NYPD turn their backs to Mayor DeBlasio during press conference


De Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm, Jr. in Manhattan, the son of Maria (née de Blasio) and Warren Wilhelm.[1] His father was of German ancestry, and his maternal grandparents, Giovanni and Anna, were Italian immigrants[3][4] from the city of Sant'Agata de' Goti in the province of Benevento.[5]

De Blasio was raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts.[6] De Blasio's mother graduated from Smith College in 1938, and his father graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Yale University. His mother was 44 years old when he was born, and he has two older brothers, Steven and Donald.[7] De Blasio's grandfather, Donald Wilhelm, an author, graduated fromHarvard University.[7] Although he was baptized Catholic, de Blasio is nonpracticing. He speaks Italian.[7]

De Blasio has stated that his father first left home when he was seven years old and, shortly after, his parents divorced.[8] In a 2012 interview, de Blasio described his upbringing: "[My dad] was an officer in the Pacific in the army, [and fought] in an extraordinary number of very, very difficult, horrible battles, including Okinawa.... And I think honestly, as we now know about veterans who return, [he] was going through physically and mentally a lot.... He was an alcoholic, and my mother and father broke up very early on in the time I came along, and I was brought up by my mother's family—that's the bottom line—the de Blasio family."[9] In September 2013, de Blasio revealed that his father committed suicide in 1979 while suffering from incurable lung cancer.[10]

In 1983, he changed his name to Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm, which he described in April 2012: "I started by putting the name into my diploma, and then I hyphenated it legally when I finished NYU, and then, more and more, I realized that was the right identity." By the time he appeared on the public stage in 1990, he was using the name Bill de Blasio as he explained he had been called "Bill" or "Billy" in his personal life.[9] He did not legally change over to this new name until 2002, when the discrepancy was noted during an election.[11]

De Blasio received a B.A. from New York University, majoring in metropolitan studies, a program in urban studies, and a Master of International Affairs fromColumbia University's School of International and Public Affairs.[12] He is a 1981 Harry S. Truman Scholar.[13]

So you brainwashed jackasses are all WRONG AGAIN.

Wiki pages can be edited. I have seen what they do to people they don't like. No suprise to see what they are willing to do for those they approve. Wiki page. Google search. It's like expecting real jewelry from a cracker jacks popcorn box! I'll find someone to research it. Never mind.
I have great news for everyone----GENIUS DIBLASI----has announced the COMMENCEMENT of the protest parties----
to follow the funerals of the two cops
It's his mothers maiden name.

thanks---so he had something against his father ????
Yes. He hates the military and his father of German ancestory, as an Army soldier, fought in WW2 in the Pacific. He wanted to distance himself from his father and his past.

really? he might belong on a couch----rather than in Gracie Mansion. -----he does not like the military so he changed his name? I am very impressed. Did his father fight for ADOLF? or for the USA? ------(pacific-----or japan???)

did his mom's family fight for Mussolini?
Do you know how to google ANYTHING? And no.

I don't need google I HAVE YOU
Who you refuse to listen to, brainwashed dingbat.
Why did DeBlasio change his name from Warren Willhelm Jr.

I wonder what he was so ashamed of that he had to do that.

three times!!! I had no idea------he seems to suffer from an identity problem-----I wonder from whence came the "deblasio"- it is a name of some relative?
It's his mothers maiden name.

thanks---so he had something against his father ????
Looks like it.

It's his mothers maiden name.

thanks---so he had something against his father ????
Yes. He hates the military and his father of German ancestory, as an Army soldier, fought in WW2 in the Pacific. He wanted to distance himself from his father and his past.

really? he might belong on a couch----rather than in Gracie Mansion. -----he does not like the military so he changed his name? I am very impressed. Did his father fight for ADOLF? or for the USA? ------(pacific-----or japan???)

did his mom's family fight for Mussolini?
Do you know how to google ANYTHING? And no.

