OAC is a socialist, and with her "Green New Deal" she is a national socialist...

...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

Well the further the right goes by totally denying there is mass pollution and global warming, the further gen Z will go, because , you know it will affect them and their children.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

LOL, why do you think many, many Republicans are pushing for a vote on it. They want this in the news 24-7, while getting the Left on the record if they support it or not.

Trust me, if this crap gets to the House floor, the Republicans will push the debate as looooooong as they can, while requesting that the public let their feelings on the matter be known to them.

Now then, being THINKING individuals, every DEMOCRAT that supports this deal, when 2020 arrives and political commercials are run by Republicans, what do you think the jist of them will be-)

The Left has gone completely off the rails to quickly, and most Americans by far, are scared to death, and not just by what it would cost!

Americans are scared to death because they have no idea what she's talking about. Republicans hated "Obamacare" with a white hot passion. But when you talk to them about the Affordable Care Act, they LOVE that. Yes, Republicans are just that dumb. When you talk to conservatives about socialist programs like SS or Medicare, they are all for them. But they don't want socialism.

I'm looking forward to the discussion. Because most everyday Republicans, including YOU, haven't the vaguest idea of what socialism actually is.

So am I, lol. So am I! A 90% NEW Federal sales tax to pay for it-) You go ahead and sell that pile of garbage. I want to watch you try-)
So am I, lol. So am I! A 90% NEW Federal sales tax to pay for it-) You go ahead and sell that pile of garbage. I want to watch you try-)

There will be a civil war if the left ever pass something like that. The few surviving socialists scum will flee for their lives to other countries.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

LOL, why do you think many, many Republicans are pushing for a vote on it. They want this in the news 24-7, while getting the Left on the record if they support it or not.

Trust me, if this crap gets to the House floor, the Republicans will push the debate as looooooong as they can, while requesting that the public let their feelings on the matter be known to them.

Now then, being THINKING individuals, every DEMOCRAT that supports this deal, when 2020 arrives and political commercials are run by Republicans, what do you think the jist of them will be-)

The Left has gone completely off the rails to quickly, and most Americans by far, are scared to death, and not just by what it would cost!

Americans are scared to death because they have no idea what she's talking about. Republicans hated "Obamacare" with a white hot passion. But when you talk to them about the Affordable Care Act, they LOVE that. Yes, Republicans are just that dumb. When you talk to conservatives about socialist programs like SS or Medicare, they are all for them. But they don't want socialism.

I'm looking forward to the discussion. Because most everyday Republicans, including YOU, haven't the vaguest idea of what socialism actually is.
When you sucker people into paying 15% of their wages into social security and medicare for decades you better pay off. Dump the people who never paid a dime that are collecting off those rolls. We can not even afford to pay the people who paid into the social security system off and you want to expand other things. Obamacare was a lie. Social Security and Medicare will have to increase at least a couple percent more and the age risen to collect five years to extend it as of now. Socialism comes in many packages. And we are taxed at a high rate in our nation. And it is going higher. You will not end poverty. I know it sucks. But it will not happen.
She will fall in line. She isn't a socialist. Her total existence is to make people think there is some big change within the Democratic Party. There isn't.

Pelosi will also take her knees out from under her. Nanny P won’t take any shit off a young upstart.
Well the further the right goes by totally denying there is mass pollution

Most of the pollution is spewing out of your Dem run cities snowflake. OH SNAP!

Hey, didn't AOC claim the earth will go into extinction in 12 years? Isn't that just around the time her green deal is supposed to be done?

Soooooooooo, we are doing this for the ants and crickets to have clean air, cause the charming and delightful, number 1 bartendress AOC, has already informed us with her MASSIVE knowledge and intellect, we will all be dead, lololololol!

Just think folks, the darling of the Left solved world problems while conversing with patrons as they fell off their barstool, lololol. Can you hear it? Hey Alexandria, you are "hiccup" brilliant, bang, as they hit the floor from to much Jack, hehehehehehehehe!

And in the minds of her majesty Dragon, along with that driving ace Penelope Pit Stop, a star was born-)
She will fall in line. She isn't a socialist. Her total existence is to make people think there is some big change within the Democratic Party. There isn't.

Pelosi will also take her knees out from under her. Nanny P won’t take any shit off a young upstart.

I don't think there is a real problem between her and Pelosi. I think the Democratic Party is desperate to rebrand itself because they look like shit.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

LOL, why do you think many, many Republicans are pushing for a vote on it. They want this in the news 24-7, while getting the Left on the record if they support it or not.

Trust me, if this crap gets to the House floor, the Republicans will push the debate as looooooong as they can, while requesting that the public let their feelings on the matter be known to them.

Now then, being THINKING individuals, every DEMOCRAT that supports this deal, when 2020 arrives and political commercials are run by Republicans, what do you think the jist of them will be-)

The Left has gone completely off the rails to quickly, and most Americans by far, are scared to death, and not just by what it would cost!

Americans are scared to death because they have no idea what she's talking about. Republicans hated "Obamacare" with a white hot passion. But when you talk to them about the Affordable Care Act, they LOVE that. Yes, Republicans are just that dumb. When you talk to conservatives about socialist programs like SS or Medicare, they are all for them. But they don't want socialism.

