Obama 2013 Recession...Yup

Lumpy wants us to man up and accept responsibility for the recession that hasn't happened yet. Cool.

Democrats have been blaming Bush/Republicans and making excuses for Obama's/Democrat pathetic leadership for the past 4 years you stupid asshole, I just figure the same chickenshit trend will continue...got it idiot?

You are a sad POS who is rooting for a recession.

Kinda hard to point out a recession/shit economy when you have the FEDs dumping 40 billion a month on the markets... However, having to dump 40 billion dollars a month to keep the economy from falling apart should tell you something about the economy.
Talking points and insults ONLY. see sig pp1 for all voodoo has done for us.

The rich are bloated, the raisng taxes and crushing regulation are total BS, a recession would be due to more mindless Pub obstruction, so I don't see it now. That jig is UP.

I want a number form you now, how much in revenues would taxing the rich bring in, then how much of that is used to pay down the annual deficit. Until you do that all you are is a talking point.

If you watched a real News channel, you'd know it was $800 billion over 10 years, 2/3 of what's needed...
Democrats have been blaming Bush/Republicans and making excuses for Obama's/Democrat pathetic leadership for the past 4 years you stupid asshole, I just figure the same chickenshit trend will continue...got it idiot?

You are a sad POS who is rooting for a recession.

Kinda hard to point out a recession/shit economy when you have the FEDs dumping 40 billion a month on the markets... However, having to dump 40 billion dollars a month to keep the economy from falling apart should tell you something about the economy.

Link, Prof. Beck?

All this economy needs now is an end to mindless Pub obstruction, and it appears they're starting to give up on keeping Obama a one term President...lol
Barry will be at the helm when his ship sinks the country.

Wonder if those who voted for that fuck will finally catch a clue??
After 30 years of Voodoo and a Pub depression, the problem is good jobs and DEMAND, hardly the bloated rich. A jobs act in the short run, and spending on education and training would do wonders.

FCS, we're talking about a 4% rise here...

Stupid fuck.
Democrats have been blaming Bush/Republicans and making excuses for Obama's/Democrat pathetic leadership for the past 4 years you stupid asshole, I just figure the same chickenshit trend will continue...got it idiot?

You are a sad POS who is rooting for a recession.

Kinda hard to point out a recession/shit economy when you have the FEDs dumping 40 billion a month on the markets... However, having to dump 40 billion dollars a month to keep the economy from falling apart should tell you something about the economy.

Idiots will never get it. Because we point out what there failed obama policy will do, they think we're cheering for it to happen. lone clown boy is to stupid for his own good.
You are a sad POS who is rooting for a recession.

Kinda hard to point out a recession/shit economy when you have the FEDs dumping 40 billion a month on the markets... However, having to dump 40 billion dollars a month to keep the economy from falling apart should tell you something about the economy.

Idiots will never get it. Because we point out what there failed obama policy will do, they think we're cheering for it to happen. lone clown boy is to stupid for his own good.

Why are you pretending to have a clue what Avory is talking about?

their.....not there

And...the word is "too" The phrase is "too stupid". Not "to stupid".

You are cheering for economic collapse. It is your greatest hope. Asshole.
But..don't expect Obama to take the blame or Democrats to stop making excuses...mmkay


There are at least three reasons why an Obama victory will almost surely lead to a recession in 2013:

(1) Obama’s version of the “Wealth Tax.” As part of his reelection ploy, FDR proposed what he dubbed a “Wealth Tax.” As he explained to Congress in June 1935, “Our revenue laws have operated in many ways to the unfair advantage of the few, and they have done little to prevent the unjust concentration of wealth and economic power. … Social unrest and a deepening sense of unfairness are dangers to our national life which we must minimize by rigorous methods.” [See here.]

Similarly, Obama wants to impose a number of new taxes on those he considers wealthy—individuals making more than $200,000 and families making more than $250,000. Take the dividends tax, for example, which currently sits at 15 percent. The president’s proposal will nearly triple that tax, to 43.4 percent, at a time when the Fed’s low-interest rate policy has driven investors toward dividend-paying stocks in the hope of getting some return on their money. Think a tripling of the dividend tax, and a 33 percent increase of the capital gains tax from 15 percent to 20 percent, just might have detrimental impact on investing?

(2) The certainty of uncertainty. The uncertainties created by the explosion of regulations, taxes and mandates (e.g., most employers must provide health insurance) will encourage businesses to remain hunkered down and sitting on their cash, unsure what challenges and costs they face when hiring and expanding.

