Obama admin on the verge of signing a nuke agreement with Iran

Yeah we've killed a shit load of people over there too, it's got to end somehow, killing more people does not seem to be working.

Well why don't you do this: Go over there and sit down with them around a campfire. You can make smores and sing a round of "Kumbaya". Let us know how that works out for ya.

As for myself, I'll just stay here and continue engraving the names of terrorists on the noses of bullets which is no mean feat, given the squiggly nature of Arabic writing.
You do that. It must suck that all your courage comes from a gun barrel.

Better being an armed courageous person than the spineless appeasing worm you are.
you might be armed but if you are not courageous. you're a spineless pussy that thinks talking about guns makes him a big man.

You have no idea what I'm capable of, dickhead. Armed or not, I'll always be twice the man you are.
keep thumping that chest, pussy.
First; a deal that doesn't prevent Iran from developing the nuke is worthless. May as well be no deal at all.

Second; sanctions are a waste of time because Russia and China make them worthless by bypassing them and trading with Iran.
Preventing them from getting a nuke is probably futile if we never back off our ever present threat of military action. Some call it appeasement but we all know sabre rattling is mostly for a domestic audience, enough of that bullshit, time to get real and base our policy on the actual threat rather than scary stories and worst case scenarios.

Spoken like a true pacifist coward. I just hope when they do start making suitcase nukes and providing them to their shithead buddies, the first one goes off near your house instead of mine.
Quit being such a goddamned pussy, Jesus, you people always expect the worst and never learn when the worst never happens.

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