Obama Admits Administration Failure: Says Overestimated Iraq Army, Underestimated I S I S

Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
He should have known that any army trained by Bush would cut and run.
If you consider the average Obamabot represents Americans as a whole, it is no small wonder Obama thinks he can out smart and lie to the public. He has consistently over estimated his intelligence.
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
You realize of course that Obama got this false information from American Intel right? He listened to experts.


I thought Obama got all his information from the media. You know like when he found out about the IRS. Like when he found out about the VA scandal.

How did he miss this? Someone needs get Obama a freaking newspaper so he can stay in the loop. Or better yet a television in his bloody golf cart.

Check the date Obamabot. Oh and apologies in advance. I have no idea how the copy and paste makes the print so big.

They took it over March 2013. al Nusra was in the lead, ISIS tag teamed. Now ISIS is the greater.

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa, Syria’s Kandahar


A child looks at child look at stand selling military fatigue in the northern rebel-held Syrian city of Raqqa on October 1, 2013 as violence continues to rage in flashpoints around the country. (Photo: AFP - Mohamed Abdul Aziz)

The Euphrates overflows with blood, and the crows caw over the corpses that the Syrian city of Raqqa sacrifices every day to the princes of death in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and al-Nusra Front, ever since the two al-Qaeda affiliates turned the city into the first official province of their Islamic emirate. The tyranny that people rose up against has now returned, more morbid than before. Today, Raqqa is Syria’s answer to Kandahar – the birthplace of the Taliban.

The opposition Syrian National Coalition has no presence in Raqqa. All mainstream opposition forces left the city months ago because of clashes between the various brigades of the armed opposition. Raqqa is today without a state, and its people grapple with death every day, with no hope in sight for a normal life.

Though activists called for peaceful protests to reject violence, their efforts did not pan out, especially as many activists were arrested. Now, revolutionary action has returned to secrecy and false names, operating mainly through social media.

Eight months have passed since the armed opposition brigades and al-Nusra Front entered Raqqa, at dawn on 2 March 2013.

Since the armed opposition offensive, only three Syrian army bases in the entire governorate have survived: the 17th division, stationed around 1 km north of Raqqa; Tabaqa military airport, 50 km west of the city, along the Raqqa-Aleppo expressway; and the 93rd brigade, stationed 55 km from Raqqa near the town of Ain Issa.

More at link:

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa Syria s Kandahar Al Akhbar English

Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
He should have known that any army trained by Bush would cut and run.

LOL, that's the best you can do? ROFL. It's going to be soooooooooooooooo fun backing you libs in a corner. Whether it's ISIS, Iraq, Afghanistan, Benghazi............... it's going to be SOOOOOOOO fun.
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
He should have known that any army trained by Bush would cut and run.

You suggesting Americans cut and ran? That Obama didn't provide any training? That Obama didn't declare them fit to protect Iraq?
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
He should have known that any army trained by Bush would cut and run.

Why don't you explain to the classroom how ISIS became so well armed and financed that they could invade Iraq lickety split from Syria?

ETA: Throw in al Nusra as well. Because although they continued to concentrate in Syria and couldn't claim the guts and the glory of ISIS out of the blue they became extremely well armed.
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Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
He should have known that any army trained by Bush would cut and run.

You suggesting Americans cut and ran? That Obama didn't provide any training? That Obama didn't declare them fit to protect Iraq?

LOL, exhibit #1 on "Backing Libs in a Corner."

LOL. Isn't this fun, saveliberty? :)
For a President who can say "I" or "Me" over 100 times in a speech.... I sure didn't hear him use either one of those words when assigning blame on 60 minutes... He sure threw Clapper under the bus though.
You've gotta love it! Barry chose to believe his own view of the Middle East as opposed to what his military and intelligence advisers were telling him...then he turns around and blames the intelligence community for dropping the ball on ISIS and says the military didn't have any plans in place to deal with ISIS.

This is the kind of leadership that inspires those that work for a President!!! They know that Barack Obama will claim any successes as "his" and that any failures will be blamed on "them".
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
He should have known that any army trained by Bush would cut and run.

You suggesting Americans cut and ran? That Obama didn't provide any training? That Obama didn't declare them fit to protect Iraq?

