OAC is a socialist, and with her "Green New Deal" she is a national socialist...

...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

Well AOC is about 50 years or so ahead of everyone else with her Green New Deal. 50-100 years you won't even be around, but her kids or her grandchildren will be if she has kids.

As you do not want to change, the world around you is.
AOC's kids? She's probably had at least 3 abortions by now.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

Well AOC is about 50 years or so ahead of everyone else with her Green New Deal. 50-100 years you won't even be around, but her kids or her grandchildren will be if she has kids.

As you do not want to change, the world around you is.

Whatever absolute crap the Democrats pump out, you can count on Penny to eat and regurgitate it every time. Doesn't matter if it's so bad even other Dems are recoiling. Penny's in. Penny's got it.
Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.

He did not mention Hitler, and I'm sure she would identify as a global socialist rather than a national socialist. After all, she has said such things as those South of the border have every right to take American land and jobs because it was take form them years ago.

Of course, all socialists want to go global, even Hitler. They just have different methods is all.
Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.
Fuck you, now answer the fucking question Mr "financial adviser."

Do you tell your moronic clients to voluntarily pay more taxes you arrogant asshole?

Tell all of us again how you are a financial expert please. That was a good one. Tell us how her new green deal makes perfect sense to an asshole like you.

Then tell us how you are not a socialist you pathetic fuck.
Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.
/----/ Hitler got the trains to run on time. Let's see if AOC can get the No 7 Train to run at all.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

LOL, why do you think many, many Republicans are pushing for a vote on it. They want this in the news 24-7, while getting the Left on the record if they support it or not.

Trust me, if this crap gets to the House floor, the Republicans will push the debate as looooooong as they can, while requesting that the public let their feelings on the matter be known to them.

Now then, being THINKING individuals, every DEMOCRAT that supports this deal, when 2020 arrives and political commercials are run by Republicans, what do you think the jist of them will be-)

The Left has gone completely off the rails to quickly, and most Americans by far, are scared to death, and not just by what it would cost!

We both know all phony Dem's do is talk and string their base along while never actually delivering on their campaign promises. They have been making phony promises to blacks for decades.

But, this is different Blue, this does not only affect one segment of society, it affects EVERYONE! This means that EVERYONE is paying attention, just like with Obysmalcare, except on steroids.

When the budget office tells America that one of the ONLY ways to pay for this is a 90% federal sales tax, thus DOUBLING the cost of everything, people tend to pay attention, and trust me...….they no-lika-dat-sh**!
The funny thing is even if you taxed every last person 100% of their income, it would not fund half of what she stated about THE global warming crisis hoax.

Then, we did not even get to what that fucking moron wants to do to healthcare.

Mac agrees with her btw. He says he is a financial expert too.

...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

Well AOC is about 50 years or so ahead of everyone else with her Green New Deal. 50-100 years you won't even be around, but her kids or her grandchildren will be if she has kids.

As you do not want to change, the world around you is.
AOC's kids? She's probably had at least 3 abortions by now.

Once again, none of my business.
Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.
/----/ Hitler got the trains to run on time. Let's see if AOC can get the No 7 Train to run at all.

Some may not know this, but Hitler attempted to overthrow the German government by force, but was thwarted and thrown into prison.

I liken this to the Bill Ayers era when he was setting off bombs and wanting to overthrow the US government in similar fashion, but was thwarted as well.

Hitler then rebounded, though, and favored infiltrating the system via democracy, which worked.

Later, a Bill Ayers groupie in Obama became President the same way.

In short, democracy is now the tool for tyrants to obtain power. All they have to do is appeal to human greed and coveting, just promise to take from the rich guy and give to the poor folk, its a universally popular message, nonsensical and never happens, but the appeal is too strong to fight.

Perhaps this is why the Founding Fathers were so wary of democracy and favored a Republic instead. This is also why Progressives disdain the Republic and insist on direct democracy more and more.

Incidentally, Hitler imposed heavy taxes on the top 4% of the German population, which was wildly popular at the time.

Ironically, Hitler was also an ardent environmentalist and the first to create nature preserves and put animals and plants on endangered species lists. He loved animals so much, he was a vegetarian and abhorred building damns on the Rhine because it might effect nature in a negative way.

Progs really are all cookie cutter similar in this way.
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...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

Well AOC is about 50 years or so ahead of everyone else with her Green New Deal. 50-100 years you won't even be around, but her kids or her grandchildren will be if she has kids.

As you do not want to change, the world around you is.

