O.W.S. May Be Spreading,But Have You Seen The 10 Day "Very Cold" Forecast Coming ?

In about 8 weeks, probably around 100 Million Americans will want to be in Florida or LA. But I don't think is a town in Florida that will allow 1000 lunatics to pull the stunt they did in Fettuccini Park. If anything the locals will physically remove them!
:mm: Have you been watching the Weather Channel?, Have you been keeping tabs on incoming weather for New York? Well, for those of you who live in the Northeast/Rustbelt,you known what's coming. The first cold-wave is on the way. Colder than usual temps. It will be a repeat of last fall/winter. It will be a miracle to get 1000 people to show up to protest those evil business owners when it's 40 degrees and raining.:doubt:

So will Al Gore show up for the "Winter Gatherings" Of The O.W.S.? Maybe do a few speeches bashing Wall Street and Promoting Global Warming?:lalala:

It's a complete joke. The Entire OWS movement is being driven by the left wing Media. They are trying to artificially produce a Left wing Version of the Tea Party. It's not working, It's not spontaneous. It's orchestrated and Everyone but the very Young, Liberal People joining in the Protests are smart enough to see right through this clear Attempt by the Media to control the Debate and take the Focus off Obama.

You forgot the unions are also behind this. Which is where the big money is coming from:cuckoo:

Actually the Unions were late to the Game, but they are there now. OWS started out as a small Protest, MSNBC and the Rest of the Lib Media Latched on to it because they have been looking for an anti Tea Party to promote. The Unions saw an opportunity after the Press started acting as the OWS PR arm, and joined in. Now they have a Mix of Fringe Groups mostly from the left but even some Far Right nazis are among them. It's still 98% white and college age libs, with some "jew" Banker hating Nazis Sprinkled in, along with the Brainless Anarchy people.

It's been absolutely hilarious watching the coverage the Liberal Press gives these protestors compared to Tea Party Rallies. They Cover OWS very sympathetically, Ignore the wackos, the are basically trying to Main stream it. While they do the exact opposite with the tea party. Covering them from a skeptical Point of view, Singling out the wackos, and trying to marginalize the whole group through skewed Coverage.

I can only Hope the American People are not fooled on Mass, and see right through it. Then all the Liberal Press is really Marginalizing is themselves.
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Oh, by the way, are Abominable Snowmen Democrats, Republican's,Conservatives, or Flea Party Type?

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