OAC is a socialist, and with her "Green New Deal" she is a national socialist...

I know the multi millionaires and billionaires will take up killing people. Crazy.

Why do you want to punish successful people? I'm guessing wealth envy and liberalism has rotted your brain.

The appeal to take from the rich is a timeless and universal one.

There is no fighting it.

That is the fuel for such socialists as Hitler and AOC

Does the wealth disparity in this nation concern you at all?

No, wealth is not a pie that must be shared. Wealth is created.

If this were not so, the economy could never grow, which it does every day.

I never understood the appeal of taking more from the rich in taxes. Why? Do we benefit more? No, we do not. They will still spend the same agreed to amount on health care, welfare, etc. regardless

It's not like the government can only spend the taxes it takes in since they run trillion dollar deficits every year.

It really is all monopoly money.

$20 trillion in debt is not even a real number.

Do yourself a favor. Play "Devil's Advocate" and prepare an argument in favor of reducing the wealth gap. Do so earnestly. At least try to learn something.

Your blindness to the severity of this problem ought to concern you.

The wealthy don't need income to get rich, as where poor folk do.

Pretty much every government regulation and tax harms the ability to make an income.

Most jobs come from small business which is the issue. Government created the corporate structure that gives them an unfair advantage over small business. In short, large corporations are nothing more than mini government structures, which I think causes most of this.

I think that as socialism gains strength, they will begin to come after wealth and not just income. This will cause power to become even more centralized within government, which will further harm socioeconomic affluence.
Why do you want to punish successful people? I'm guessing wealth envy and liberalism has rotted your brain.

The appeal to take from the rich is a timeless and universal one.

There is no fighting it.

That is the fuel for such socialists as Hitler and AOC

Does the wealth disparity in this nation concern you at all?

No, wealth is not a pie that must be shared. Wealth is created.

If this were not so, the economy could never grow, which it does every day.

I never understood the appeal of taking more from the rich in taxes. Why? Do we benefit more? No, we do not. They will still spend the same agreed to amount on health care, welfare, etc. regardless

It's not like the government can only spend the taxes it takes in since they run trillion dollar deficits every year.

It really is all monopoly money.

$20 trillion in debt is not even a real number.

Do yourself a favor. Play "Devil's Advocate" and prepare an argument in favor of reducing the wealth gap. Do so earnestly. At least try to learn something.

Your blindness to the severity of this problem ought to concern you.

The wealthy don't need income to get rich, as where poor folk do.

Pretty much every government regulation and tax harms the ability to make an income.

Most jobs come from small business which is the issue. Government created the corporate structure that gives them an unfair advantage over small business. In short, large corporations are nothing more than mini government structures, which I think causes most of this.

I think that as socialism gains strength, they will begin to come after wealth and not just income. This will cause power to become even more centralized within government, which will further harm socioeconomic affluence.

State and local governments take so much money from the poor and middle class they can't get anywhere. They take the money and buy votes with it from public employee unions.
Why do you want to punish successful people? I'm guessing wealth envy and liberalism has rotted your brain.

The appeal to take from the rich is a timeless and universal one.

There is no fighting it.

That is the fuel for such socialists as Hitler and AOC

Does the wealth disparity in this nation concern you at all?

No, wealth is not a pie that must be shared. Wealth is created.

If this were not so, the economy could never grow, which it does every day.

I never understood the appeal of taking more from the rich in taxes. Why? Do we benefit more? No, we do not. They will still spend the same agreed to amount on health care, welfare, etc. regardless

It's not like the government can only spend the taxes it takes in since they run trillion dollar deficits every year.

It really is all monopoly money.

$20 trillion in debt is not even a real number.

Do yourself a favor. Play "Devil's Advocate" and prepare an argument in favor of reducing the wealth gap. Do so earnestly. At least try to learn something.

Your blindness to the severity of this problem ought to concern you.

The wealthy don't need income to get rich, as where poor folk do.

Pretty much every government regulation and tax harms the ability to make an income.

Most jobs come from small business which is the issue. Government created the corporate structure that gives them an unfair advantage over small business. In short, large corporations are nothing more than mini government structures, which I think causes most of this.

I think that as socialism gains strength, they will begin to come after wealth and not just income. This will cause power to become even more centralized within government, which will further harm socioeconomic affluence.

You are talking out of your ass. That's all you do.
Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.
Fuck you, now answer the fucking question Mr "financial adviser."

Do you tell your moronic clients to voluntarily pay more taxes you arrogant asshole?

Tell all of us again how you are a financial expert please. That was a good one. Tell us how her new green deal makes perfect sense to an asshole like you.

Then tell us how you are not a socialist you pathetic fuck.
How in the world do you make it through a freaking day?

Do you think AOC is Hitler?
you brought up hitler you fucking gasbag.

