is fine and exceptional despite what others have said. Move on.
Q: Why NOW, hundreds of years after slavery was abolished, are leftists tearing down statutes of American presidents? Why the focus on how “bad” our country was?

A: It’s anti-American Marxists, intent on destroying the country by trying to get people to believe its foundations were evil.
Liberals are the ones less likely to believe in silly superstitions and evil. We do believe slavery existed at the Founding of this country and that slavery and slavers are deplorable. Good luck arguing otherwise. 😄
You’re advocating the same tactics as that violent fundamentalist terrorist group…..Walks like a duck.
Really? Do they advocate for democratic change because if that's what we have in common I'm not going to be too broken up about it to be honest with you. Just as I wouldn't be broken to learn Hitler liked his steak medium rare. It's not going to make me question all my life choices.
/---/ I'm sure you'll protest any statues of Obama that are erected, just to be fair. And Libs are all about fairness.
Obama told of family's slave-owning history in deep South
An amateur genealogist has revealed a surprise in the family tree of the black contender in the race to be the Democrats’ presidential candidate.
Reitwiesner traced Obama's great-great-great-great-grandfather, George Washington Overall, and found that he owned two slaves in Kentucky: a 15-year-old girl and a 25-year-old man. He also found out that Obama's great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, Mary Duvall, also owned a pair of slaves listed in an 1850 census record. They were a 60-year-old man and a 58-year-old woman. In fact, the Duvalls were a wealthy family whose members were descended from a major landowner, Maureen Duvall, whose estate owned at least 18 slaves in the 17th century.
And Obama has yet to write a reparations check.
Really? Do they advocate for democratic change because if that's what we have in common I'm not going to be too broken up about it to be honest with you. Just as I wouldn't be broken to learn Hitler liked his steak medium rare. It's not going to make me question all my life choices.
No ofcourse not….terrorists never do.
When weighed in the balance...

The Good that Washington did would weigh a ton...

The Bad that Washington did would weigh an ounce...

And they're going to remove statues of Washington because of the ounce?

Typical Black-tinged LibProg reverse-racism...

I doubt that there are enough White Folk left in NYC to stop 'em, so... down come the statues...

Looks like the South won the Civil War after all... it just took a few generations to put a bow on it...

Thanks to the so-called Great Migration... when the South sent their problem to Northern Cities...

Those once-beautiful and vibrant Northern Cities have turned into Third World $hithole$... dead-end cesspools...

Move the statues out to the suburbs and collar counties... safe from the Ghetto Hood-Rats and Welfare Queens...

I wonder if it's too late for the North to apologize and reverse-surrender at Appomattox Courthouse? :abgg2q.jpg:
ISIS goes into areas they want to take over and destroys monuments as well…What makes you different?
Nothing much, except maybe Instead of worshipping a moongod bed wetting faggots like him worship despotic potatoes.
Nothing much, except maybe Instead of worshipping a moongod bed wetting faggots like him worship despotic potatoes.
Soys like you are just salty because people are pointing out how much in common Washington had with Boko Haram. They were both violent slavers after all.
So easy to talk about slavery 270 years ago but not a peep about modern slavery by your ChiCom and Sinaloa Cartel Masters
I have no problem talking about both, you're the one who seems overly emotional about it.

In what way are they my "masters" other than in your imagination? All that is is projection and deflection of your own veneration of slavers.

Go and find one quote of mine where I suggest support for either as you have with that slaver Washington.
What bullshit? Can you point to anything I said that was erroneous? Washington was a slaver, it's not my problem if hearing that hurts your feelings.
People have to say this over and over. There would be no constitution passed at that time. The amendments to it were put in to adjust any issues. Those documents do not come so readily and at least tried to be followed in human history. Even with it we have authoritarian law enforcement and judicial systems that can run roughshod over citizens. We grew to accept the mantras that we are told we are free and yet we mut comply from authoritarians like the German Stasi asking for paperverk.
People have to say this over and over. There would be no constitution passed at that time. The amendments to it were put in to adjust any issues. Those documents do not come so readily and at least tried to be followed in human history. Even with it we have authoritarian law enforcement and judicial systems that can run roughshod over citizens. We grew to accept the mantras that we are told we are free and yet we mut comply from authoritarians like the German Stasi asking for paperverk.
I don't care that white people had a constitution that protected them when that same constitution also protected their right to own black people as property.
As New York City cripples under monumental budget cuts due to a migrant crisis straining public resources, the city council is planning to consider a series of measures that would, among other things, remove statues of major historical figures like George Washington and create a reparations task force.

The items are included in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, 2023. The council’s Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on a measure to remove works of art on city property that "depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity."

This criteria would include figures like America’s first president George Washington, Dutch governor and New York settler Peter Stuyvesant, as well as Christopher Columbus – all of whom have statues throughout the city.

This is just more Dumb Democrat hate and racism and it will not solve any problems.
The Democrats should put reparations on a ballot if they are serious.
We knew this was the next step. Removing Confederate statues under the guise of anti-racism was merely a prelude for removing the Founding Fathers for the same alleged reason. The real goal of the Marxist left, of course, is to remove every vestige of Americana, including our founding, our history, and anything exclusively American. (That's why the war on football.)
Another one of those situations where I don't understand what the net practical goal is supposed to be, and I wonder if they've taken even a moment to weigh whatever the positive is with the inevitable opposite viewpoint and response.

"I don't like this, so you can't have it either".

Does this kind of stuff really need to be done? I don't think so.
You clearly don't understand the objectives of the Marxists you regularly defend. The goal is remove all vestiges of Americana including our history. Take away a country's heritage, and you've dissolved one more aspect of their unity, making them easy to conquer.

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