NYC is considering removing statues of Washington and Columbus

You love the word “venerates”.
I do actually. My wife makes fun of me all the time for my love of certain words.
In your world we d only have statues of dogs.
That's a bit hyperbolic. How about we start with people weren't slavers and work from there?
How about you leave this country since you hate it so much. And since you hate the color of your own skin so much.
1. I love the color my skin. It's caramel. It goes lovely with my hazel green eyes or at least my wife seems to think so.

2. My wife and I have dual citizenship with Jamaica and the U.S. and we'd love to buy a vacation home in Cape Town so we're not opposed to traveling and living abroad.

3. Its still not going to stop us from using our franchise to reshape this country as we see fit.
Yet you want to live in a country where Washington is on the $1. You’re such a hypocrite. You should leave this country and never come back. 🤷‍♂️
That's not what hypocrisy is you bozo. 😄
Now he's a tyrant? LOL
He was always a tyrant. It's amusing though that I get to be the one to break the news to a sheltered white like yourself. What backwater town were you educated in that they didn't teach you the definition of tyranny? 😄
Yes it is. How would you feel if we started imposing Victorian morals now?
You mean if you attempted? Amused.
Slavery was part of the class structure in Antiquity and later.
Which does not mean I have to venerate it.
You have no right or gravitas to judge people in the past.
I do. It's called freedom, bitch.
That was the slippery slope that started all this shit, by whiny little bitches like you afraid of statues.
The only whiney little bitches are soft ass whites like you. I wasn't afraid to come to your country and tear your shit down, little cosplayer.
The best one was the idiots who defaced the 54th Mass Regiment Memorial, you know the one with Negro Union Soldiers?
No. The best is taking a look at what Monument Ave. looks like now. 😄 Or imagining what it's going to look like lined with statues to civil rights icons.
I do actually. My wife makes fun of me all the time for my love of certain words.

That's a bit hyperbolic. How about we start with people weren't slavers and work from there?

1. I love the color my skin. It's caramel. It goes lovely with my hazel green eyes or at least my wife seems to think so.

2. My wife and I have dual citizenship with Jamaica and the U.S. and we'd love to buy a vacation home in Cape Town so we're not opposed to traveling and living abroad.

3. Its still not going to stop us from using our franchise to reshape this country as we see fit.

That's not what hypocrisy is you bozo. 😄
Yeah it is. I hate America. I live in America. Washington was never a “slaver”. Your skin color is black. You hate yourself. Own it.

There are people who are white immigrants from many ethnic backgrounds that never saw anything get better for them until the 1950's. To be fair I will say for African Americans 20 year later when it improved and got fair. Only the government with its social programs was a seduction for social payouts. There was none for the white ethnics. Now we are moving towards a reckoning. And it will occur when the money is reduced for all people collecting.
What do your inane ramblings have to do with the topic? 😄
He was always a tyrant. It's amusing though that I get to be the one to break the news to a sheltered white like yourself. What backwater town were you educated in that they didn't teach you the definition of tyranny? 😄

You mean if you attempted? Amused.

Which does not mean I have to venerate it.

I do. It's called freedom, bitch.

The only whiney little bitches are soft ass whites like you. I wasn't afraid to come to your country and tear your shit down, little cosplayer.

No. The best is taking a look at what Monument Ave. looks like now. 😄 Or imagining what it's going to look like lined with statues to civil rights icons.

What SJW lib twat school did you go to that called him a Tyrant?

What tyrants limit themselves to two terms when they could have easily won more?

What tyrant disbands his army at the end of the conflict?

You having to walk by a statue you don't like isn't venerating it. The fucking narcissism of SJW idiots like you is stunning.

You support freedom=slavery Orwellian crap, and don't deny it.

You haven't torn down shit, keyboard bitch boi.
Yeah it is. I hate America. I live in America. Washington was never a “slaver”. Your skin color is black. You hate yourself. Own it.

I don't hate America. Washington was a slaver. My skin is caramel. My wife's is a nice dark chocolate though. I love myself. All that fantasy and cosplay belongs to you.
What SJW lib twat school did you go to that called him a Tyrant?

