Obama 2012 diagnosis: Stage Two Death Rattle


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Obama 2012 diagnosis: Stage Two Death Rattle | The Daily Caller

As a veteran of numerous national, state and local campaigns, I can tell you that each race and each campaign has its own life cycle. The 2012 presidential contest is no exception. As polls tighten, and especially since Mitt Romney’s decisive performance in the first debate, Team Obama and the president himself are showing signs of what I term a campaign’s “death rattle.”

GOP contender Rick Santorum withdrew from this year’s Republican primary within three days of my declaration that his campaign was in the final stages of “death rattle.” The phenomenon has three distinct stages.

In Stage One Death Rattle, the candidate veers sharply off-message, seemingly desperate to change the subject. Santorum, for instance, unsuccessfully tried to capitalize on Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom’s ill-advised “Etch-a-Sketch” comment. Santorum began showing up at rallies with a pink Etch-a-Sketch to accentuate the point and worked lame references to it into his stump speech. It became gimmicky and unbecoming a presidential candidate. Obama’s Stage One came shortly after the first debate with Romney, with childish comments about Big Bird and other Muppets running for the border, gimmicky terms like “Romnesia” and other memes unbecoming his office. These sorts of antics rarely work.

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What are you going to do when Obama wins? It does not seem you have even allowed the possibility to form in your mind. You are going to be so shocked and outraged I worry about the innocent bystanders within rifle range of you.
Nah. He's just going to stay in the basement for a solid month, and demand mom haul in extra doritos so he can binge on comfort food.
loving the alternate reality...

great entertainment... total nonsense... but amusing.

Dick Morris Can't Even Stop Spinning Long Enough to Apologize - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic
Behold political analyst Dick Morris the day after his absurd Election 2012 predictions were discredited by reality. "I've got egg on my face," he admitted on his Web site, and I normally wouldn't revel in another man's chagrin, but the next sentence is so breathtakingly shameless that I can't resist. "I predicted a Romney landslide and, instead, we ended up with an Obama squeaker," he wrote. "The key reason for my bum prediction is that I mistakenly believed that the 2008 surge in black, Latino, and young voter turnout would recede in 2012 to 'normal' levels. Didn't happen."

What's so shameless about that?

In the Dick Morris prediction, Mitt Romney was forecast to win by 325 electoral votes, a result Morris labels a "landslide" in his apology. Right now, with Florida still undecided but leaning toward Obama, it's very possible that Obama will win with 332 electoral votes, which Morris calls "an Obama squeaker."

Credit for catching that spin to Comedy Central, where it was explained more entertainingly than I managed:

Oh, well, there's your problem right there, Dick Morris. You have Backwards Understanding of Things Syndrome. Notice how you think that Romney winning with 325 electoral votes is a "landslide" and Obama winning with 332 electoral votes is a "squeaker"? I'm not moron (which, I'm assuming is what you think the word "expert" means.), but that's kind of an easy diagnosis.
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Dick Morris Can't Even Stop Spinning Long Enough to Apologize - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic
Behold political analyst Dick Morris the day after his absurd Election 2012 predictions were discredited by reality. "I've got egg on my face," he admitted on his Web site, and I normally wouldn't revel in another man's chagrin, but the next sentence is so breathtakingly shameless that I can't resist. "I predicted a Romney landslide and, instead, we ended up with an Obama squeaker," he wrote. "The key reason for my bum prediction is that I mistakenly believed that the 2008 surge in black, Latino, and young voter turnout would recede in 2012 to 'normal' levels. Didn't happen."

What's so shameless about that?

In the Dick Morris prediction, Mitt Romney was forecast to win by 325 electoral votes, a result Morris labels a "landslide" in his apology. Right now, with Florida still undecided but leaning toward Obama, it's very possible that Obama will win with 332 electoral votes, which Morris calls "an Obama squeaker."

Credit for catching that spin to Comedy Central, where it was explained more entertainingly than I managed:

Oh, well, there's your problem right there, Dick Morris. You have Backwards Understanding of Things Syndrome. Notice how you think that Romney winning with 325 electoral votes is a "landslide" and Obama winning with 332 electoral votes is a "squeaker"? I'm not moron (which, I'm assuming is what you think the word "expert" means.), but that's kind of an easy diagnosis.

He's blaming Christie as well.

Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Real Enemy Has Been Named

But the more proximate cause of my error was that I did not take full account of the impact of hurricane Sandy and of Governor Chris Christie’s bipartisan march through New Jersey arm in arm with President Obama. Not to mention Christe’s fawning promotion of Obama’s presidential leadership.

It made all the difference.

A key element of Romney’s appeal, particularly after the first debate, was his ability to govern with Democrats in Massachusetts. Obama’s one-party strident approach, so much the opposite of what he pledged in his first national speech in 2004, had turned voters off. But by working seamlessly with an acerbic Republican Governor like Christie, Obama was able to blunt Romney’s advantage in this crucial area.
Obama 2012 diagnosis: Stage Two Death Rattle | The Daily Caller

As a veteran of numerous national, state and local campaigns, I can tell you that each race and each campaign has its own life cycle. The 2012 presidential contest is no exception. As polls tighten, and especially since Mitt Romney’s decisive performance in the first debate, Team Obama and the president himself are showing signs of what I term a campaign’s “death rattle.”

GOP contender Rick Santorum withdrew from this year’s Republican primary within three days of my declaration that his campaign was in the final stages of “death rattle.” The phenomenon has three distinct stages.

In Stage One Death Rattle, the candidate veers sharply off-message, seemingly desperate to change the subject. Santorum, for instance, unsuccessfully tried to capitalize on Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom’s ill-advised “Etch-a-Sketch” comment. Santorum began showing up at rallies with a pink Etch-a-Sketch to accentuate the point and worked lame references to it into his stump speech. It became gimmicky and unbecoming a presidential candidate. Obama’s Stage One came shortly after the first debate with Romney, with childish comments about Big Bird and other Muppets running for the border, gimmicky terms like “Romnesia” and other memes unbecoming his office. These sorts of antics rarely work.

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A stunning recovery...would you agree?

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