You're playing word salad. Capitalism has been proven to work, socialism never has....and never will. It's a failed concept

Ok. How do you explain the bailouts?[/QUOTE]

What led to the need for bailouts? Don't start in the middle of the race, go to the beginning.
Ok. How do you explain the bailouts?
How do you explain the bailouts? Last I checked, bailouts are Socialist, too. They were allowed to do poorly because they knew the government would bail them out. The government shouldn't have interfered, as I've been saying the entire time.
lol are you saying the middle class doesnt exist?
If you bothered to quote my posts that you were replying to, I'd know what you were talking about.

Lol, ok...how bout just ansewer the question and while your at it...plz answer my other question to, k?
Of course it exists, and I never said otherwise. Under a Socialist economy, it stops existing, because everyone becomes the lower class.

Nope, propaganda.
You're playing word salad. Capitalism has been proven to work, socialism never has....and never will. It's a failed concept

Ok. How do you explain the bailouts?

What led to the need for bailouts? Don't start in the middle of the race, go to the beginning.[/QUOTE]

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Ok. How do you explain the bailouts?
How do you explain the bailouts? Last I checked, bailouts are Socialist, too. They were allowed to do poorly because they knew the government would bail them out. The government shouldn't have interfered, as I've been saying the entire time.

And yet ..... across "both" "conservative" and "liberal" administrations. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .....
lol are you saying the middle class doesnt exist?
If you bothered to quote my posts that you were replying to, I'd know what you were talking about.

Lol, ok...how bout just ansewer the question and while your at it...plz answer my other question to, k?
Of course it exists, and I never said otherwise. Under a Socialist economy, it stops existing, because everyone becomes the lower class.

No, Wrong. Poor are created with unfettered corporate capitalism. Wealth distribution. When capitalism steals the money from people they become poor. Jeez! Whoi is telling you this crap?
lol are you saying the middle class doesnt exist?
If you bothered to quote my posts that you were replying to, I'd know what you were talking about.

Lol, ok...how bout just ansewer the question and while your at it...plz answer my other question to, k?
Of course it exists, and I never said otherwise. Under a Socialist economy, it stops existing, because everyone becomes the lower class.

No, Wrong. Poor are created with unfettered corporate capitalism. Wealth distribution. When capitalism steals the money from people they become poor. Jeez! Whoi is telling you this crap?

She's under the spell.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. Of course, I never expected you to learn, anyway, that would defy all of my expectations. You should stick to the flame zone, that's where everyone with nothing intelligent to say hang out.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Emotional diarrhea will never win anyone over love, that IS the way things currently work, and it is utterly bipartisan.
The Establishment that's controlling the two parties is PREVENTING capitalism, they're using government regulation to destroy small businesses, so no, that's not how things currently work.

I'm aware of that argument, I don't buy into it. America has always had a blended economy and Windship is correct, it has always been about balance. If your political party (you don't really have two) is the establishment, you have quite the conundrum wouldn't you say?
You tend not to buy into facts, I understand. America hasn't had a blended economy, except during the times the government damaged it with its interference.

My political party? I'm not part of a main party, they're both controlled by the Establishment, and neither one wants to get the government's hands off the economy, because they don't want to reduce government power.
Pumpkin?....How do you create a healthy economy?
I already replied to your post. The Private Sector does that, the government stands back and watches, only interfering to break up monopolies should they occur. The government doesn't make the economy healthy, and it doesn't create jobs. Capitalism regulates itself and is always strong so long as the government doesn't interfere.
How does capitalism regulate itself?
ok, pumpkin, FDR started SS, started unemployment, started massive gov infrastructure building program, taxed the rich, regulated wall street and put in place consumer protections. This is what he did and is indisputable. Buty you deny it happened?
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Emotional diarrhea will never win anyone over love, that IS the way things currently work, and it is utterly bipartisan.
The Establishment that's controlling the two parties is PREVENTING capitalism, they're using government regulation to destroy small businesses, so no, that's not how things currently work.

I'm aware of that argument, I don't buy into it. America has always had a blended economy and Windship is correct, it has always been about balance. If your political party (you don't really have two) is the establishment, you have quite the conundrum wouldn't you say?
You tend not to buy into facts, I understand. America hasn't had a blended economy, except during the times the government damaged it with its interference.

My political party? I'm not part of a main party, they're both controlled by the Establishment, and neither one wants to get the government's hands off the economy, because they don't want to reduce government power.

Your facts are just yours love, it's a religion with you; you simply choose to believe, and like I say, you've quite a conundrum don't you now. You'd do well to give up the sneering and figure out who your allies could be.
Pumpkin?....How do you create a healthy economy?
I already replied to your post. The Private Sector does that, the government stands back and watches, only interfering to break up monopolies should they occur. The government doesn't make the economy healthy, and it doesn't create jobs. Capitalism regulates itself and is always strong so long as the government doesn't interfere.
How does capitalism regulate itself?

