Pumpkin?....How do you create a healthy economy?
I already replied to your post. The Private Sector does that, the government stands back and watches, only interfering to break up monopolies should they occur. The government doesn't make the economy healthy, and it doesn't create jobs. Capitalism regulates itself and is always strong so long as the government doesn't interfere.

"Unfettered" american style capitalism is a colonial societal wealth extraction enterprise.
There are plenty of economists who disagree with your take on FDR.
And it's okay to be wrong.

It's certainly ok for you, we've seen it.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. Of course, I never expected you to learn, anyway, that would defy all of my expectations. You should stick to the flame zone, that's where everyone with nothing intelligent to say hang out.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Emotional diarrhea will never win anyone over love, that IS the way things currently work, and it is utterly bipartisan.
Pumpkin?....How do you create a healthy economy?
I already replied to your post. The Private Sector does that, the government stands back and watches, only interfering to break up monopolies should they occur. The government doesn't make the economy healthy, and it doesn't create jobs. Capitalism regulates itself and is always strong so long as the government doesn't interfere.

"Unfettered" american style capitalism is a colonial societal wealth extraction enterprise.
Then move to Russia.
You can argue all you want. Thats what he did and the middle class sprang out. Ok, tell me pumpkin...how do you build a strong economy?[/QUOTE]
Except it didn't. The economy practically curled up and died and then the war pulled us out, and thank goodness the man died. He destroyed the economy, and then prevented it from recovering for nearly the entire duration of his massive failure people call a presidency.

How do you build a strong economy? Buy completely deregulating businesses, because government involvement is what prevents it from growing at full potential in the first place.[/QUOTE]

There are plenty of economists who disagree with your take on FDR.[/QUOTE]

Ok fine, butIm not talking about a take....Im saying what was done and what the outcome was. Lmao...just look.
Pumpkin?....How do you create a healthy economy?
I already replied to your post. The Private Sector does that, the government stands back and watches, only interfering to break up monopolies should they occur. The government doesn't make the economy healthy, and it doesn't create jobs. Capitalism regulates itself and is always strong so long as the government doesn't interfere.

"Unfettered" american style capitalism is a colonial societal wealth extraction enterprise.
Then move to Russia.

Ah yes, reduced to "love-it-r-leave-it" ain'tcha.
There are plenty of economists who disagree with your take on FDR.
And it's okay to be wrong.

It's certainly ok for you, we've seen it.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. Of course, I never expected you to learn, anyway, that would defy all of my expectations. You should stick to the flame zone, that's where everyone with nothing intelligent to say hang out.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Socialism has never worked, but yet they keep trying it hoping against hope it will this time
And it's okay to be wrong.

It's certainly ok for you, we've seen it.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. Of course, I never expected you to learn, anyway, that would defy all of my expectations. You should stick to the flame zone, that's where everyone with nothing intelligent to say hang out.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Emotional diarrhea will never win anyone over love, that IS the way things currently work, and it is utterly bipartisan.
The Establishment that's controlling the two parties is PREVENTING capitalism, they're using government regulation to destroy small businesses, so no, that's not how things currently work.
You can argue all you want. Thats what he did and the middle class sprang out. Ok, tell me pumpkin...how do you build a strong economy?
Except it didn't. The economy practically curled up and died and then the war pulled us out, and thank goodness the man died. He destroyed the economy, and then prevented it from recovering for nearly the entire duration of his massive failure people call a presidency.

How do you build a strong economy? Buy completely deregulating businesses, because government involvement is what prevents it from growing at full potential in the first place.[/QUOTE]

There are plenty of economists who disagree with your take on FDR.[/QUOTE]

Ok fine, butIm not talking about a take....Im saying what was done and what the outcome was. Lmao...just look.[/QUOTE]

She can't, this is religious dogma for her.
And it's okay to be wrong.

