NYPD statistics show 96 percent of shooting victims are black or Hispanic and that mi

Go to Couer D'Alene and figure out the %s, and tell the whities to stop shooting each other.

You are a moron, sometimes, in your race hatred.

Negroes comprise a little over 13% of the population of the u.s. and commit over HALF the violent crime in the country. Think about that.

That's a fact. Not adjusted for per capita or anything else.
A hard, proven fact.
Tell us about who commits 99% of the violence in Couer D'Alene.

We are talking about whites' propensity for violence, don't you know?

Go to Couer D'Alene and figure out the %s, and tell the whities to stop shooting each other.

You are a moron, sometimes, in your race hatred.

Negroes comprise a little over 13% of the population of the u.s. and commit over HALF the violent crime in the country. Think about that.

That's a fact. Not adjusted for per capita or anything else.
A hard, proven fact.
NYPD statistics show 96 percent of shooting victims are black or Hispanic and that minority groups represent 89 percent of all murder victims

The latest NYPD statistics show that crime is centered overwhelmingly in minority-group neighborhoods — buttressing a key argument Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly makes to justify his controversial stop-and-frisk policy.
Citing an NYPD analysis of stats for the first six months of the year, Kelly said Wednesday that 96% of shooting victims are black or Hispanic — and in 97% of all shootings, the trigger was pulled by other blacks and Hispanics.
Kelly in recent months has repeatedly said minority-group leaders and civil liberties advocates complain about stop-and-frisk tactics but do nothing to help combat crime in minority neighborhoods.
A review of the statistics, contained in a report, “Crime Enforcement Activity in New York City,” shows that minority-group members also represent 89% of murder victims — and 86% of murder suspects. There are similar numbers for felony assaults — 81% of victims are minorities, as are 88% of the suspects.

NYPD statistics show 96 percent of shooting victims are black or Hispanic and that minority groups represent 89 percent of all murder victims - NY Daily News

Same can be said of any city with a lot of blacks or Hispanics. Yet, they want us to stop arresting them and let them kill? LOL:eusa_silenced:

If you think it is ok to allow this bs to happen. Well, civilization is fucked. Why even have police if we're not going to go after the murderer or rapist.

It isn't racism, but fact.

So what's your point? Deny people their civil liberties?
Why are they so violent? I know I'm going to be called an evil racist, but seriously.

LOL, how many millions of people did white people kill in the last century? How about this century as well? It's not like "they" have a premium on violent behavior. All one has to do is tally up the count from WW2, etc.
There is no reason why whites should have to pay for or worry one second about ANY of this. The blacks and Hispanics want to kill each other, I say let 'em. Arm 'em. Offer $1,000 for every black or Hispanic carcass brought in by a black or Hispanic. It wouldn't be "racist" since it's blacks and Hispanics ONLY who can get paid. Seriously, do that, and see what happens.

This ^ made me vomit in my mouth....
Why are they so violent? I know I'm going to be called an evil racist, but seriously.

Who is "they?" Oh you mean African-Americans and Latinos? Hmm, did you ever consider the socioeconomic status of those who are prone to violence? It's easy to look at the statistics of people of color in the prison system and paint the entire ethnic group (hmmm sounds familiar). For one, when people google U.S prison statistics folks outside looking in need to consider a few things:

Socioeconomic status (poor people are more prone to violence and drug abuse compared to people that are middle and upper class)

Demographics (People living in impoverished conditions and who, are too hopeless are also likely to engage in criminal activity yes this involves killing).

Unfortunately I am starting to notice that the education level in this particular forum section is very low. Does anyone here have a four-year degree or post-graduate degree?
Go to Couer D'Alene and figure out the %s, and tell the whities to stop shooting each other.

You are a moron, sometimes, in your race hatred.

Negroes comprise a little over 13% of the population of the u.s. and commit over HALF the violent crime in the country. Think about that.

That's a fact. Not adjusted for per capita or anything else.
A hard, proven fact.

The fact that you use the word "negroes" is telling......

