*Obama: A monumental disgrace


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
Obama is:
-- the man who surrounds himself with and seeks the advice of only the radical left and worse
--the man who redistributes (loots) the earnings of the producers to the non-producers so they will continue to vote for him
--the man who is spending and manipulating the greatest country on earth into financial collapse.
--the man who speaks of "social justice" but never of freedom.
--the man who hates free market capitalism.
--the man who prevents the development of our oil, coal & nuclear resources.
--the man who rejects the Constitution.
--the man who initiates force against us all by “mandating” his vision of health care. A true despot.

He is, at best, a vile & cheap Chicago left-wing politician who cares only that he got re-elected to a position he is grotesquely unequipped for -- yet doesn’t take even that position seriously enough to read Economics 101.

This guy really is doing Junebug Bush's 4th term.

It looks more and more like corporate America really has voters dialed in.

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