What tyrants limit themselves to two terms when they could have easily won more?
How is a man who forcefully keeps people enslaved not a tyrant? That's pretty much the definition one.
What tyrant disbands his army at the end of the conflict?
His conflict with the British. He always kept his guns ready for conflict with his slaves.
You having to walk by a statue you don't like isn't venerating it. The fucking narcissism of SJW idiots like you is stunning.
My country displaying it is a sign of veneration and I'll continue to work to see that it stops.
You support freedom=slavery Orwellian crap, and don't deny it.
I don't know how to follow that Bingo logic. You're the one who supports the slaver. Stop projecting. 😄
You haven't torn down shit, keyboard bitch boi.
Then what are you crying about?
I don't hate America. Washington was a slaver. My skin is caramel. My wife's is a nice dark chocolate though. I love myself. All that fantasy and cosplay belongs to you.
You do or else you would not support taking down statues that honor America.

Your skin is black. So is your wife’s.

You hate yourself. It’s evident.

Washington wasn’t a slaver.

You’re a hypocrite.
How is a man who forcefully keeps people enslaved not a tyrant? That's pretty much the definition one.

His conflict with the British. He always kept his guns ready for conflict with his slaves.

My country displaying it is a sign of veneration and I'll continue to work to see that it stops.

I don't know how to follow that Bingo logic. You're the one who supports the slaver. Stop projecting. 😄

Then what are you crying about?

Not at the time it happened. Context my brainwashed padawan, context.

Did his slaves ever revolt?

Keep at it, snowflake.

I don't support slavery, but I also don't judge people who lived a good life according to the rules at the time like some pompous asshat like you.
You do or else you would not support taking down statues that honor America.
I simply don't agree with your premise that honoring slavers honors America.
Your skin is black. So is your wife’s.
Are you really trying to tell me what the hue of my skin is from behind your keyboard? I'm Chinese, Indian and African. What other color but caramel would you imagine my skin to be under those circumstances? 😄 Stop fantasizing about me. Its weird.
You hate yourself. It’s evident.
No. You're just desperate for a point.
Washington wasn’t a slaver.
He was. It's a fact. Accept it, Soy.
You’re a hypocrite.
You're a moron.
I simply don't agree with your premise that honoring slavers honors America.

Are you really trying to tell me what the hue of my skin is from behind your keyboard? I'm Chinese, Indian and African. What other color but caramel would you imagine my skin to be under those circumstances? 😄 Stop fantasizing about me. Its weird.

No. You're just desperate for a point.

He was. It's a fact. Accept it, Soy.

You're a moron.

Yet you would probably agree to a Statue of Malcolm X even though he was a virulent racist for a large part of his life, and only came around later in it (and got assassinated by his own people because of it)
Not at the time it happened. Context my brainwashed padawan, context.
Why would I care how a slaver felt at the time he was doing his slaving? 😄
Did his slaves ever revolt?
Do you mean did they ever try and escape? Of course.
Keep at it, snowflake.
I will. I'm not deterred by your soft ass arguments.
I don't support slavery, but I also don't judge people who lived a good life according to the rules at the time like some pompous asshat like you.
I don't think living as a slaver is living a good life. Feel free to tell people far and wide that you feel differently. 😄
Why would I care how a slaver felt at the time he was doing his slaving? 😄

Do you mean did they ever try and escape? Of course.

I will. I'm not deterred by your soft ass arguments.

I don't think living as a slaver is living a good life. Feel free to tell people far and wide that you feel differently. 😄

BACK THEN, you keep forgetting that part.
Likewise the Democratic party started out as a party of southern white slavers now its America's most diverse political party.

Other than skin color, democrats and the left don't give a damn about diversity.

They're the least diverse party.
What do your inane ramblings have to do with the topic? 😄
African heroes are above reproach. Even if they stink. Columbus is an Italian hero. They celebrate that day. The propaganda or the truth from the era he lived in not withstood. Floyed is a hero. Yet he was a piece of crap who cost the taxpayers and did very little in life as a positive.
Yet you would probably agree to a Statue of Malcolm X even though he was a virulent racist for a large part of his life, and only came around later in it (and got assassinated by his own people because of it)
But he did come around in the end. However I can certainly understand why people wouldn't want Malcolm Xs statue up. I'm not going to act like I don't understand or that their viewpoint is ridiculous like you do.
BACK THEN, you keep forgetting that part.
I haven't, I just don't care. When it happened isn't something that affects my moral values.

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