But it’s not because employers are greedy or evil, which was the constant message emerging from speakers at the Democratic convention. They are doing exactly what most families do in times of uncertainty. If you know your job is shaky, or that you may see your income decline, you will likely postpone major or unnecessary purchases until the situation is clearer or more stable. Obama’s policies have created massive uncertainties among employers—and employees, for that matter—who will sit on their hands, and cash, a little longer if he is reelected.

And note that this uncertainty discussion doesn’t include the additional uncertainty created by other factors, such as what Congress will do to address the government’s debt limit coming around year’s end. It was this very battle that tanked the stock market in August of 2011 and led to a downgrading of the country’s credit rating. Could the economy stand a similar downturn without turning negative?

The Coming 'Obama Recession' Of 2013 - Forbes

Oh boy. More predictions from Lumpy. Damn, you really have a good record with these predictions.:badgrin:
You are a sad POS who is rooting for a recession.

Kinda hard to point out a recession/shit economy when you have the FEDs dumping 40 billion a month on the markets... However, having to dump 40 billion dollars a month to keep the economy from falling apart should tell you something about the economy.

Idiots will never get it. Because we point out what there failed obama policy will do, they think we're cheering for it to happen. lone clown boy is to stupid for his own good.

Well, I guess we can just compare economic conditions at the time of the President's inaugeration in 2013, to the economic conditons at the time of his inaugertion in 2009. :badgrin:
There's a choice asshat?

Oooh! Asshat! Please....have mercy!

There is a choice. You can express a desire for the nation to prosper and be willing to accept that your guys won't get the credit for it when it happens.

But...you are not into such Patriotic bullshit. You'd rather throw a four year tantrum and hope you get to say " I told you so " for once in your lame life.

I only say asshat because Democrats fail to recognize and make excuses for Obama/Democrat leadership failed policies and prefer to keep your heads up your ass.

No tantrum here, I presented an article for review and you choose not to respond to the article but go for a cheap insult. I just felt like playing the game you prefer for a change..

Po' baby. Kicking and screaming, mewling and puking. Stating how everything is going to hell in a handbasket. :lol:

And what were your predictions concerning the election this time last month? How did that turn out? :badgrin:

Maybe you should just buy a bunch of sack cloth and ashes, you are going to need a great deal of both in the future:eusa_boohoo:
Hilarious. Jingoistic cons rooting for an unlikely recession.

And this is not a good source for any talking points, Merrill Matthews has been proven wrong so many times, I am amazed that Forbes even has him as a contributor at all.. I notice that recently they have cut his contributions WAY back, they are hardly ever featured anymore.
Kinda hard to point out a recession/shit economy when you have the FEDs dumping 40 billion a month on the markets... However, having to dump 40 billion dollars a month to keep the economy from falling apart should tell you something about the economy.

Idiots will never get it. Because we point out what there failed obama policy will do, they think we're cheering for it to happen. lone clown boy is to stupid for his own good.

Well, I guess we can just compare economic conditions at the time of the President's inaugeration in 2013, to the economic conditons at the time of his inaugertion in 2009. :badgrin:

Well, the last 2 years of the Bush economy were totally ruined by Nancy & Harry. Why don't you start in 2007 and pay particular attention to employment figures, national debt and the diminishing freedoms of American citizens? ( there's plenty more to compare but better too late than never to get started.:lol:)
Kinda hard to point out a recession/shit economy when you have the FEDs dumping 40 billion a month on the markets... However, having to dump 40 billion dollars a month to keep the economy from falling apart should tell you something about the economy.

Idiots will never get it. Because we point out what there failed obama policy will do, they think we're cheering for it to happen. lone clown boy is to stupid for his own good.

Well, I guess we can just compare economic conditions at the time of the President's inaugeration in 2013, to the economic conditons at the time of his inaugertion in 2009. :badgrin:
By far things are worse now than it was in 2007 when the democrats took control of congress.
Kinda hard to point out a recession/shit economy when you have the FEDs dumping 40 billion a month on the markets... However, having to dump 40 billion dollars a month to keep the economy from falling apart should tell you something about the economy.

Idiots will never get it. Because we point out what there failed obama policy will do, they think we're cheering for it to happen. lone clown boy is to stupid for his own good.

Why are you pretending to have a clue what Avory is talking about?

their.....not there

And...the word is "too" The phrase is "too stupid". Not "to stupid".

You are cheering for economic collapse. It is your greatest hope. Asshole.

Who's pretending clown boy? OH unless you were talking about yourself
You are a sad POS who is rooting for a recession.

There's a choice asshat?

Yes. You have a choice as to whether or not you hope for something.

Well, Obama has added 6 trillion to the national debt, The interest on the debt alone is 4 trillion pr year in a sinking economy.

I expect the national debt and the interest on the debt to continue that trend, convince me otherwise.. Elvis
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