It's certainly ok for you, we've seen it.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. Of course, I never expected you to learn, anyway, that would defy all of my expectations. You should stick to the flame zone, that's where everyone with nothing intelligent to say hang out.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Socialism has never worked, but yet they keep trying it hoping against hope it will this time

Pure socialism and pure corporate unfettered capitalism has never worked either.
It's certainly ok for you, we've seen it.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. Of course, I never expected you to learn, anyway, that would defy all of my expectations. You should stick to the flame zone, that's where everyone with nothing intelligent to say hang out.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Emotional diarrhea will never win anyone over love, that IS the way things currently work, and it is utterly bipartisan.
The Establishment that's controlling the two parties is PREVENTING capitalism, they're using government regulation to destroy small businesses, so no, that's not how things currently work.

What gov regulation?
It's certainly ok for you, we've seen it.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. Of course, I never expected you to learn, anyway, that would defy all of my expectations. You should stick to the flame zone, that's where everyone with nothing intelligent to say hang out.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Socialism has never worked, but yet they keep trying it hoping against hope it will this time

Pure socialism and pure corporate unfettered capitalism has never worked either.

You're playing word salad. Capitalism has been proven to work, socialism never has....and never will. It's a failed concept
It's certainly ok for you, we've seen it.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. Of course, I never expected you to learn, anyway, that would defy all of my expectations. You should stick to the flame zone, that's where everyone with nothing intelligent to say hang out.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Socialism has never worked, but yet they keep trying it hoping against hope it will this time

Pure socialism and pure corporate unfettered capitalism has never worked either.
Except pure Capitalism DOES work, but the government has interfered in our economy at every opportunity, preventing it from working. Government interference has always been the enemy.

Ordered it closed, blocked by Congress. He has slowly drained Gitmo from over 200 to about 80

Energy independence

We are now exporting oil, Obamagas is $2 a gallon and we are remarkably close


Obamacare was a "Fucking gig deal" like Biden said


Ramped it up like he said he would. Pulled combat troops

Climate Change

Republicans blocked any kegislation, Obama brokered an international agreement on climate change

Immigration reform

Major failure by Congress as legislation sat for over two years even though they had the votes. Executive order has been blocked

Gun Control

A major failure in spite of Sandy Hook,Ft Hood, Charleston, Orlando, Tucson....

What else can he do?

Sick days

Republicans hate family leave...not going to happen

Overall, Obama delivered most of his agenda and was blocked on the rest.

In addition, he stopped a depression, killed bin laden, recognized Cuba, passed gay rights and got Iran to disarm

Not too shabby
You're playing word salad. Capitalism has been proven to work, socialism never has....and never will. It's a failed concept[/QUOTE]

Ok. How do you explain the bailouts?
lol are you saying the middle class doesnt exist?
If you bothered to quote my posts that you were replying to, I'd know what you were talking about.

Lol, ok...how bout just ansewer the question and while your at it...plz answer my other question to, k?
Of course it exists, and I never said otherwise. Under a Socialist economy, it stops existing, because everyone becomes the lower class.
Pure socialism and pure corporate unfettered capitalism has never worked either.[/QUOTE]
Except pure Capitalism DOES work, but the government has interfered in our economy at every opportunity, preventing it from working. Government interference has always been the enemy.[/QUOTE]

And FDR regulated wall street and put in place consumer protections
It's certainly ok for you, we've seen it.
I can lead you to water, but I can't make you drink. Of course, I never expected you to learn, anyway, that would defy all of my expectations. You should stick to the flame zone, that's where everyone with nothing intelligent to say hang out.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street / bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy verses Laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's your system love.
Except that's not how it works. The Socialist policies we're using now benefits the highest class, that's why they had their servants put them in place to start with. You should go read some books on the economy... of course, I'm sure it's difficult to read with your head so far up your rectum.

Emotional diarrhea will never win anyone over love, that IS the way things currently work, and it is utterly bipartisan.
The Establishment that's controlling the two parties is PREVENTING capitalism, they're using government regulation to destroy small businesses, so no, that's not how things currently work.

I'm aware of that argument, I don't buy into it. America has always had a blended economy and Windship is correct, it has always been about balance. If your political party (you don't really have two) is the establishment, you have quite the conundrum wouldn't you say?

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