I don't need google I HAVE YOU

Yes but HE is trusting a wiki page. Not very reliable source. They can be edited. We need our trusty fact checker to investigate this one.
EXACTLY how is he to blame for the shooting?

I detest agreeing with you. But, alas, I have to in this case.

Mayor DiBlasio is exactly NOT to blame for the assassination of the two NYPD Officers.

DiBlasio sucks in many departments and on many levels. But to make him out as a murderer or as an accomplice or even blameworthy is just ignorant.

Actually he's not exactly blameless. Instead of supporting the police ... he sided against them. The blame here belongs to Democrats and their race-baiting lapdogs. And the media as well. Their decision to literally condemn the findings of the grand jury ... ignore the culpability of the administration ... and act as facilitator for folks like Al Sharpton ... directs a good share of the blame at them

He is blameworthy for many things. And he sucks as Mayor. What a buffoonish loser he is. NEVERTHELESS, he obviously bares zero blame for the assassination of two members of his own Police Department. The rhetoric is simply over the top when that kind of claim is leveled at him.

For siding against his own police force he is individually responsible.
Many of them, even most, preach the political and racial dogma of the day. Throw in an Amen here and there, sing and dance, then go home and rest assured your racism is blessed by the Lord.

One of the last times I attended a black church - I attended their prayer meetings. One of the women there made an off hand remark about the blessings on the church today and said believers should not be acting like some Hebrew slave! I about lost it. Had it not been a church prayer meeting I would have told her off in no uncertain terms.

Same church - one of the Pastors assistants asked me who I voted for! Why did he ask me that? Because I was white. I did not vote for Obama. Obviously. How could any Christian vote for a President that promotes racial division, endorses the murder of the unborn and promotes Gay marriages? He is going to hell if he does not repent. I have no intention of calling good evil or evil good. He needs to straighten up and fly right. I left that church and never went back. End of story.
My father (RIP) was a pastor, then my mother (RIP) became one, too. There was never, not one time, any talk of race in the church. It was very uplifting.

When I lived in the US I went to many different black churches over the years, and never got used to the appallingly racist sermons. It was especially embarrassing when any white people were there. It was black doctrine exposed for the trash it is, and in the church of all places.

I can relate because I'm white but I like a church that is Pentacostal and abandoned in their worship. I also prefer a more intense prayer meeting - one where everyone is seriously intent on entering in to God's presence. So over the years I have attended quite a few black churches and like you - I wanted to attend one where race is not an issue - where it isn't even noticed - because as Ben Carson says - we all look the same on the inside (he's the surgeon running for president) - but after Obama was elected I noticed a serious shift and it came to the point I decided I would just go home and have church there. I have found another tiny one but I see the church in America is not the same. Richard Wurmbrand said the most on fire churches full of the love of God are those in Communist nations where they risk their lives to get together and also in the prisons christians have the full joy of the LORD because of the persecution. If I get enough persecution on this board I can experience that kind of joy occasionally but I am looking towards the day when we will really be on fire for God with a passion that exceeds anything we have ever known. A true outpouring of the Holy Spirit is what we need.
Right on, brother :D

I'm a sister but right on to you too. I chose the s/n Jeremiah because he wept when he saw his nation under the judgment of God and saw that the people preferred the false prophets over the word of the LORD which he did give them. I use to wonder about the anguish he felt in knowing that the people did not really believe judgment was coming,refused to repent, refused to believe him. The frustration of watching the false prophets prevail in their deception over the people must have been very painful. It is may sound strange to say this but I see the parallel here in America - that the false prophets have the television channels - they have the megaphone - so to speak - telling everyone all is well - that God will not judge America - it won't fall - yet I am seeing the signs as they unfold and on one hand I want to apply reason to the situation and say - you can prevent this by doing that----> when in my heart I know that the judgment is set and there is no preventing any of it - perhaps it is natural to feel anger and frustration over what is happening now - but the truth is God is in complete control and His will is going to be done irregardless of what Communists plan or do not plan in future days ahead. Gods will - will be done. I know this. I guess I should rest in that and quit thinking about it as it is only a grief to my soul to see an entire nation of people in such a state of unpreparedness for what is coming.

