NYT reporter: Obama administration the ‘greatest enemy of press freedom’ in a generat


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Remember when he said he would be the most open? Turns out like all things said by a liberal, the opposite has happened.

NYT reporter: Obama administration the ‘greatest enemy of press freedom’ in a generation

Read more: NYT reporter: Obama administration the ?greatest enemy of press freedom? in a generation | The Daily Caller

New York Times reporter James Risen called the Obama administration “the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation” on Friday, explaining that the White House seeks to control the flow of information and those that refuse to play along “will be punished.”
Obama is the greatest enemy of the nation since Carter!

But the liberals love him no matter how much he lies, cheats and ignores the COTUS. Winning, by any means, is all that matters to the liberal.
They let him take their freedom. Bent over backwards to enable him.

I hope they're developing spine but I fear they are still too invested in protecting him from all us horrible rightwingers.
They let him take their freedom. Bent over backwards to enable him.

I hope they're developing spine but I fear they are still too invested in protecting him from all us horrible rightwingers.

Take heart in one thing, everything that the right said about Obama was true. It has to be killing the liberals to defend him when we were right. That is why you see their rhetoric has become so vitriol. They are a sad bunch of people defending a sad state of affairs.
Quit acting as if a republican administration would be the least bit different, government transparency started slipping the minute it became SOP for the minority party to demand large chunks of info to conduct fishing expeditions for the sole purpose of political gain. It's all but dead now, partisan wars killed it as surely as it killed that rarest of occurrences, honest bipartisan effort on behalf of the people.
Quit acting as if a republican administration would be the least bit different, government transparency started slipping the minute it became SOP for the minority party to demand large chunks of info to conduct fishing expeditions for the sole purpose of political gain. It's all but dead now, partisan wars killed it as surely as it killed that rarest of occurrences, honest bipartisan effort on behalf of the people.

The article wasn't about party it was about reporters.

Besides, Obama promised he would be the most transparent. Another broken promise. And as I hear about NSA wire tapping and such if the administration hasn't done anything wrong they have nothing to hide.
The Liberals are just beginning to flag and fail...in their idolatrous adoration of Obama...who has turned out to be, not only a Narcissist and a Bolshevik; but also a Liar, a Fool, and a Pussy.

They are going to write about his Administration as the fateful time that this Country looked into the Abyss until the Abyss looked back into us.

How much damage will be done by the melancholy concurrence of misfeasance and malfeasance?

We have 2 years and 9 months to go.
Quit acting as if a republican administration would be the least bit different, government transparency started slipping the minute it became SOP for the minority party to demand large chunks of info to conduct fishing expeditions for the sole purpose of political gain. It's all but dead now, partisan wars killed it as surely as it killed that rarest of occurrences, honest bipartisan effort on behalf of the people.

The article wasn't about party it was about reporters.

Besides, Obama promised he would be the most transparent. Another broken promise. And as I hear about NSA wire tapping and such if the administration hasn't done anything wrong they have nothing to hide.

All administrations do things that are wrong, no exceptions. One day there will be another republican president and you will once again understand why freely sharing information with the political opposition is political suicide. Do not get me wrong here, I am not actually defending the actions of anyone, just suggesting that we are seeing the new normal in a terribly partisan political landscape. There is no cure, no more than there is a cure for our vindictive and destructive "two party system". Thankfully the resurrection of investigative journalism is being most helpful in countering secrecy, too bad it too is divided into conservative and liberal camps with agendas that match the parties agenda to destroy each other rather than actually tell the truth no matter who is in power.
They let him take their freedom. Bent over backwards to enable him.

I hope they're developing spine but I fear they are still too invested in protecting him from all us horrible rightwingers.

They will find their spine in time for the next Republican president.

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