Whatever absolute crap the Democrats pump out, you can count on Penny to eat and regurgitate it every time. Doesn't matter if it's so bad even other Dems are recoiling. Penny's in. Penny's got it.

You seem to have mind blindness.
Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.
Well after the unwilling to work get paid got out, they got slammed and pulled the docs to edit and are blaming the right for putting that there.

She then said this will require major government in our lives then said that was a right wing fear tactic even though it's in video.

Keep talking woman. Keep talking.
So am I, lol. So am I! A 90% NEW Federal sales tax to pay for it-) You go ahead and sell that pile of garbage. I want to watch you try-)

There will be a civil war if the left ever pass something like that. The few surviving socialists scum will flee for their lives to other countries.

I know the multi millionaires and billionaires will take up killing people. Crazy.

Why do you want to punish successful people? I'm guessing wealth envy and liberalism has rotted your brain.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???
One representative. Is the right wing worthless and have no better solutions at lower cost?

Get a job losers, pay your own damn bills and stop trying to mooch off the rest of us. There's the solution. Get up off your giant fat asses.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???

LOL, why do you think many, many Republicans are pushing for a vote on it. They want this in the news 24-7, while getting the Left on the record if they support it or not.

Trust me, if this crap gets to the House floor, the Republicans will push the debate as looooooong as they can, while requesting that the public let their feelings on the matter be known to them.

Now then, being THINKING individuals, every DEMOCRAT that supports this deal, when 2020 arrives and political commercials are run by Republicans, what do you think the jist of them will be-)

The Left has gone completely off the rails to quickly, and most Americans by far, are scared to death, and not just by what it would cost!

Americans are scared to death because they have no idea what she's talking about. Republicans hated "Obamacare" with a white hot passion. But when you talk to them about the Affordable Care Act, they LOVE that. Yes, Republicans are just that dumb. When you talk to conservatives about socialist programs like SS or Medicare, they are all for them. But they don't want socialism.

I'm looking forward to the discussion. Because most everyday Republicans, including YOU, haven't the vaguest idea of what socialism actually is.

You are a flucking moron….

The key to affordable health care is competition

with as little government involvement as possible…

SS has forcefully been taken out of my paycheck all my life Dip Shit…
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???
One representative. Is the right wing worthless and have no better solutions at lower cost?
The lower costs were jetisone many decades ago. Ask Claude Pepper and Tip O'Neill for social security and medicare. That was a socialism program at 15% to a wage earner that was supposed to be good until the 2070's. But whoa what happened? People at that time spoke up but were embarrassed as the total hate accusations were not in full regiment as of now.
So am I, lol. So am I! A 90% NEW Federal sales tax to pay for it-) You go ahead and sell that pile of garbage. I want to watch you try-)

There will be a civil war if the left ever pass something like that. The few surviving socialists scum will flee for their lives to other countries.

I know the multi millionaires and billionaires will take up killing people. Crazy.

Why do you want to punish successful people? I'm guessing wealth envy and liberalism has rotted your brain.

The appeal to take from the rich is a timeless and universal one.

There is no fighting it.

That is the fuel for such socialists as Hitler and AOC
Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.
The green new deal plan is stupid. What will end up happening is totally enacted is that the "best buggy whip ever built" when technology changed to autos will return when people use horse and buggies again. At least the people remaining after the system collapses. There is nothing wrong with ideas. But the technology to do it is not here yet. At least at a low price. To put some resources into advancing technologies is prudent. We have been. And it is not moving as quickly as it is promoted for being cost conscious. Advancing building codes using more efficient A/C and Heating systems with using double paned windows and better insulation and roofing is something I would support. I would not make a homeowner suffer for selling a house without that as some progressive ideas want. Working on making solar panels much cheaper and simpler is a good idea. The green new deal will cost a hundred times more then they say at least.
Do you believe she is a national socialist, as the OP suggests?
So am I, lol. So am I! A 90% NEW Federal sales tax to pay for it-) You go ahead and sell that pile of garbage. I want to watch you try-)

There will be a civil war if the left ever pass something like that. The few surviving socialists scum will flee for their lives to other countries.

I know the multi millionaires and billionaires will take up killing people. Crazy.

Why do you want to punish successful people? I'm guessing wealth envy and liberalism has rotted your brain.

The appeal to take from the rich is a timeless and universal one.

There is no fighting it.

That is the fuel for such socialists as Hitler and AOC

Does the wealth disparity in this nation concern you at all?

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