One thing the body of Christ must realize is that judgment comes to the church first. Then the nation. We do not need sermons on 103 ways to have a happy life without obeying the Holy Spirit. We need sermons on repentance, living holy unto the LORD, prayer, fasting and preaching Christ crucified. We have to discipline ourselves because even letting up for a day or two is sliding backwards into old patterns. It's so easy to do. I am speaking of myself only. I find myself more frustrated today at the state of America than I have been in months. Thanks for listening to me today.
Like Isaiah said: They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

Sorry about the brother thing. Your screen name threw me.
thanks---so he had something against his father ????
Yes. He hates the military and his father of German ancestory, as an Army soldier, fought in WW2 in the Pacific. He wanted to distance himself from his father and his past.

really? he might belong on a couch----rather than in Gracie Mansion. -----he does not like the military so he changed his name? I am very impressed. Did his father fight for ADOLF? or for the USA? ------(pacific-----or japan???)

did his mom's family fight for Mussolini?
Do you know how to google ANYTHING? And no.

I don't need google I HAVE YOU
Who you refuse to listen to, brainwashed dingbat.

wrong again-----TO WHOM YOU REFUSE TO LISTEN......
One of the last times I attended a black church - I attended their prayer meetings. One of the women there made an off hand remark about the blessings on the church today and said believers should not be acting like some Hebrew slave! I about lost it. Had it not been a church prayer meeting I would have told her off in no uncertain terms.

Same church - one of the Pastors assistants asked me who I voted for! Why did he ask me that? Because I was white. I did not vote for Obama. Obviously. How could any Christian vote for a President that promotes racial division, endorses the murder of the unborn and promotes Gay marriages? He is going to hell if he does not repent. I have no intention of calling good evil or evil good. He needs to straighten up and fly right. I left that church and never went back. End of story.
My father (RIP) was a pastor, then my mother (RIP) became one, too. There was never, not one time, any talk of race in the church. It was very uplifting.

When I lived in the US I went to many different black churches over the years, and never got used to the appallingly racist sermons. It was especially embarrassing when any white people were there. It was black doctrine exposed for the trash it is, and in the church of all places.

I can relate because I'm white but I like a church that is Pentacostal and abandoned in their worship. I also prefer a more intense prayer meeting - one where everyone is seriously intent on entering in to God's presence. So over the years I have attended quite a few black churches and like you - I wanted to attend one where race is not an issue - where it isn't even noticed - because as Ben Carson says - we all look the same on the inside (he's the surgeon running for president) - but after Obama was elected I noticed a serious shift and it came to the point I decided I would just go home and have church there. I have found another tiny one but I see the church in America is not the same. Richard Wurmbrand said the most on fire churches full of the love of God are those in Communist nations where they risk their lives to get together and also in the prisons christians have the full joy of the LORD because of the persecution. If I get enough persecution on this board I can experience that kind of joy occasionally but I am looking towards the day when we will really be on fire for God with a passion that exceeds anything we have ever known. A true outpouring of the Holy Spirit is what we need.
Right on, brother :D

I'm a sister but right on to you too. I chose the s/n Jeremiah because he wept when he saw his nation under the judgment of God and saw that the people preferred the false prophets over the word of the LORD which he did give them. I use to wonder about the anguish he felt in knowing that the people did not really believe judgment was coming,refused to repent, refused to believe him. The frustration of watching the false prophets prevail in their deception over the people must have been very painful. It is may sound strange to say this but I see the parallel here in America - that the false prophets have the television channels - they have the megaphone - so to speak - telling everyone all is well - that God will not judge America - it won't fall - yet I am seeing the signs as they unfold and on one hand I want to apply reason to the situation and say - you can prevent this by doing that----> when in my heart I know that the judgment is set and there is no preventing any of it - perhaps it is natural to feel anger and frustration over what is happening now - but the truth is God is in complete control and His will is going to be done irregardless of what Communists plan or do not plan in future days ahead. Gods will - will be done. I know this. I guess I should rest in that and quit thinking about it as it is only a grief to my soul to see an entire nation of people in such a state of unpreparedness for what is coming.

