Obama Administration declared Occupy Wall Street a Terrorist Movement

Obama would be closer to repeal the Patriot Act than any Conservative President.

But he's not going to push of that.

Know why?

It's a cheap way of keeping domestic terrorists in check.

And it also makes the executive offices a lot more powerful.

It was folks like you that passed this abomination.

It won't be folks like you that get rid of it.
Obama would never repeal the Patriot Act. Why does every act like Obama and Bush are complete polar opposites? They're almost exactly the same guy when you look at the issues of foreign policy, domestic rights violations, and intelligence gathering.

Remember in 2012, the big thing during the Republican presidential primary was "repeal Obamacare"? Everyone was saying they'd repeal it with an executive order, but Michele Bachmann reminded (or tried to) the voters that the law can't be repealed that way. None of the corporate shills that push for getting rid of Obamacare actually want to do it, hence why no feasible way to repeal it is brought up. The Patriot Act is as much of a "cheap way of keeping domestic terrorists in check" as Obamacare is a cheap way of getting all Americans affordable healthcare, which is to say, that's not the intent behind it at all. Obamacare is exactly what the Patriot Act was, a powergrab by the government, as you noted; the respective originating party of each simply sugarcoated it in a way that would appeal to their base. Neither party wants to get rid of either law.

If congress put a bill on his desk that said repeal? He'd repeal it. He's not going to push for it. And this current configuration of congress never craft such legislation.

Bush and Obama are VASTLY different when it comes to foreign policy. It's just the world was harden by the policies of the Bush administration. And that's those that weren't nuts to begin with. Obama hasn't advocated for a conventional invasion, anywhere...to begin with. And Bush was doing that prior to becoming President.

I would agree that the Patriot Act is a "power" grab. I would disagree about Obamacare being that. So much so, they are Non Sequiturs and only related by the fact they are both legislation.
So can you show us exactly where Occupy Wall Street was "declared" a "terrorist movement"?
Have you read the first link in the Original Post? If not, please do so and find the answer to your question.

You should understand the word "terrorist" is being used in the same manner and for the same purpose today as the word "communist" was used back in the fifties. That purpose is manipulative propaganda. The word is being repetitively inculcated into the collective consciousness of the American People. The method is effective and is more commonly known as brainwashing or conditioning.

Whether or not you are effectively subjected to this process is your choice to make.

It's also funny that [MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] believes that there's a difference between being "investigated as a terrorist" or actually "being a terrorist."

The only way you become a "terrorist" is if you admit you're a terrorist, or you're convicted in a court by a Jury of your Peers.

"Being investigated as a terrorists" or a "potential terrorist" is in fact the classification that legally permits the Government to search/detain and possibly even EXECUTE you on a whim.

Oh wait, they actually were planning to execute them, according to the mainstream media sources of the United Kingdom:

Released FBI documents - plans to assassinate Occupy Wall Street Leaders With Snipers - Daily Mail Forum | Mail Online




Here's the redacted documented procured through the Freedom of Information Act:

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So can you show us exactly where Occupy Wall Street was "declared" a "terrorist movement"?
Have you read the first link in the Original Post? If not, please do so and find the answer to your question.

You should understand the word "terrorist" is being used in the same manner and for the same purpose today as the word "communist" was used back in the fifties. That purpose is manipulative propaganda. The word is being repetitively inculcated into the collective consciousness of the American People. The method is effective and is more commonly known as brainwashing or conditioning.

Whether or not you are effectively subjected to this process is your choice to make.

It's also funny that [MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] believes that there's a difference between being "investigated as a terrorist" or actually "being a terrorist."

The only way you become a "terrorist" is if you admit you're a terrorist, or you're convicted in a court by a Jury of your Peers.

Here's the redacted documented procured through the Freedom of Information Act:

"Being investigated as a terrorists" or a "potential terrorist" is in fact the classification that legally permits the Government to search/detain and possibly even EXECUTE you on a whim.

Oh wait, they actually were planning to execute them, according to the mainstream media sources of the United Kingdom:

Released FBI documents - plans to assassinate Occupy Wall Street Leaders With Snipers - Daily Mail Forum | Mail Online

FBI knew of assassination plot against Occupy but gave no warning

Released FBI documents reveal plans to assassinate Occupy Wall Street Leaders With Snipers : The Jack Blood Show

» FBI Planned to Kill Occupy Leaders Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Please excuse my careless error in my foregoing message. I was responding to G5000, not 2ndD Amendment.
First time in USMB history that liberals are actually avoiding an article from Huffingtonpost.

So can you show us exactly where Occupy Wall Street was "declared" a "terrorist movement"?

All I see in your links is that they were investigated. Not actual labeling by the government declaring them a terrorist movement.

Contemplate what you just said. And it's well known that Occupy Wall Street leaders are on the Terror Watch list.

It is well known you make shit up.

If your claim is true, it should be a piece of cake to provide a link proving that the FBI declared OWS a terrorist organization!

So go ahead. I'll wait.
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"The Guardian has up a story detailing the crack down on Occupy Wall Street (OWS). It goes on to show how the FBI, DHS, Terrorist Fusion Centers and the banks all worked together to stifle dissent. From the article: 'This production [of documents], which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI's surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protesters organizing with the Occupy movement These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America.' The next question is how many Americans are now listed as part of a 'terrorist group' by the government for their support of OWS?"


