Obama Admin Just Prohibited States From Defunding Planned Parenthood

Once again, a fake news site and a misleading thread title.

Everyone right of center must think that the only way they can "win" is to lie.

I would expect the more normal righties to shut the crazy fuckers down.

Guess that hive mentality shrunk their balls.
Once again, a fake news site and a misleading thread title.

Everyone right of center must think that the only way they can "win" is to lie.

I would expect the more normal righties to shut the crazy fuckers down.

Guess that hive mentality shrunk their balls.
Channeling the demented shrewish foul smelling hag again, eh.
Obama has about 5 weeks left to be a putz then we boot his ass out of the White House and destroy his legacy. It will be like unpopular Egyptian pharaohs who had their faces hacked off all their statues. :laugh:
Obama Admin Just Prohibited States From Defunding Planned Parenthood

Obama will do as much damage as possible before he leaves. Fake news and stupid regulations and executive orders will continue to rain down on America until Jan. 20. The nation's worst president continues on his eight year quest.

How can a man with a now proven fake birth certificate, enforce anything?

It's a damn shame that Obama wasn't aborted.

lol, another Birther.

Another cult member of the Birther President-select.
PP is probably the greatest preventative agent of elective abortions and they want to murder it all because some lying prick purposely misled the woman haters club into thinking they are nothing but a ghoulish baby parts business.
Once again, a fake news site and a misleading thread title.

Everyone right of center must think that the only way they can "win" is to lie.

I would expect the more normal righties to shut the crazy fuckers down.

Guess that hive mentality shrunk their balls.

So how is the title misleading? You poo poo everything as a lie, yet you provide no version of your truth. Why is that?
I simply do not understand why there is such a need for the government to pay for your abortion. It's elective surgery.

From a fiscally responsible point of view- it could be argued that some people should be forced to have an abortion if they dare to get pregnant. If you are a welfare recipient, and no, That does not include social security, then you have proven you are either unwilling or incapable of supporting yourself, and you should not be allowed to reproduce until you can support yourself and the baby you are carrying.
PP is probably the greatest preventative agent of elective abortions and they want to murder it all because some lying prick purposely misled the woman haters club into thinking they are nothing but a ghoulish baby parts business.

Everyone has insurance, why is PP and family planning money even needed anymore?
New taking point is lawsuits will slow Trump down on reversing stuff.....How exactly I can't figure....If it can be phone and penned it gone be un phone and penned
PP is probably the greatest preventative agent of elective abortions and they want to murder it all because some lying prick purposely misled the woman haters club into thinking they are nothing but a ghoulish baby parts business.

Everyone has insurance, why is PP and family planning money even needed anymore?
Because the places where they operate are not exactly the sort of place a gynecologist sets up shop and they see women quickly if not immediately rather than the month or more it takes a new patient to get in to see a gynecologist. Why are you even asking these questions? You, like everyone else, has had ample opportunity to find out why they are so vital but you were too busy swallowing the O'Keefe hit piece thinking it was the whole story.
PP is probably the greatest preventative agent of elective abortions and they want to murder it all because some lying prick purposely misled the woman haters club into thinking they are nothing but a ghoulish baby parts business.

Everyone has insurance, why is PP and family planning money even needed anymore?
Because the places where they operate are not exactly the sort of place a gynecologist sets up shop and they see women quickly if not immediately rather than the month or more it takes a new patient to get in to see a gynecologist. Why are you even asking these questions? You, like everyone else, has had ample opportunity to find out why they are so vital but you were too busy swallowing the O'Keefe hit piece thinking it was the whole story.

Moabamacare has been in place for 3 years now, doesn't everyone have their family doctors that can order the tests that the PP doctors order. Most PP locations don't physically have the facilities to perform the test such as mammograms or labs for cervical cancer screening. So what are they doing the family doctor can't?
PP is probably the greatest preventative agent of elective abortions and they want to murder it all because some lying prick purposely misled the woman haters club into thinking they are nothing but a ghoulish baby parts business.

Everyone has insurance, why is PP and family planning money even needed anymore?
Because the places where they operate are not exactly the sort of place a gynecologist sets up shop and they see women quickly if not immediately rather than the month or more it takes a new patient to get in to see a gynecologist. Why are you even asking these questions? You, like everyone else, has had ample opportunity to find out why they are so vital but you were too busy swallowing the O'Keefe hit piece thinking it was the whole story.

Moabamacare has been in place for 3 years now, doesn't everyone have their family doctors that can order the tests that the PP doctors order. Most PP locations don't physically have the facilities to perform the test such as mammograms or labs for cervical cancer screening. So what are they doing the family doctor can't?
The main thing they are doing that a regular doctor will not is operate in the kinds of neighborhoods you are afraid to drive through. They specialize in dealing with the particular health problems of often uneducated women living in impoverished areas. Again, why is it my duty to inform you about this organization?

Here's a link if you have any further questions about what they do, you should already have known about their range of services before you made the decision that they ought to be destroyed.

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Obama Admin Just Prohibited States From Defunding Planned Parenthood

Obama will do as much damage as possible before he leaves. Fake news and stupid regulations and executive orders will continue to rain down on America until Jan. 20. The nation's worst president continues on his eight year quest.

How can a man with a now proven fake birth certificate, enforce anything?

It's a damn shame that Obama wasn't aborted.

Trump will undo that with an Executive Order.

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