One thing the body of Christ must realize is that judgment comes to the church first. Then the nation. We do not need sermons on 103 ways to have a happy life without obeying the Holy Spirit. We need sermons on repentance, living holy unto the LORD, prayer, fasting and preaching Christ crucified. We have to discipline ourselves because even letting up for a day or two is sliding backwards into old patterns. It's so easy to do. I am speaking of myself only. I find myself more frustrated today at the state of America than I have been in months. Thanks for listening to me today.
Like Isaiah said: They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

Sorry about the brother thing. Your screen name threw me.

Yeah, it does do that. Sorry about that.
One of the last times I attended a black church - I attended their prayer meetings. One of the women there made an off hand remark about the blessings on the church today and said believers should not be acting like some Hebrew slave! I about lost it. Had it not been a church prayer meeting I would have told her off in no uncertain terms.

Same church - one of the Pastors assistants asked me who I voted for! Why did he ask me that? Because I was white. I did not vote for Obama. Obviously. How could any Christian vote for a President that promotes racial division, endorses the murder of the unborn and promotes Gay marriages? He is going to hell if he does not repent. I have no intention of calling good evil or evil good. He needs to straighten up and fly right. I left that church and never went back. End of story.
My father (RIP) was a pastor, then my mother (RIP) became one, too. There was never, not one time, any talk of race in the church. It was very uplifting.

When I lived in the US I went to many different black churches over the years, and never got used to the appallingly racist sermons. It was especially embarrassing when any white people were there. It was black doctrine exposed for the trash it is, and in the church of all places.

I can relate because I'm white but I like a church that is Pentacostal and abandoned in their worship. I also prefer a more intense prayer meeting - one where everyone is seriously intent on entering in to God's presence. So over the years I have attended quite a few black churches and like you - I wanted to attend one where race is not an issue - where it isn't even noticed - because as Ben Carson says - we all look the same on the inside (he's the surgeon running for president) - but after Obama was elected I noticed a serious shift and it came to the point I decided I would just go home and have church there. I have found another tiny one but I see the church in America is not the same. Richard Wurmbrand said the most on fire churches full of the love of God are those in Communist nations where they risk their lives to get together and also in the prisons christians have the full joy of the LORD because of the persecution. If I get enough persecution on this board I can experience that kind of joy occasionally but I am looking towards the day when we will really be on fire for God with a passion that exceeds anything we have ever known. A true outpouring of the Holy Spirit is what we need.
Right on, brother :D

I'm a sister but right on to you too. I chose the s/n Jeremiah because he wept when he saw his nation under the judgment of God and saw that the people preferred the false prophets over the word of the LORD which he did give them. I use to wonder about the anguish he felt in knowing that the people did not really believe judgment was coming,refused to repent, refused to believe him. The frustration of watching the false prophets prevail in their deception over the people must have been very painful. It is may sound strange to say this but I see the parallel here in America - that the false prophets have the television channels - they have the megaphone - so to speak - telling everyone all is well - that God will not judge America - it won't fall - yet I am seeing the signs as they unfold and on one hand I want to apply reason to the situation and say - you can prevent this by doing that----> when in my heart I know that the judgment is set and there is no preventing any of it - perhaps it is natural to feel anger and frustration over what is happening now - but the truth is God is in complete control and His will is going to be done irregardless of what Communists plan or do not plan in future days ahead. Gods will - will be done. I know this. I guess I should rest in that and quit thinking about it as it is only a grief to my soul to see an entire nation of people in such a state of unpreparedness for what is coming.