See, not even saying the FBI declared OWS a terrorist movement. They are just idly fantasizing here and wondering IF the government labeled individuals as part of a terrorist group. Not even the whole OWS movement.

Your own links don't even back up your claim.
If your claim is true, it should be a piece of cake to provide a link proving that the FBI declared OWS a terrorist organization!

So go ahead. I'll wait.

I did, there's 20 of them on the front page of the OP. Even though you live off my tax payer money, ultimately I cannot read for you, you have to read for yourself.
Your own links don't even back up your claim.

It's not my claim, it's HuffingtonPost's claim and CNN's, and we also have the original redacted document from the FBI that proves it (FOIA request).

Are you claiming that the FBI forged documents to incriminate themselves? That would be a a rather convoluted and monstrous conspiracy theory --- with no motive.

Here's the entire 112 page document:
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The Bush fed used the Patriot Act to track the finances of political enemies, including Eliot Spitzer, who was deeply critical of Bush's role in the 2008 meltdown. Once Spitzer moved more than 10K, they had him.

Now, Government is doing something similar, which is using the terrorist threat as a context to control domestic political opposition.

This is what happened in the Soviet Union. They used national security threats as a justification to create more domestic surveillance, saying all the while that it was for protection. But, once the surveillance and new laws were in place, they used it to control their own people.

The War on Terrorism has always been partly a justification for creating a surveillance state that is better able to defend itself against social and political rebellion. All nations that get taken over by a small group of wealthy special interests use national security as a context to insulate themselves from the very population whom they have disenfranchised.

Ron Paul warned us. He knew the War on Terrorism was merely a tool which gave government the legal infrastructure to watch, detain and imprison politically disruptive citizens. Study history. This is how government power works.

We know the Left trusts government, but why do Republicans always fall for this:

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"
The Bush fed used the Patriot Act to track the finances of political enemies, including Eliot Spitzer, who was deeply critical of Bush's role in the 2008 meltdown. Once Spitzer moved more than 10K, they had him.

Now, Government is doing something similar, which is using the terrorist threat as a context to control domestic political opposition.

This is what happened in the Soviet Union. They used national security threats as a justification to create more domestic surveillance, saying all the while that it was for protection. But, once the surveillance and new laws were in place, they used it to control their own people.

The War on Terrorism has always been partly a justification for creating a surveillance state that is better able to defend itself against social and political rebellion. All nations that get taken over by a small group of wealthy special interests use national security as a context to insulate themselves from the very population whom they have disenfranchised.

Ron Paul warned us. He knew the War on Terrorism was merely a tool which gave government the legal infrastructure to watch, detain and imprison politically disruptive citizens. Study history. This is how government power works.

We know the Left trusts government, but why do Republicans always fall for this:

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"

You know what's funny? The common and regular viewers of these forums (which rarely ever post/make accounts) are watching their left-wing USMB heroes decay to authoritarian shills, in plain sight.
Can someone move this to Conspiracies?

Or delete the thread? After all, it was only "considered".

FBI considered Occupy movement potential threat, documents say - CNN.com

Could you stop trying to run this forum.


So can you show us exactly where Occupy Wall Street was "declared" a "terrorist movement"?
Have you read the first link in the Original Post? If not, please do so and find the answer to your question.

You should understand the word "terrorist" is being used in the same manner and for the same purpose today as the word "communist" was used back in the fifties. That purpose is manipulative propaganda. The word is being repetitively inculcated into the collective consciousness of the American People. The method is effective and is more commonly known as brainwashing or conditioning.

Whether or not you are effectively subjected to this process is your choice to make.

It's also funny that [MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] believes that there's a difference between being "investigated as a terrorist" or actually "being a terrorist."


They were investigated to see IF there were any members who were possible terrorist.


The FBI did not label OWS as a terrorist movement. You lied.
The FBI did not label OWS as a terrorist movement. You lied.

The only way one can actually be labeled a terrorist group (directly and legally) if is they blatantly assault the United States or are convicted by a Jury (civilian or military).

When one is even "considered" a "potential terrorist" the FBI, armed forces, etc, can detain you indefinitely under the NDAA in any Article II Court (executive/military) court), since Habeus Corpus is only preserved in Article III Courts under the NDAA.

They no longer need to obtain warrants to search your person, home or effects, nor can they opt-out of the TSA searches.

Without actually being executed as a terrorist, there is virtually no difference between being "considered a potential terrorist" and actually being a terrorist under current US law.

This is how the Obama Administration got the authority to coordinate the FBI and NSA to use the Fusion Centers to infiltrate the communications of Occupy Wall Street leaders and disrupt their events. So far as the Soros puppet Administration is concerned, OWS is an enemy of the state.

As an analogy, you are correct "name" only. This is like saying China is a Republic because their name says so.
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According to this thread:

[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] and [MENTION=20297]Wry Catcher[/MENTION] were big supporters of Obama and Occupy Wall Street.

As are:
[MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION] [MENTION=13758]Old Rocks[/MENTION] [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]

On a sidenote, after reading that old thread from 2011, I can't believe that roughly 40% of the posters (right or left) have been permanently banned from the forums, but it's true.

I was a BIG SUPPORTER of some of the OWS complaints about how our society works.

Still am, in fact.


I HATE with a passion the 1% meme.

I believe that OWS movement was perverted from a legit complaint to a tool of the masters just as the TEA PARTY movement was.

They both started out complaining about things that are worthy of complaint and then evolved into TOOLS of partisanship.

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