Obama admin on the verge of signing a nuke agreement with Iran


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Fuck Obama and the dog he rode in on. I'm sure John Kerry would love to have this on his resume but like everything else he's done, it's destined to be an utter failure.
Well this is retarded, you guys will never forgive him for stopping the war you've wanted for 35 years.
Well this is retarded, you guys will never forgive him for stopping the war you've wanted for 35 years.

Who, Obama? He didn't "stop" anything. If anything, he ramped up the drone strikes in the Middle East, murdering more innocent woman and children than Bush's drone strikes did. If anything, the Middle East is a worse place than it was pre-Obama, and this country is less safe than it ever was.
Okay so how many nukes and subs are we giving Iran? Do people know Iran has continued breaking their existing agreements and doing end runs around the sanctions while negotiating this deal?
i still haven't been able to figure out how a deal that prohibits the building of a nuclear weapon is better than no deal at all. how does prohibition equal 'giving away the nuke store?'
Well this is retarded, you guys will never forgive him for stopping the war you've wanted for 35 years.

Who, Obama? He didn't "stop" anything. If anything, he ramped up the drone strikes in the Middle East, murdering more innocent woman and children than Bush's drone strikes did. If anything, the Middle East is a worse place than it was pre-Obama, and this country is less safe than it ever was.
You dumbasses have been wanting to carpet bomb Iran for decades, Bush tried to get a third war going over there or have you already forgotten? I think you have. None of you remember how your wars get started and have no clue how to wrap them up.
Okay so how many nukes and subs are we giving Iran? Do people know Iran has continued breaking their existing agreements and doing end runs around the sanctions while negotiating this deal?
i can't tell if this is written in jest or if the poster is serious. help please.
Who, Obama? He didn't "stop" anything. If anything, he ramped up the drone strikes in the Middle East, murdering more innocent woman and children than Bush's drone strikes did. If anything, the Middle East is a worse place than it was pre-Obama, and this country is less safe than it ever was.
You dumbasses have been wanting to carpet bomb Iran for decades
And we get more lies and insults from the usual liberals. Some things never change. :rolleyes-41:
Well this is retarded, you guys will never forgive him for stopping the war you've wanted for 35 years.

Who, Obama? He didn't "stop" anything. If anything, he ramped up the drone strikes in the Middle East, murdering more innocent woman and children than Bush's drone strikes did. If anything, the Middle East is a worse place than it was pre-Obama, and this country is less safe than it ever was.
You dumbasses have been wanting to carpet bomb Iran for decades, Bush tried to get a third war going over there or have you already forgotten? I think you have. None of you remember how your wars get started and have no clue how to wrap them up.

Do you really want to review how many wars Dem presidents have gotten us into vs Rep and how many American lives it cost? My advice is don't go there fool.
Okay so how many nukes and subs are we giving Iran? Do people know Iran has continued breaking their existing agreements and doing end runs around the sanctions while negotiating this deal?
i can't tell if this is written in jest or if the poster is serious. help please.

Are you a liberal? That would explain it.
so it's your belief that the deal with iran will involve the transfer of a nuclear weapon from the united states to iran?
Well this is retarded, you guys will never forgive him for stopping the war you've wanted for 35 years.

Who, Obama? He didn't "stop" anything. If anything, he ramped up the drone strikes in the Middle East, murdering more innocent woman and children than Bush's drone strikes did. If anything, the Middle East is a worse place than it was pre-Obama, and this country is less safe than it ever was.
You dumbasses have been wanting to carpet bomb Iran for decades, Bush tried to get a third war going over there or have you already forgotten? I think you have. None of you remember how your wars get started and have no clue how to wrap them up.

If Jimmy Carter had had the balls to deal with Iran like a real leader would, this whole "radical fundamentalist Islam" thing would have been nipped in the bud. Instead, he advocated that the Shah of Iran abdicate, giving rise to those shithead radicals. Then they took American embassy workers hostage for hundreds of days, and brave U.S. troops died trying the rescue them. Obama's policies are following in the footsteps of Carter only this time, there's alot more at stake. He's allowing Iran to ramp up their quest for a nuclear weapon. which will undoubtedly be used to fulfill what's written in Iran's own charter. That it, the wiping of Israel off the map.
Okay so how many nukes and subs are we giving Iran? Do people know Iran has continued breaking their existing agreements and doing end runs around the sanctions while negotiating this deal?
i can't tell if this is written in jest or if the poster is serious. help please.

Are you a liberal? That would explain it.
so it's your belief that the deal with iran will involve the transfer of a nuclear weapon from the united states to iran?

Did you actually purchase the beach front property in Kansas?
Okay so how many nukes and subs are we giving Iran? Do people know Iran has continued breaking their existing agreements and doing end runs around the sanctions while negotiating this deal?
i can't tell if this is written in jest or if the poster is serious. help please.

Are you a liberal? That would explain it.
so it's your belief that the deal with iran will involve the transfer of a nuclear weapon from the united states to iran?

Not the transfer , but it opens a pathway for their development of such weapon. Iran has already supported several terrorist organizations and supplied armament to those factions which have been responsible for the deaths of your own countrymen. Make no mistake about Iran's intentions: They are taking whatever concessions Obama and Kerry is giving them, all the while stating "Death to America".
. He's allowing Iran to ramp up their quest for a nuclear weapon. which will undoubtedly be used to fulfill what's written in Iran's own charter. That it, the wiping of Israel off the map.
couple things. 1) how do you get to the idea that a deal that disallows the building of a nuclear weapon allows iran to 'ramp up their quest' for one 2) i'd like to see that part of iran's charter. can you cite it?

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