One thing the body of Christ must realize is that judgment comes to the church first. Then the nation. We do not need sermons on 103 ways to have a happy life without obeying the Holy Spirit. We need sermons on repentance, living holy unto the LORD, prayer, fasting and preaching Christ crucified. We have to discipline ourselves because even letting up for a day or two is sliding backwards into old patterns. It's so easy to do. I am speaking of myself only. I find myself more frustrated today at the state of America than I have been in months. Thanks for listening to me today.
Like Isaiah said: They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

Sorry about the brother thing. Your screen name threw me.

that's ok---her alter ego is JEREMIAH of the thunderous rhetoric

De Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm, Jr. in Manhattan, the son of Maria (née de Blasio) and Warren Wilhelm.[1] His father was of German ancestry, and his maternal grandparents, Giovanni and Anna, were Italian immigrants[3][4] from the city of Sant'Agata de' Goti in the province of Benevento.[5]

De Blasio was raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts.[6] De Blasio's mother graduated from Smith College in 1938, and his father graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Yale University. His mother was 44 years old when he was born, and he has two older brothers, Steven and Donald.[7] De Blasio's grandfather, Donald Wilhelm, an author, graduated fromHarvard University.[7] Although he was baptized Catholic, de Blasio is nonpracticing. He speaks Italian.[7]

De Blasio has stated that his father first left home when he was seven years old and, shortly after, his parents divorced.[8] In a 2012 interview, de Blasio described his upbringing: "[My dad] was an officer in the Pacific in the army, [and fought] in an extraordinary number of very, very difficult, horrible battles, including Okinawa.... And I think honestly, as we now know about veterans who return, [he] was going through physically and mentally a lot.... He was an alcoholic, and my mother and father broke up very early on in the time I came along, and I was brought up by my mother's family—that's the bottom line—the de Blasio family."[9] In September 2013, de Blasio revealed that his father committed suicide in 1979 while suffering from incurable lung cancer.[10]

In 1983, he changed his name to Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm, which he described in April 2012: "I started by putting the name into my diploma, and then I hyphenated it legally when I finished NYU, and then, more and more, I realized that was the right identity." By the time he appeared on the public stage in 1990, he was using the name Bill de Blasio as he explained he had been called "Bill" or "Billy" in his personal life.[9] He did not legally change over to this new name until 2002, when the discrepancy was noted during an election.[11]

De Blasio received a B.A. from New York University, majoring in metropolitan studies, a program in urban studies, and a Master of International Affairs fromColumbia University's School of International and Public Affairs.[12] He is a 1981 Harry S. Truman Scholar.[13]

So you brainwashed jackasses are all WRONG AGAIN.

Wiki pages can be edited. I have seen what they do to people they don't like. No suprise to see what they are willing to do for those they approve. Wiki page. Google search. It's like expecting real jewelry from a cracker jacks popcorn box! I'll find someone to research it. Never mind.
Years ago you were right, not now- and those are quotes and FACTS. One bs Pub talking point covers all, right, brainwashed dupe?
thanks---so he had something against his father ????
Yes. He hates the military and his father of German ancestory, as an Army soldier, fought in WW2 in the Pacific. He wanted to distance himself from his father and his past.

really? he might belong on a couch----rather than in Gracie Mansion. -----he does not like the military so he changed his name? I am very impressed. Did his father fight for ADOLF? or for the USA? ------(pacific-----or japan???)

did his mom's family fight for Mussolini?
Do you know how to google ANYTHING? And no.

I don't need google I HAVE YOU
Who you refuse to listen to, brainwashed dingbat.

Do not call her a brainwashed dingbat, Franco. She's a very intelligent woman and you should be so lucky that she allowed you to have a front row seat for a moment. Not everyone gets the privilege. Behave.
his mom was 44 when he was born--------he was an old egg

seven when dad left----she was 51----so his mother's family
raised him. He already got problems
EXACTLY how is he to blame for the shooting?

