NYC students to receive lessons on reparations, abolishing the police


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
  • By Brendan Clarey | The Center Square
  • Sep 10, 2024
  • (The Center Square) – Public school students in New York City will receive lessons critical of capitalism and asserting that Black Americans should receive reparations, that student loans are equivalent to “debt peonage,” the tenets of the Black Lives Matter movement and arguments for abolishing the police.

    The 520-page Black Studies Curriculum, which is being implemented by New York City Public Schools this fall, provides lesson plan outlines for teachers on controversial topics like the case for reparations, voter ID laws and the difference between defunding, reforming and abolishing the police.
  • NYC students to receive lessons on reparations, abolishing the police
  • I would like to take lessons like that, but only if I was allowed to politely disagree with those giving the lessons. I would, of course, not be allowed. The assertions of the anti racists cannot withstand critical scrutiny. They can only be promoted in a coursed environment.
  • By Brendan Clarey | The Center Square
  • Sep 10, 2024

  • (The Center Square) – Public school students in New York City will receive lessons critical of capitalism and asserting that Black Americans should receive reparations, that student loans are equivalent to “debt peonage,” the tenets of the Black Lives Matter movement and arguments for abolishing the police.

    The 520-page Black Studies Curriculum, which is being implemented by New York City Public Schools this fall, provides lesson plan outlines for teachers on controversial topics like the case for reparations, voter ID laws and the difference between defunding, reforming and abolishing the police.

  • NYC students to receive lessons on reparations, abolishing the police

  • I would like to take lessons like that, but only if I was allowed to politely disagree with those giving the lessons. I would, of course, not be allowed. The assertions of the anti racists cannot withstand critical scrutiny. They can only be promoted in a coursed environment.

Well, that's because we don't expose the children to loons. They have enough crazy influences without talking to the "Race Realists".
Well, that's because we don't expose the children to loons. They have enough crazy influences without talking to the "Race Realists".
Whites and Asians who have had extensive contact with Negroes should be able to listen to the assertions of anti racists and race realists in a non coerced intellectual environment.

Do you agree?
Whites and Asians who have had extensive contact with Negroes should be able to listen to the assertions of anti racists and race realists in a non coerced intellectual environment.

Do you agree?

Nope. they should taught racism is bad and race realists need to be sent to re-education camps.
Almost certainly an elective.
Unfortunately, these savages are an electorate. In a free country, citizens would have the right to vote on who else can vote. That is self-determination, but it was replaced by Snob Rule in 1787

Imagine any club in which the members weren't allowed to vote on who could become new members. A republic is an elitist tyranny, but only a new 1776 can get it off our backs.
Unfortunately, these savages are an electorate. In a free country, citizens would have the right to vote on who else can vote. That is self-determination, but it was replaced by Snob Rule in 1787

Imagine any club in which the members weren't allowed to vote on who could become new members. A republic is an elitist tyranny, but only a new 1776 can get it off our backs.

Unfortunately, these savages are an electorate. In a free country, citizens would have the right to vote on who else can vote. That is self-determination, but it was replaced by Snob Rule in 1787

Imagine any club in which the members weren't allowed to vote on who could become new members. A republic is an elitist tyranny, but only a new 1776 can get it off our backs.

Guy, if you want to see a country where you can't vote unless you are one of the "chosen"...

Iran 1979
Cuba 1959
China 1949
Russia 1918
France 1787
Nope. they should taught racism is bad and race realists need to be sent to re-education camps.
Fortunately, we are not quite at that stage yet. Nevertheless, the only way your persuasion can prevail is in a coerced. The assertions of race realism are self evident to anyone with extensive experience with the three major races. They do not require coercion, only intellectual freedom.

Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites. They have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy than we do. Whites tend to be much more intelligent than Negroes. We have much lower rates of crime and illegitimacy.

I have proved that on the U.S. Message board with data I have found on the internet.

