NYT: Daughter of doctor who helped Trump avoid the draft speaks up

Did the obamaturd serve? Which branch?
What does that have to do with Bone Spurs draft dodging? :rolleyes:
/——/ If he was never drafted he never dodged it you imbecile.

Yyyyyyeah ummmm..... to "dodge" means you avoided being drafted. If you get drafted, your dodge failed.
Hey. Let the moron have his moment. Why you gotta point out that his logic on this one pretty much confirmed he is an idiot? :rolleyes:
/——/ I lived through the 1960s when liberals burned their draft cards, refused to serve and ran to Canada in violation of the law. Trump did none of that.
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.
What does draft dodger mean? definition, meaning and pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary)

"Liberals burned their draft cards"??


This oughta be good. :popcorn:
The doctor is an asshole he falsified medical records. I hope the NYT reports this to the medical board.
What does that have to do with Bone Spurs dodging his duty to serve his country? Please dont come back with "But Obama". He has nothing to do with the orange draft dodger.
Did the obamaturd serve? Which branch?
What does that have to do with Bone Spurs draft dodging? :rolleyes:
/——/ If he was never drafted he never dodged it you imbecile.

Yyyyyyeah ummmm..... to "dodge" means you avoided being drafted. If you get drafted, your dodge failed.
Hey. Let the moron have his moment. Why you gotta point out that his logic on this one pretty much confirmed he is an idiot? :rolleyes:

Because by quoting him I preserve his linguistic fuckup before he looks at it, goes "oh SHIT" and edits it away.

I'm nasty that way. :)
What branch did the obamaturd serve in?
Why do you want to know? Will that make Drumpfs draft dodging more palatable for you? :rolleyes:
Just curious. Can ewe tell us?
If you start another thread I will tell you. Otherwise we would both be off topic since this is about Bone Spurs and his draft dodging. :rolleyes:
Go ahead tell me! That old start another thread bullshit deflection does not work. What branch did the obamaturd serve in?
What does that have to do with Bone Spurs draft dodging? :rolleyes:
/——/ If he was never drafted he never dodged it you imbecile.

Yyyyyyeah ummmm..... to "dodge" means you avoided being drafted. If you get drafted, your dodge failed.
Hey. Let the moron have his moment. Why you gotta point out that his logic on this one pretty much confirmed he is an idiot? :rolleyes:
/——/ I lived through the 1960s when liberals burned their draft cards, refused to serve and ran to Canada in violation of the law. Trump did none of that.
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.
What does draft dodger mean? definition, meaning and pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary)

"Liberals burned their draft cards"??


This oughta be good. :popcorn:
/——/ What are you, 9 years old? I remember them on campus at USC. Today in labor history: Vietnam war protests, draft card burned
He never dodged the draft, dumbass.

His medical condition never exempted him from the service during a time of war.
Yeah he did. He definitely dodged the draft.

Trump Draft Deferment

You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.
He was never drafted because he dodged being drafted by becoming Captain Bone Spurs. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft Dodging is a crime. Take your evidence to the nearest JAG office so Trump can be charged and removed from office. DemocRATs will honor you and Nancy Pelosi will give you a hummer.
Cause suddenly you don’t care about illegally draft dodging. You sold off everything you stand for just to back trump .

He never dodged the draft, dumbass.

His medical condition never exempted him from the service during a time of war.
Yeah he did. He definitely dodged the draft.

Trump Draft Deferment

You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.


How far did you have to hunt for that one?

Back here at Dictionary.com:

draft dodger

See more synonyms for draft dodger on Thesaurus.com
  1. a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.
-- this could be before or after being drafted; before could mean contriving some fake exemption, or knowingly absenting oneself from availability. This would be the same as desertion, which is what you have listed above, after being drafted.

Let's look at a couple of examples, shall we?

Example the First:
A guy turns 18, but wants to avoid the draft. Let's call him "Ted" just to pick a random name. He's into guns and all that but doesn't want to put himself on the line. He just wants to play guitar. So he puts on a set of clothes for a month and shits in them, eats cheetos and burritos and never cleans himself up. Drives himself to serious health risks. Shows up at the draft board that way at the appointed time and they have no choice but to reject him.