I detest agreeing with you. But, alas, I have to in this case.

Mayor DiBlasio is exactly NOT to blame for the assassination of the two NYPD Officers.

DiBlasio sucks in many departments and on many levels. But to make him out as a murderer or as an accomplice or even blameworthy is just ignorant.

Actually he's not exactly blameless. Instead of supporting the police ... he sided against them. The blame here belongs to Democrats and their race-baiting lapdogs. And the media as well. Their decision to literally condemn the findings of the grand jury ... ignore the culpability of the administration ... and act as facilitator for folks like Al Sharpton ... directs a good share of the blame at them

He is blameworthy for many things. And he sucks as Mayor. What a buffoonish loser he is. NEVERTHELESS, he obviously bares zero blame for the assassination of two members of his own Police Department. The rhetoric is simply over the top when that kind of claim is leveled at him.

For siding against his own police force he is individually responsible.

Nah. He didn't actually side against them. He pontificated quite liberally trying to straddle the divide in his pc way.

. . . . Now, let me say that in Spanish,

Suffice it to say that he is an assclown. He has no business running a large city. He couldn't run a small movie theater. But unlike the rabid racist scumbag Al 'not so' Sharpton, Kaiser Wilhelm doesn't actually have metaphorical blood on his hands.
My father (RIP) was a pastor, then my mother (RIP) became one, too. There was never, not one time, any talk of race in the church. It was very uplifting.

When I lived in the US I went to many different black churches over the years, and never got used to the appallingly racist sermons. It was especially embarrassing when any white people were there. It was black doctrine exposed for the trash it is, and in the church of all places.

I can relate because I'm white but I like a church that is Pentacostal and abandoned in their worship. I also prefer a more intense prayer meeting - one where everyone is seriously intent on entering in to God's presence. So over the years I have attended quite a few black churches and like you - I wanted to attend one where race is not an issue - where it isn't even noticed - because as Ben Carson says - we all look the same on the inside (he's the surgeon running for president) - but after Obama was elected I noticed a serious shift and it came to the point I decided I would just go home and have church there. I have found another tiny one but I see the church in America is not the same. Richard Wurmbrand said the most on fire churches full of the love of God are those in Communist nations where they risk their lives to get together and also in the prisons christians have the full joy of the LORD because of the persecution. If I get enough persecution on this board I can experience that kind of joy occasionally but I am looking towards the day when we will really be on fire for God with a passion that exceeds anything we have ever known. A true outpouring of the Holy Spirit is what we need.
Right on, brother :D

I'm a sister but right on to you too. I chose the s/n Jeremiah because he wept when he saw his nation under the judgment of God and saw that the people preferred the false prophets over the word of the LORD which he did give them. I use to wonder about the anguish he felt in knowing that the people did not really believe judgment was coming,refused to repent, refused to believe him. The frustration of watching the false prophets prevail in their deception over the people must have been very painful. It is may sound strange to say this but I see the parallel here in America - that the false prophets have the television channels - they have the megaphone - so to speak - telling everyone all is well - that God will not judge America - it won't fall - yet I am seeing the signs as they unfold and on one hand I want to apply reason to the situation and say - you can prevent this by doing that----> when in my heart I know that the judgment is set and there is no preventing any of it - perhaps it is natural to feel anger and frustration over what is happening now - but the truth is God is in complete control and His will is going to be done irregardless of what Communists plan or do not plan in future days ahead. Gods will - will be done. I know this. I guess I should rest in that and quit thinking about it as it is only a grief to my soul to see an entire nation of people in such a state of unpreparedness for what is coming.