You dumb lying illiterate fuck.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???
One representative. Is the right wing worthless and have no better solutions at lower cost?
The lower costs were jetisone many decades ago. Ask Claude Pepper and Tip O'Neill for social security and medicare. That was a socialism program at 15% to a wage earner that was supposed to be good until the 2070's. But whoa what happened? People at that time spoke up but were embarrassed as the total hate accusations were not in full regiment as of now.
Tax cut economics are worthless.
People move!
lol...because of lousy right wing management.

it is an expense most don't want to have to incur; just for lousy right wing management.
Looking forward to the "AOC is Hitler" posts. Always fun.
Fuck you, now answer the fucking question Mr "financial adviser."

Do you tell your moronic clients to voluntarily pay more taxes you arrogant asshole?

Tell all of us again how you are a financial expert please. That was a good one. Tell us how her new green deal makes perfect sense to an asshole like you.

Then tell us how you are not a socialist you pathetic fuck.
How in the world do you make it through a freaking day?

Do you think AOC is Hitler?
you brought up hitler you fucking gasbag.

You dumb lying illiterate fuck.
Cool, thanks!
The appeal to take from the rich is a timeless and universal one.

There is no fighting it.

That is the fuel for such socialists as Hitler and AOC

Does the wealth disparity in this nation concern you at all?

No, wealth is not a pie that must be shared. Wealth is created.

If this were not so, the economy could never grow, which it does every day.

I never understood the appeal of taking more from the rich in taxes. Why? Do we benefit more? No, we do not. They will still spend the same agreed to amount on health care, welfare, etc. regardless

It's not like the government can only spend the taxes it takes in since they run trillion dollar deficits every year.

It really is all monopoly money.

$20 trillion in debt is not even a real number.

Do yourself a favor. Play "Devil's Advocate" and prepare an argument in favor of reducing the wealth gap. Do so earnestly. At least try to learn something.

Your blindness to the severity of this problem ought to concern you.

The wealthy don't need income to get rich, as where poor folk do.

Pretty much every government regulation and tax harms the ability to make an income.

Most jobs come from small business which is the issue. Government created the corporate structure that gives them an unfair advantage over small business. In short, large corporations are nothing more than mini government structures, which I think causes most of this.

I think that as socialism gains strength, they will begin to come after wealth and not just income. This will cause power to become even more centralized within government, which will further harm socioeconomic affluence.

You are talking out of your ass. That's all you do.

Just trying to relate to Progressives is all.

Why else are the heads of major corporations like Starbucks, Amazon, Microsoft, etc., etc., all ardent Dims?

They enjoy their monopoly and wish to crush small business.
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???
One representative. Is the right wing worthless and have no better solutions at lower cost?

Get a job losers, pay your own damn bills and stop trying to mooch off the rest of us. There's the solution. Get up off your giant fat asses.
stop wasting our tax money on your useless wars, right wingers. stop whining about taxes. You should be Good Christians and proclaim, "it is ok, the Poor know not what they do".

Start paying some taxes then you can have an opinion.
raise our wages so we can incur a tax obligation. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, to start!
...because how else would you describe a program that would impose total SOCIALISM government control on a NATIONAL scale???
One representative. Is the right wing worthless and have no better solutions at lower cost?

Get a job losers, pay your own damn bills and stop trying to mooch off the rest of us. There's the solution. Get up off your giant fat asses.
stop wasting our tax money on your useless wars, right wingers. stop whining about taxes. You should be Good Christians and proclaim, "it is ok, the Poor know not what they do".

Start paying some taxes then you can have an opinion.
raise our wages so we can incur a tax obligation. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, to start!

You have to 'earn' a raise in wages :itsok:
Do yourself a favor. Play "Devil's Advocate" and prepare an argument in favor of reducing the wealth gap.

Fine, the poor and middle class should work harder, that will reduce the wealth gap.
Fine; have the Rich, dig ditches in front of Car Washers to prove it is about Hard Work and not just political lip service.

Wow, you are clueless how the rich got rich. Waste your life bitching about how others got rich and you didn't.
One representative. Is the right wing worthless and have no better solutions at lower cost?

Get a job losers, pay your own damn bills and stop trying to mooch off the rest of us. There's the solution. Get up off your giant fat asses.
stop wasting our tax money on your useless wars, right wingers. stop whining about taxes. You should be Good Christians and proclaim, "it is ok, the Poor know not what they do".

Start paying some taxes then you can have an opinion.
raise our wages so we can incur a tax obligation. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, to start!

You have to 'earn' a raise in wages :itsok:
stop whining the Poor aren't paying their share of taxes.

Tax the rich so the Poor can work hard for less.
Get a job losers, pay your own damn bills and stop trying to mooch off the rest of us. There's the solution. Get up off your giant fat asses.
stop wasting our tax money on your useless wars, right wingers. stop whining about taxes. You should be Good Christians and proclaim, "it is ok, the Poor know not what they do".

Start paying some taxes then you can have an opinion.
raise our wages so we can incur a tax obligation. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, to start!

You have to 'earn' a raise in wages :itsok:
stop whining the Poor aren't paying their share of taxes.