I'm looking forward to the discussion. Because most everyday Republicans, including YOU, haven't the vaguest idea of what socialism actually is.
So, what are you? The preserver of some secret knowledge of "what socialism actually is"?

I take it, socialism is NOT the failure that it has been revealed to be in every nation that has tried it? Russia? China? North Korea? Venezuela?

That's not "what socialism actually is"?
The "green new deal" is what is known as a trial balloon. A wishlist of ideas meant to deal with worst case scenarios. It is deliberately put together as an extreme so that when time comes to actually put together legislation compromise will pare it down to something that still does something rather than the nothing we have been doing so far.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.

Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.

If the DNC decides to "out" her as a republicrat operative that infiltrated the DNC just to make them look stupid that might happen.

Otherwise she is my favorite moonbat.


Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.
The green new deal plan is stupid. What will end up happening is totally enacted is that the "best buggy whip ever built" when technology changed to autos will return when people use horse and buggies again. At least the people remaining after the system collapses. There is nothing wrong with ideas. But the technology to do it is not here yet. At least at a low price. To put some resources into advancing technologies is prudent. We have been. And it is not moving as quickly as it is promoted for being cost conscious. Advancing building codes using more efficient A/C and Heating systems with using double paned windows and better insulation and roofing is something I would support. I would not make a homeowner suffer for selling a house without that as some progressive ideas want. Working on making solar panels much cheaper and simpler is a good idea. The green new deal will cost a hundred times more then they say at least.

Consider if you will, the logic of the Left and their spokesperson AOC------>

1. healthcare in the GND (green new deal)------> is it a doctor proposing it, or an accountant?

2. GND proposes green new energy...…..from an engineering master?

3. Income for everyone...……...from a super sociologist?

4. GND propses eliminating domestic airflight for high speed rail...…..from a super city/nation planner?

Noooooooooooooooooo, all of this from a genius MIXOLOGIST, and these duffuss Leftists sit here and think it is just peachy, lololol. Then try and convince you that THEIR resident bartendress is going to fix EVERYTHING with her genius, and all you have to do is allow her and her friends to DOUBLE what you pay for every item you purchase.

You can't make this stuff up, and the Left thinks this is a winner-) OMG, and Leftists, we thank you for your support, albeit without you knowing it, lololol!
So am I, lol. So am I! A 90% NEW Federal sales tax to pay for it-) You go ahead and sell that pile of garbage. I want to watch you try-)

There will be a civil war if the left ever pass something like that. The few surviving socialists scum will flee for their lives to other countries.

I know the multi millionaires and billionaires will take up killing people. Crazy.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

LOL, why do you think many, many Republicans are pushing for a vote on it. They want this in the news 24-7, while getting the Left on the record if they support it or not.

Trust me, if this crap gets to the House floor, the Republicans will push the debate as looooooong as they can, while requesting that the public let their feelings on the matter be known to them.

Now then, being THINKING individuals, every DEMOCRAT that supports this deal, when 2020 arrives and political commercials are run by Republicans, what do you think the jist of them will be-)

The Left has gone completely off the rails to quickly, and most Americans by far, are scared to death, and not just by what it would cost!

Americans are scared to death because they have no idea what she's talking about. Republicans hated "Obamacare" with a white hot passion. But when you talk to them about the Affordable Care Act, they LOVE that. Yes, Republicans are just that dumb. When you talk to conservatives about socialist programs like SS or Medicare, they are all for them. But they don't want socialism.

I'm looking forward to the discussion. Because most everyday Republicans, including YOU, haven't the vaguest idea of what socialism actually is.
When you sucker people into paying 15% of their wages into social security and medicare for decades you better pay off. Dump the people who never paid a dime that are collecting off those rolls. We can not even afford to pay the people who paid into the social security system off and you want to expand other things. Obamacare was a lie. Social Security and Medicare will have to increase at least a couple percent more and the age risen to collect five years to extend it as of now. Socialism comes in many packages. And we are taxed at a high rate in our nation. And it is going higher. You will not end poverty. I know it sucks. But it will not happen.

When you start with a lie, you've nowhere to go but down:

Social Security and Medicare Withholding Rates. The current tax rate for social security is 6.2% for the employer and 6.2% for the employee, or 12.4% total. The current rate for Medicare is 1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total.

While the total collected is 15.1%, you're only paying 7.65% of YOUR income to these taxes. Your employer is paying the rest. And if you think that your employer would pay you that additional 7.65% as part of your salary, I have a bridge in Nevada I'd like to sell you.

Americans pay the LOWEST rate of taxes in the First World. Of course the rest of the first world is paying for their health care as part of their taxes and Americans have to pay that separately. That's $18,000 a year or more for a healthy family of four, in addition to federal, state and local taxes.