One thing the body of Christ must realize is that judgment comes to the church first. Then the nation. We do not need sermons on 103 ways to have a happy life without obeying the Holy Spirit. We need sermons on repentance, living holy unto the LORD, prayer, fasting and preaching Christ crucified. We have to discipline ourselves because even letting up for a day or two is sliding backwards into old patterns. It's so easy to do. I am speaking of myself only. I find myself more frustrated today at the state of America than I have been in months. Thanks for listening to me today.
Like Isaiah said: They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

Sorry about the brother thing. Your screen name threw me.

that's ok---her alter ego is JEREMIAH of the thunderous rhetoric

I'm going to take that one as a compliment.
Yes. He hates the military and his father of German ancestory, as an Army soldier, fought in WW2 in the Pacific. He wanted to distance himself from his father and his past.

really? he might belong on a couch----rather than in Gracie Mansion. -----he does not like the military so he changed his name? I am very impressed. Did his father fight for ADOLF? or for the USA? ------(pacific-----or japan???)

did his mom's family fight for Mussolini?
Do you know how to google ANYTHING? And no.

I don't need google I HAVE YOU
Who you refuse to listen to, brainwashed dingbat.

Do not call her a brainwashed dingbat, Franco. She's a very intelligent woman and you should be so lucky that she allowed you to have a front row seat for a moment. Not everyone gets the privilege. Behave.

Its ok-----I regularly wash everything in the house------otherwise I begin to itch. Ever have an itch deep in your temporal lobe? it feels like it's in your ear------but you can't scratch it
I can relate because I'm white but I like a church that is Pentacostal and abandoned in their worship. I also prefer a more intense prayer meeting - one where everyone is seriously intent on entering in to God's presence. So over the years I have attended quite a few black churches and like you - I wanted to attend one where race is not an issue - where it isn't even noticed - because as Ben Carson says - we all look the same on the inside (he's the surgeon running for president) - but after Obama was elected I noticed a serious shift and it came to the point I decided I would just go home and have church there. I have found another tiny one but I see the church in America is not the same. Richard Wurmbrand said the most on fire churches full of the love of God are those in Communist nations where they risk their lives to get together and also in the prisons christians have the full joy of the LORD because of the persecution. If I get enough persecution on this board I can experience that kind of joy occasionally but I am looking towards the day when we will really be on fire for God with a passion that exceeds anything we have ever known. A true outpouring of the Holy Spirit is what we need.
Right on, brother :D

I'm a sister but right on to you too. I chose the s/n Jeremiah because he wept when he saw his nation under the judgment of God and saw that the people preferred the false prophets over the word of the LORD which he did give them. I use to wonder about the anguish he felt in knowing that the people did not really believe judgment was coming,refused to repent, refused to believe him. The frustration of watching the false prophets prevail in their deception over the people must have been very painful. It is may sound strange to say this but I see the parallel here in America - that the false prophets have the television channels - they have the megaphone - so to speak - telling everyone all is well - that God will not judge America - it won't fall - yet I am seeing the signs as they unfold and on one hand I want to apply reason to the situation and say - you can prevent this by doing that----> when in my heart I know that the judgment is set and there is no preventing any of it - perhaps it is natural to feel anger and frustration over what is happening now - but the truth is God is in complete control and His will is going to be done irregardless of what Communists plan or do not plan in future days ahead. Gods will - will be done. I know this. I guess I should rest in that and quit thinking about it as it is only a grief to my soul to see an entire nation of people in such a state of unpreparedness for what is coming.

One thing the body of Christ must realize is that judgment comes to the church first. Then the nation. We do not need sermons on 103 ways to have a happy life without obeying the Holy Spirit. We need sermons on repentance, living holy unto the LORD, prayer, fasting and preaching Christ crucified. We have to discipline ourselves because even letting up for a day or two is sliding backwards into old patterns. It's so easy to do. I am speaking of myself only. I find myself more frustrated today at the state of America than I have been in months. Thanks for listening to me today.
Like Isaiah said: They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right; that black is white and white is black; bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

Sorry about the brother thing. Your screen name threw me.

that's ok---her alter ego is JEREMIAH of the thunderous rhetoric

I'm going to take that one as a compliment.

here's another----I call my hubby Jeremiah too.

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