Tax the rich so the Poor can work hard for less.

The 'rich' are already taxed and already pay the lions share of taxes. And are so good at making money even then they continue to get richer. :muahaha:
Do yourself a favor. Play "Devil's Advocate" and prepare an argument in favor of reducing the wealth gap.

Fine, the poor and middle class should work harder, that will reduce the wealth gap.
Fine; have the Rich, dig ditches in front of Car Washers to prove it is about Hard Work and not just political lip service.

Wow, you are clueless how the rich got rich. Waste your life bitching about how others got rich and you didn't.
You are alleging it is about the Hard Work of an ethic from the Age of Iron capitalism.
Does the wealth disparity in this nation concern you at all?

No, wealth is not a pie that must be shared. Wealth is created.

If this were not so, the economy could never grow, which it does every day.

I never understood the appeal of taking more from the rich in taxes. Why? Do we benefit more? No, we do not. They will still spend the same agreed to amount on health care, welfare, etc. regardless

It's not like the government can only spend the taxes it takes in since they run trillion dollar deficits every year.

It really is all monopoly money.

$20 trillion in debt is not even a real number.

Do yourself a favor. Play "Devil's Advocate" and prepare an argument in favor of reducing the wealth gap. Do so earnestly. At least try to learn something.

Your blindness to the severity of this problem ought to concern you.

The wealthy don't need income to get rich, as where poor folk do.

Pretty much every government regulation and tax harms the ability to make an income.

Most jobs come from small business which is the issue. Government created the corporate structure that gives them an unfair advantage over small business. In short, large corporations are nothing more than mini government structures, which I think causes most of this.

I think that as socialism gains strength, they will begin to come after wealth and not just income. This will cause power to become even more centralized within government, which will further harm socioeconomic affluence.

You are talking out of your ass. That's all you do.

Just trying to relate to Progressives is all.

Why else are the heads of major corporations like Starbucks, Amazon, Microsoft, etc., etc., all ardent Dims?

They enjoy their monopoly and wish to crush small business.

That's a ridiculous statement.
stop wasting our tax money on your useless wars, right wingers. stop whining about taxes. You should be Good Christians and proclaim, "it is ok, the Poor know not what they do".

Start paying some taxes then you can have an opinion.
raise our wages so we can incur a tax obligation. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, to start!

You have to 'earn' a raise in wages :itsok:
stop whining the Poor aren't paying their share of taxes.

Tax the rich so the Poor can work hard for less.

The 'rich' are already taxed and already pay the lions share of taxes. And are so good at making money even then they continue to get richer. :muahaha:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Financing it is not, "working hard".

The Rich have to Work Hard and dig ditches in front of Car Washers, to prove it is about a work ethic from the Age of Iron as the Right Wing alleges.
No, wealth is not a pie that must be shared. Wealth is created.

If this were not so, the economy could never grow, which it does every day.

I never understood the appeal of taking more from the rich in taxes. Why? Do we benefit more? No, we do not. They will still spend the same agreed to amount on health care, welfare, etc. regardless

It's not like the government can only spend the taxes it takes in since they run trillion dollar deficits every year.

It really is all monopoly money.

$20 trillion in debt is not even a real number.

Do yourself a favor. Play "Devil's Advocate" and prepare an argument in favor of reducing the wealth gap. Do so earnestly. At least try to learn something.

Your blindness to the severity of this problem ought to concern you.

The wealthy don't need income to get rich, as where poor folk do.

Pretty much every government regulation and tax harms the ability to make an income.

Most jobs come from small business which is the issue. Government created the corporate structure that gives them an unfair advantage over small business. In short, large corporations are nothing more than mini government structures, which I think causes most of this.

I think that as socialism gains strength, they will begin to come after wealth and not just income. This will cause power to become even more centralized within government, which will further harm socioeconomic affluence.

You are talking out of your ass. That's all you do.

Just trying to relate to Progressives is all.

Why else are the heads of major corporations like Starbucks, Amazon, Microsoft, etc., etc., all ardent Dims?

They enjoy their monopoly and wish to crush small business.

That's a ridiculous statement.

Ok, I surrender.

Your rebuttals are just too hard to refute.

Well done.........for a Prog
Start paying some taxes then you can have an opinion.
raise our wages so we can incur a tax obligation. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, to start!

You have to 'earn' a raise in wages :itsok:
stop whining the Poor aren't paying their share of taxes.

Tax the rich so the Poor can work hard for less.

The 'rich' are already taxed and already pay the lions share of taxes. And are so good at making money even then they continue to get richer. :muahaha:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Financing it is not, "working hard".

The Rich have to Work Hard and dig ditches in front of Car Washers, to prove it is about a work ethic from the Age of Iron as the Right Wing alleges.

The 'rich' are not borrowing and spending that money the poor and middle class are. :itsok: Do we have to buy you people toilet paper and pay your cable bill too? /mocking sarcasm

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