It is supposed to be a mysterious force of nature.
lol are you saying the middle class doesnt exist?
If you bothered to quote my posts that you were replying to, I'd know what you were talking about.

Lol, ok...how bout just ansewer the question and while your at it...plz answer my other question to, k?
Of course it exists, and I never said otherwise. Under a Socialist economy, it stops existing, because everyone becomes the lower class.

No, Wrong. Poor are created with unfettered corporate capitalism. Wealth distribution. When capitalism steals the money from people they become poor. Jeez! Whoi is telling you this crap?
You clearly have no idea how Capitalism actually works.

When a business is created, it exists due to a demand for a good or service. People pay for that service. As a business expands to fulfill greater demand, they hire people. Those people that are hired by businesses are ALSO consumers, so they're paid enough to buy what they need. If nobody has enough money to buy things, a businesses goes under, so a business HAS to pay a living wage. Last I checked, every person who has a job buys things, and every person who buys things has a job. It's pretty obvious businesses aren't stealing. You have to actually be retarded to think that Capitalism creates poor people or steals money.

Of course, NOW businesses can pay people less because they supplement their income with Federal Aid. Federal Aid actually created the decline wages. Good job, Libtards.

Onto your Socialist ideal. Hey, Windship, what's it called when money is taken from someone against their will and given to someone else? Last I checked, THAT was actual stealing.
Ok. How do you explain the bailouts?
How do you explain the bailouts? Last I checked, bailouts are Socialist, too. They were allowed to do poorly because they knew the government would bail them out. The government shouldn't have interfered, as I've been saying the entire time.

And yet ..... across "both" "conservative" and "liberal" administrations. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .....
We haven't had a Conservative administration in many years, you seem very confused.
lol are you saying the middle class doesnt exist?
If you bothered to quote my posts that you were replying to, I'd know what you were talking about.

Lol, ok...how bout just ansewer the question and while your at it...plz answer my other question to, k?
Of course it exists, and I never said otherwise. Under a Socialist economy, it stops existing, because everyone becomes the lower class.

No, Wrong. Poor are created with unfettered corporate capitalism. Wealth distribution. When capitalism steals the money from people they become poor. Jeez! Whoi is telling you this crap?
You clearly have no idea how Capitalism actually works.

When a business is created, it exists due to a demand for a good or service. People pay for that service. As a business expands to fulfill greater demand, they hire people. Those people that are hired by businesses are ALSO consumers, so they're paid enough to buy what they need. If nobody has enough money to buy things, a businesses goes under, so a business HAS to pay a living wage. Last I checked, every person who has a job buys things, and every person who buys things has a job. It's pretty obvious businesses aren't stealing. You have to actually be retarded to think that Capitalism creates poor people or steals money.

Of course, NOW businesses can pay people less because they supplement their income with Federal Aid. Federal Aid actually created the decline wages. Good job, Libtards.

Onto your Socialist ideal. Hey, Windship, what's it called when money is taken from someone against their will and given to someone else? Last I checked, THAT was actual stealing.

Onto your Socialist ideal. Hey, Windship, what's it called when money is taken from someone against their will and given to someone else? Last I checked, THAT was actual stealing.

Ah, so for example, like when we steal money from tax payers to biuld lavish stadiums for for millionaire sports team owners then.
Pumpkin?....How do you create a healthy economy?
I already replied to your post. The Private Sector does that, the government stands back and watches, only interfering to break up monopolies should they occur. The government doesn't make the economy healthy, and it doesn't create jobs. Capitalism regulates itself and is always strong so long as the government doesn't interfere.
How does capitalism regulate itself?

Regulation defeats the purpose of capitalism. That's Econ 101
Pumpkin?....How do you create a healthy economy?
I already replied to your post. The Private Sector does that, the government stands back and watches, only interfering to break up monopolies should they occur. The government doesn't make the economy healthy, and it doesn't create jobs. Capitalism regulates itself and is always strong so long as the government doesn't interfere.
How does capitalism regulate itself?
Because in order for them to profit, they have to pay their employees enough to afford their products. Everyone who has a job also buys things, everyone who buys things has a job.
How do you explain the bailouts? Last I checked, bailouts are Socialist, too. They were allowed to do poorly because they knew the government would bail them out. The government shouldn't have interfered, as I've been saying the entire time.[/QUOTE]

So, lol, if they werent bailed out...they would have....I dunno....FAILED.....FAIL. They would have failed but were bailed out with tax payer moneys and who pays taxes? Local biz and the working so, the working bailed out capitalism just like it has time and time again then you say capitalism never fails....lol, wow.

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