"Obama admin spied on Israeli military ahead of Iran nuclear deal: report"

The entire free world benefits when your Terrorist allies are kept chained up


The fact that the "Free World" has created most of this problem to start with. We are the ones who upset the poltical order in that region through 200 years of colonization and exploitation.

Our middle east policy is one of sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whining about getting stung. That's when we aren't breeding bigger, meaner hornets like Saddam or Bin Laden (both of whom the CIA thought were swell guys until they turned on us.)

Or to put it in a term that even a moron like you can understand.

Lorena Bobbit cut off John Bobbit's dick after years of him beating and physically abusing her. The Middle East is Lorena, we're John... the WTC looked pretty phallic, didn't it?
You can play Ken and Barbie make believe all you want.

The fact remains that Iran is the leading state Terrorism sponsor, you're their cheerleader, and patriotic Americans, along with patriotic Israelis, will keep you in your cage.
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his intentions were good
A president can't be that naive.

Ears wasn't naive. He was a calculating anti American asshole
He really pissed you off when he used them big college type words.

I basically ignored the big eared fag.

You however still have wet dreams about the queer
Another poster obsessed with gay stuff. Take your gay fantasies elsewhere Butch.
Normally I don't side with Obama, but in this case the story is worded very poorly.
We spy on all nations. We should spy on all other nations. Sometimes you can't even trust those who you thought were your friends. France is an example of that.
his intentions were good
A president can't be that naive.

Ears wasn't naive. He was a calculating anti American asshole
He really pissed you off when he used them big college type words.

I basically ignored the big eared fag.

You however still have wet dreams about the queer
Another poster obsessed with gay stuff. Take your gay fantasies elsewhere Butch.

Says the pillow biter. Gfy troll your boy was an effiminate pussy probably dominated by Mooch. Fat ass tranny
We’re “making up” the fact that the Hussein aided Iran? He shipped them cash, and allowed them to continue their nuclear ambitions without any checks.
Yeah, but he would always say "Cut it out" after they spoke sponsored a terrorist attack.
Bbbut there were no scandals in Ear's administration.

Lying pos

You mean these right wing made up scandals.
We’re “making up” the fact that the Hussein aided Iran? He shipped them cash, and allowed them to continue their nuclear ambitions without any checks.

That lie has been debunked so many times, it isn't worth talking about.

what lie? Iran has openly declared that it harbors a DEATH WISH upon the
USA and teaches its youth to despise the USA. ----IMO----such behavior
is not FRIENDLY----and is, in fact, serious
With you America is the bad man in the world attitude. You would be more of a problem than an asset.

Okay, except that I did really well in the Army and got promoted to Staff Sergeant because I was very good at my job.

The problem isn't with the military. They do whatever the folks in Washington tell them to do to the best of their ability.

The problem is that when you let the Jews and the Oil Companies dictate policy, you are going to have really bad policy.

In many ways, our current system makes it worse. Since THEIR kids aren't going to serve, they have no skin in the game.

Joe's plan for peace. Universal draft. The children of the rich, the politicians and the assholes on Talk Radio are put in an elite airborne unit that is the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our time!
You can play Ken and Barbie make believe all you want.

The fact remains that Iran is the leading state Terrorism sponsor, you're their cheerleader, and patriotic Americans, along with patriotic Israelis, will keep you in your cage.

I'm sure you believe that because that is what the Zionist Media tells you.

No Iranian has ever bothered me, because I don't bother them. Funny how that works.
Bbbut there were no scandals in Ear's administration.

Lying pos

You mean these right wing made up scandals.
We’re “making up” the fact that the Hussein aided Iran? He shipped them cash, and allowed them to continue their nuclear ambitions without any checks.

That lie has been debunked so many times, it isn't worth talking about.

what lie? Iran has openly declared that it harbors a DEATH WISH upon the
USA and teaches its youth to despise the USA. ----IMO----such behavior
is not FRIENDLY----and is, in fact, serious

This one.

We’re “making up” the fact that the Hussein aided Iran? He shipped them cash, and allowed them to continue their nuclear ambitions without any checks.
Bbbut there were no scandals in Ear's administration.

Lying pos

You mean these right wing made up scandals.
We’re “making up” the fact that the Hussein aided Iran? He shipped them cash, and allowed them to continue their nuclear ambitions without any checks.

That lie has been debunked so many times, it isn't worth talking about.

what lie? Iran has openly declared that it harbors a DEATH WISH upon the
USA and teaches its youth to despise the USA. ----IMO----such behavior
is not FRIENDLY----and is, in fact, serious

This one.

We’re “making up” the fact that the Hussein aided Iran? He shipped them cash, and allowed them to continue their nuclear ambitions without any checks.

I will, henceforth, refer to the actions by Obama toward Iran as
VERY BAD JUDGEMENT-------in fact---I refer to the even more harmful
actions by Carter toward iran as VERY BAD JUDGEMENT-----not lets be
You mean these right wing made up scandals.
We’re “making up” the fact that the Hussein aided Iran? He shipped them cash, and allowed them to continue their nuclear ambitions without any checks.

That lie has been debunked so many times, it isn't worth talking about.

what lie? Iran has openly declared that it harbors a DEATH WISH upon the
USA and teaches its youth to despise the USA. ----IMO----such behavior
is not FRIENDLY----and is, in fact, serious

This one.

We’re “making up” the fact that the Hussein aided Iran? He shipped them cash, and allowed them to continue their nuclear ambitions without any checks.

I will, henceforth, refer to the actions by Obama toward Iran as
VERY BAD JUDGEMENT-------in fact---I refer to the even more harmful
actions by Carter toward iran as VERY BAD JUDGEMENT-----not lets be

What do you think about this.

Trump official offered millions of dollars to captain of Iranian ship

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