Oh by the way violent crimes do happen in impoverished areas. Statistics doesn't say "if you live in poverty you will commit crime" it says "if you live in poverty you're more likely to commit crime." If gang violence and drug use is prevalent in impoverished areas kids with little to no education, lack of resources are more likely to commit crime this includes violence.
The fact that you use the word "negroes" is telling......

Oh by the way violent crimes do happen in impoverished areas. Statistics doesn't say "if you live in poverty you will commit crime" it says "if you live in poverty you're more likely to commit crime." If gang violence and drug use is prevalent in impoverished areas kids with little to no education, lack of resources are more likely to commit crime this includes violence.

Really?..it does? Tell me what it "reveals"..other than your attempt to dodge the facts.

This thread isn't about "kids" in "impoverished" areas and your theories, is it?
It's about violent crime and who are the most violent elements in our society and why.
The fact that you use the word "negroes" is telling......

Oh by the way violent crimes do happen in impoverished areas. Statistics doesn't say "if you live in poverty you will commit crime" it says "if you live in poverty you're more likely to commit crime." If gang violence and drug use is prevalent in impoverished areas kids with little to no education, lack of resources are more likely to commit crime this includes violence.

Really?..it does? Tell me what it "reveals"..other than your attempt to dodge the facts.

This thread isn't about "kids" in "impoverished" areas and your theories, is it?
It's about violent crime and who are the most violent elements in our society and why.

"...and why"! Why?
If you consider the war on drugs and schools in poverty stricken neighborhoods across the nation not failures, I'd like to know what you have found to be successful.

The war on drugs has not been a failure, and schools in crappy neighborhoods are not failing because of funding.

Um, thank you for a comprehensive explanation of your opinion?

"Americans use illegal drugs at substantially lower rates than when systematic measurement began in 1979​—​down almost 40 percent. Marijuana use is down by almost half since its peak in the late 1970s, and cocaine use is down by 80 percent since its peak in the mid-1980s. Serious challenges with crack, meth, and prescription drug abuse have not changed the broad overall trend: Drug use has declined for the last 40 years, as has drug crime.

The decades of decline coincide with tougher laws, popular disapproval of drug use, and powerful demand reduction measures such as drug treatment in the criminal justice system and drug testing. The drop also tracks successful attacks on supply​—​as in the reduction of cocaine production in Colombia and the successful attack on meth production in the United States. Compared with most areas of public policy, drug control measures are quite effective when properly designed and sustained."

Legalized Drugs: Dumber Than You May Think | The Weekly Standard
Go to Couer D'Alene and figure out the %s, and tell the whities to stop shooting each other.

You are a moron, sometimes, in your race hatred.

Negroes comprise a little over 13% of the population of the u.s. and commit over HALF the violent crime in the country. Think about that.

That's a fact. Not adjusted for per capita or anything else.
A hard, proven fact.

The fact that you use the word "negroes" is telling.......

Wait till you see the words that some of these other idiots use.
Negroes comprise a little over 13% of the population of the u.s. and commit over HALF the violent crime in the country. Think about that.

That's a fact. Not adjusted for per capita or anything else.
A hard, proven fact.

The fact that you use the word "negroes" is telling.......

Wait till you see the words that some of these other idiots use.

No doubt.
In my first few days I've been called several names and regaled with all sorts of cursing.
Very impressive. /sarcasm

I get it, though.
I see what's up here.

In THIS case, he's deflecting and dodging as fast as he can...even implying that his (alleged) superior "education" somehow supersedes facts and proven statistics and the rest of us are all ignorant yahoos compared to him.

I'm smart enough to recognize condescension and arrogance as camouflage for ducking the topic.
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Wait till you see the words that some of these other idiots use.

No doubt.
In my first few days I've been called several names and regaled with all sorts of cursing.

Have you deserved it?


I've been told my "post count" isn't "high enough" and I've expressed that cops beating injured dogs to death with their batons isn't good behavior.
Therefore I'm a "dumbass" and a "dork", etc..etc... Pretty juvenile all in all.
Oh well, it's a typical internet forum. It allows people a release for their anger and insecurity. Nothing special or unusual here.

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