Obam Frees Manning The Traitor

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Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Obama Frees Manning the Traitor

The greatest traitor in American history is at it again, and he isn't done. Don't bet against him pardoning Khalid Sheikh Mohammed before he's done. And don't be surprised if we eventually find out that Obama leaked more critical classified information than Manning. Don't be surprised if he gave Iran the technology to build nukes, or maybe the nukes themselves. Nothing is too low for that a*shole.

Obama seems to be doing everything possible to destroy this country, including giving freedom to terrorists, traitors and some of the most violent criminal thugs in our penitentiaries. His hatred for the country that twice elected him to the highest office in the land is palpable. He will go down in history as the only anti-American to rise to the top of the United States government. Obama's time in office stands as stark testimony to the level of political correctness that had taken over in the minds of the American people. Donald Trump's ascendancy to that office is a rebuke of that PC and a strong signal that we have awakened from our long and disastrous nightmare.
You sir are a deeply stupid man for believing all that repub propaganda.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were United States citizens who spied for the Soviet Union and were tried, convicted, and executed for conspiracy to commit espionage.

Treasonous little faggot should have been thrown into a gladiator prison and fucked to death.

You sir are a deeply stupid man for believing all that repub propaganda.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were United States citizens who spied for the Soviet Union and were tried, convicted, and executed for conspiracy to commit espionage.

View attachment 107308

They should have been hanged with Alger Hiss, Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshal Davis and left to dangle for a few days.

Why is Fox News referring to this guy as a 'she'? I can see CNN doing this but why Fox. The guy's a guy wearing a woman's wig. Would they call him a giraffe if he claimed to be one? For a label to be appropriate it has to be imputed to a suitable basis of imputation. He's not a suitable basis for imputing 'woman'. He has guy parts. His DNA is guy DNA. More stupidity.
Why is Fox News referring to this guy as a 'she'? I can see CNN doing this but why Fox. The guy's a guy wearing a woman's wig. Would they call him a giraffe if he claimed to be one? For a label to be appropriate it has to be imputed to a suitable basis of imputation. He's not a suitable basis for imputing 'woman'. He has guy parts. His DNA is guy DNA. More stupidity.
She and he is a social construct. Male and female are biological. Socially, you can be anything you want. Them using proper social concepts is perhaps out of respect for individuality?
Obama had to find a way to reward the treasonous tranny.

Cross dressing queers across the country celebrate.
Why is Fox News referring to this guy as a 'she'? I can see CNN doing this but why Fox. The guy's a guy wearing a woman's wig. Would they call him a giraffe if he claimed to be one? For a label to be appropriate it has to be imputed to a suitable basis of imputation. He's not a suitable basis for imputing 'woman'. He has guy parts. His DNA is guy DNA. More stupidity.
She and he is a social construct. Male and female are biological. Socially, you can be anything you want. Them using proper social concepts is perhaps out of respect for individuality?

Wrong. It's a pronoun used to describe the sex of a person or animal. Biological, not a "social construct".
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