The only education your reeducation camps would teach would be that it is dangerous to tell the truth, and safe to lie in public. I doubt even you believe what you post here.
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Fortunately, we are not quite at that stage yet. Nevertheless, the only way your persuasion can prevail is in a coerced. The assertions of race realism are self evident to anyone with extensive experience with the three major races. They do not require coercion, only intellectual freedom.

Oh, I think that inevitably, the only place cockroaches will be able to gather will be on anymonous message boards.. We just need to stomp those out. And there are FCC regulations that would allow that pretty easily.

Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites. They have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy than we do. Whites tend to be much more intelligent than Negroes. We have much lower rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Um, guy, illegitimacy is a social construct. White Illegitimacy now his higher than black illegitimacy was 50 years ago. Here's what happened. Please no longer feel the need to marry someone they don't love because sexual experimentation didn't go well.

100 years ago, most Asians in Asia were illiterate. The literacy rate in China was 30% for men and 2% for women in 1900.

200 years ago, it was illegal to teach a black person to read in this country. That's where your starting point was.

I have proved that on the U.S. Message board with data I have found on the internet.

Again, I can prove Bigfoot exists with data I found on the internet.

Bigfoot doesn't exist.


The only education your reeducation camps would teach would be that it is dangerous to tell the truth, and safe to lie in public. I doubt even you believe what you post here.

Yeah, you see I know how to not get my ass kicked for being an asshole. Funny how that works.

Most of your vaunted civilization requires violence.

Um, guy, illegitimacy is a social construct. White Illegitimacy now his higher than black illegitimacy was 50 years ago. Here's what happened. Please no longer feel the need to marry someone they don't love because sexual experimentation didn't go well.
From your defensive attitude about illegitimacy, I suspect that you have "fathered" at least one illegitimate child who was raised on welfare.

I put "father" in quotes, because men whose libidos produces illegitimate children are rarely anything more than sperm doners.

If illegitimacy is a legitimate lifestyle, as you claim, it should not be supported with welfare checks.

Moreover, it is true that children raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to have fewer problems in life.
Again, I can prove Bigfoot exists with data I found on the internet.

Bigfoot doesn't exist.

View attachment 1013411
Because those who believe in bigfoot lack the power to send those who disagree to reeducation camps, few people agree with them.

Contrary to what you want to force people to state in public, we are not the same under the skin. The same population pressures that lead to different skin colors lead to different ability levels and behaviors. For example, cold climates select genetically for light skin and intelligence.

Light skin does not cause intelligence. The two correlate. The correlation has been recognized for a long time.

This is why affirmative action is a bad idea. Companies do not thrive when they have a work force "that looks like America." They thrive when they have a workforce what has the intelligence to perform adequately. Such a work force will have a lighter average complexion than America.

The only diversity that is really beneficial is diversity of opinion. You want to suppress that with re education camps, which will not educate at all.
From your defensive attitude about illegitimacy, I suspect that you have "fathered" at least one illegitimate child who was raised on welfare.

Not at all...

If illegitimacy is a legitimate lifestyle, as you claim, it should not be supported with welfare checks.
Quite the contrary, it's a better investment than paying for disabilities or the retired... those people won't be useful again.
Moreover, it is true that children raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to have fewer problems in life.
Again, the divorce rate is 50%. By your logic, we should ban divorce.
Because those who believe in bigfoot lack the power to send those who disagree to reeducation camps, few people agree with them.

Actually, 11% of the population believes Bigfoot is real. That would be a lot more than believe in Race Realism. Even bigots would be horrified by your nonsense.

Contrary to what you want to force people to state in public, we are not the same under the skin. The same population pressures that lead to different skin colors lead to different ability levels and behaviors. For example, cold climates select genetically for light skin and intelligence.


White people just weaponized gunpowder first. That's it. They didn't even invent it.
Actually, 11% of the population believes Bigfoot is real. That would be a lot more than believe in Race Realism. Even bigots would be horrified by your nonsense.
A lot of people pretend to disagree with race realism. They behave as though they agree with it. White liberals avoid sending their children to schools with more than a small number of Negroes in them. They avoid black neighborhoods, especially after dark.

They do not behave that way with Orientals and Oriental neighborhoods.

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