The rest of us are doing all of things that Americans "can't afford". Our tax dollars are invested in health care, education, and infrastructure. Things like single payer health care for everyone. Cheap/free post secondary education. Smart countries don't have "charter schools", they build quality public schools, and they run them for far less than it costs for Americans. Last year the county dug up our street and installed all new water lines and sewers. Then they put in new curbing, and sidewalks, and paved the street, which was in rough shape. The new sidewalks drain snow and rain away from the sidewalk

Americans pay more money for health care, and get less for their money, than any nation in the world. You are the ONLY first world nation where there is no universal unfettered access to high quality health. The same is true for education. You pay more than any other country, and your education system isn't even in the top 10 in the world. But what you do have is the biggest baddest most expensive army in the world.

Massive armies are the tools of the wealthy and powerful. The American public has been duped into believing that they need the world's largest army to keep them safe. The rest of the world isn't that stupid.

The United States is the richest nation in the world. You can afford a "space force", you can send rocket ships to Mars, the world's largest, best equipped army, and 18 years of unnecessary and expensive wars. But you can't afford a decent education for a ghetto child.

Americans have decided that power and influence are their priorities. Their people are not. You have the money to do all of these things. You just don't want to give up the power and influence. And that's where your money goes.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

Well AOC is about 50 years or so ahead of everyone else with her Green New Deal. 50-100 years you won't even be around, but her kids or her grandchildren will be if she has kids.

As you do not want to change, the world around you is.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

LOL, why do you think many, many Republicans are pushing for a vote on it. They want this in the news 24-7, while getting the Left on the record if they support it or not.

Trust me, if this crap gets to the House floor, the Republicans will push the debate as looooooong as they can, while requesting that the public let their feelings on the matter be known to them.

Now then, being THINKING individuals, every DEMOCRAT that supports this deal, when 2020 arrives and political commercials are run by Republicans, what do you think the jist of them will be-)

The Left has gone completely off the rails to quickly, and most Americans by far, are scared to death, and not just by what it would cost!

Americans are scared to death because they have no idea what she's talking about. Republicans hated "Obamacare" with a white hot passion. But when you talk to them about the Affordable Care Act, they LOVE that. Yes, Republicans are just that dumb. When you talk to conservatives about socialist programs like SS or Medicare, they are all for them. But they don't want socialism.

I'm looking forward to the discussion. Because most everyday Republicans, including YOU, haven't the vaguest idea of what socialism actually is.
When you sucker people into paying 15% of their wages into social security and medicare for decades you better pay off. Dump the people who never paid a dime that are collecting off those rolls. We can not even afford to pay the people who paid into the social security system off and you want to expand other things. Obamacare was a lie. Social Security and Medicare will have to increase at least a couple percent more and the age risen to collect five years to extend it as of now. Socialism comes in many packages. And we are taxed at a high rate in our nation. And it is going higher. You will not end poverty. I know it sucks. But it will not happen.

When you start with a lie, you've nowhere to go but down:

Social Security and Medicare Withholding Rates. The current tax rate for social security is 6.2% for the employer and 6.2% for the employee, or 12.4% total. The current rate for Medicare is 1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total.

While the total collected is 15.1%, you're only paying 7.65% of YOUR income to these taxes. Your employer is paying the rest. And if you think that your employer would pay you that additional 7.65% as part of your salary, I have a bridge in Nevada I'd like to sell you.

Americans pay the LOWEST rate of taxes in the First World. Of course the rest of the first world is paying for their health care as part of their taxes and Americans have to pay that separately. That's $18,000 a year or more for a healthy family of four, in addition to federal, state and local taxes.

The rest of us are doing all of things that Americans "can't afford". Our tax dollars are invested in health care, education, and infrastructure. Things like single payer health care for everyone. Cheap/free post secondary education. Smart countries don't have "charter schools", they build quality public schools, and they run them for far less than it costs for Americans. Last year the county dug up our street and installed all new water lines and sewers. Then they put in new curbing, and sidewalks, and paved the street, which was in rough shape. The new sidewalks drain snow and rain away from the sidewalk

Americans pay more money for health care, and get less for their money, than any nation in the world. You are the ONLY first world nation where there is no universal unfettered access to high quality health. The same is true for education. You pay more than any other country, and your education system isn't even in the top 10 in the world. But what you do have is the biggest baddest most expensive army in the world.

Massive armies are the tools of the wealthy and powerful. The American public has been duped into believing that they need the world's largest army to keep them safe. The rest of the world isn't that stupid.

The United States is the richest nation in the world. You can afford a "space force", you can send rocket ships to Mars, the world's largest, best equipped army, and 18 years of unnecessary and expensive wars. But you can't afford a decent education for a ghetto child.

Americans have decided that power and influence are their priorities. Their people are not. You have the money to do all of these things. You just don't want to give up the power and influence. And that's where your money goes.

Reading posts like these makes me think the muslim invasion of Europe is not so bad after all. Let the superior people win over those mentally not functional, even if their ways are questionable.

Speaking of that, don't you have enough troubles to sort out in your much poorer country than USA? Do that rather than attempting to pass on the terrible advice that's at the root of those problems to others.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

Seems that AOC is a proud socialist and does not try to hide it.

The bigger question is why all the Trump sheep have such an obsession with the freshman congressperson.

It is almost as if she were there specifically to draw attention to herself and away from what really matters.

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