Example the Second:
A teenager in Germany knows he has compulsory military service coming up (again, let's pick a random name and call him oh, I dunno, "Frederick Trump"). He gets up in the wee hours of the night, sneaks out of the house and gets on a boat that eventually takes him to the States, out of his country. There he runs bordellos in the Pacific Northwest and builds a nest egg eventually taking a wife and returning to Germany. But the German authorities know about his desertion and deny hiim his citizenship back, so he has to migrate back to New York.

See how it works?
He never dodged the draft, dumbass.

His medical condition never exempted him from the service during a time of war.
Yeah he did. He definitely dodged the draft.

Trump Draft Deferment

You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.


How far did you have to hunt for that one?

Back here at Dictionary.com:

draft dodger

See more synonyms for draft dodger on Thesaurus.com
  1. a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.
-- this could be before or after being drafted; before could mean contriving some fake exemption, or knowingly absenting oneself from availability. This would be the same as desertion, which is what you have listed above.

Let's look at a couple of examples, shall we?

Example the First:
A guy turns 18, but wants to avoid the draft. Let's call him "Ted" just to pick a random name. He's into guns and all that but doesn't want to put himself on the line. He just wants to play guitar. So he puts on a set of clothes for a month and shits in them, eats cheetos and burritos and never cleans himself up. Drives himself to serious health risks. Shows up at the draft board that way at the appointed time and they have no choice but to reject him.

Example the Second:
A teenager in Germany knows he has compulsory military service coming up (again, let's pick a random name and call him oh, I dunno, "Frederick Trump". He gets up in the wee hours of the night, sneaks out of the house and gets on a boat that eventually takes him to the States, out of his country. There he runs bordellos in the Pacific Northwest and builds a nest egg eventually taking a wife and returning to Germany. But the German authorities know about his desertion and deny hiim his citizenship back, so he has to migrate back to New York.

See how it works?
He never dodged the draft, dumbass.

His medical condition never exempted him from the service during a time of war.
Yeah he did. He definitely dodged the draft.

Trump Draft Deferment

You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.


How far did you have to hunt for that one?

Back here at Dictionary.com:

draft dodger

See more synonyms for draft dodger on Thesaurus.com
  1. a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.
-- this could be before or after being drafted; before could mean contriving some fake exemption, or knowingly absenting oneself from availability. This would be the same as desertion, which is what you have listed above.

Let's look at a couple of examples, shall we?

Example the First:
A guy turns 18, but wants to avoid the draft. Let's call him "Ted" just to pick a random name. He's into guns and all that but doesn't want to put himself on the line. He just wants to play guitar. So he puts on a set of clothes for a month and shits in them, eats cheetos and burritos and never cleans himself up. Drives himself to serious health risks. Shows up at the draft board that way at the appointed time and they have no choice but to reject him.

Example the Second:
A teenager in Germany knows he has compulsory military service coming up (again, let's pick a random name and call him oh, I dunno, "Frederick Trump". He gets up in the wee hours of the night, sneaks out of the house and gets on a boat that eventually takes him to the States, out of his country. There he runs bordellos in the Pacific Northwest and builds a nest egg eventually taking a wife and returning to Germany. But the German authorities know about his desertion and deny hiim his citizenship back, so he has to migrate back to New York.

See how it works?
/—-/ You idiot kids have no idea what you’re talking about.
/----/ How did Billy (I loathe the military) Clintoon avoid Vietnam?


You do know that every time you play the "whatabout" game all you do is prove how alike Trump is to whomever you are evoking...right? Are you smart enough to grasp that fact?
History is history, right?
It's open game for a sitting president and a former president to be discussed about
methods of keeping out of the Vietnam Police Action.
Unless, the democrats have some kind of clearance for not have it discussed.

Once again...I think it is great for the Trump sheep to keep going "whatabout..." every time they do they prove that I am correct that Trump is no different
deflect much?


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