LOL, exhibit #1 on "Backing Libs in a Corner."

LOL. Isn't this fun, saveliberty? :)

I take no joy in stupid and partisan. How do we heal America, when there are willful lies abounding? Take a step toward responsibility Ed.
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
He should have known that any army trained by Bush would cut and run.

Why don't you explain to the classroom how ISIS became so well armed and financed that they could invade Iraq lickety split from Syria?
Everyone but the No-Information Right knows that Bush's best buddies, the House of Saud, are behind ISIL!!!!!

Thank God for the Saudis ISIS Iraq and the Lessons of Blowback - The Atlantic

The Free Syrian Army (FSA), the “moderate” armed opposition in the country, receives a lot of attention. But two of the most successful factions fighting Assad’s forces are Islamist extremist groups: Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the latter of which is now amassing territory in Iraq and threatening to further destabilize the entire region. And that success is in part due to the support they have received from two Persian Gulf countries: Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Qatar’s military and economic largesse has made its way to Jabhat al-Nusra, to the point that a senior Qatari official told me he can identify al-Nusra commanders by the blocks they control in various Syrian cities. But ISIS is another matter. As one senior Qatari official stated, “ISIS has been a Saudi project.”

ISIS, in fact, may have been a major part of Bandar’s covert-ops strategy in Syria.
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
He should have known that any army trained by Bush would cut and run.

Why don't you explain to the classroom how ISIS became so well armed and financed that they could invade Iraq lickety split from Syria?
Everyone but the No-Information Right knows that Bush's best buddies, the House of Saud, are behind ISIL!!!!!

Thank God for the Saudis ISIS Iraq and the Lessons of Blowback - The Atlantic

The Free Syrian Army (FSA), the “moderate” armed opposition in the country, receives a lot of attention. But two of the most successful factions fighting Assad’s forces are Islamist extremist groups: Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the latter of which is now amassing territory in Iraq and threatening to further destabilize the entire region. And that success is in part due to the support they have received from two Persian Gulf countries: Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Qatar’s military and economic largesse has made its way to Jabhat al-Nusra, to the point that a senior Qatari official told me he can identify al-Nusra commanders by the blocks they control in various Syrian cities. But ISIS is another matter. As one senior Qatari official stated, “ISIS has been a Saudi project.”

ISIS, in fact, may have been a major part of Bandar’s covert-ops strategy in Syria.

We've got ya cornered, hun. At this point the corrupt press can't suppress info anymore...BECAUSE IT'S COMING STRAIGHT OUT OF THE PRESIDENT'S MOUTH.

Now THEY have to report it. See how that works??????????

So Obama, the corrupt liberal press (although those cowards are jumping ship fast), and you lying supporters are ALL going down in a death spiral together.

And I DO take joy in seeing truth finally win out.
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
You realize of course that Obama got this false information from American Intel right? He listened to experts.


I thought Obama got all his information from the media. You know like when he found out about the IRS. Like when he found out about the VA scandal.

How did he miss this? Someone needs get Obama a freaking newspaper so he can stay in the loop. Or better yet a television in his bloody golf cart.

Check the date Obamabot. Oh and apologies in advance. I have no idea how the copy and paste makes the print so big.

They took it over March 2013. al Nusra was in the lead, ISIS tag teamed. Now ISIS is the greater.

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa, Syria’s Kandahar


A child looks at child look at stand selling military fatigue in the northern rebel-held Syrian city of Raqqa on October 1, 2013 as violence continues to rage in flashpoints around the country. (Photo: AFP - Mohamed Abdul Aziz)

The Euphrates overflows with blood, and the crows caw over the corpses that the Syrian city of Raqqa sacrifices every day to the princes of death in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and al-Nusra Front, ever since the two al-Qaeda affiliates turned the city into the first official province of their Islamic emirate. The tyranny that people rose up against has now returned, more morbid than before. Today, Raqqa is Syria’s answer to Kandahar – the birthplace of the Taliban.

The opposition Syrian National Coalition has no presence in Raqqa. All mainstream opposition forces left the city months ago because of clashes between the various brigades of the armed opposition. Raqqa is today without a state, and its people grapple with death every day, with no hope in sight for a normal life.

Though activists called for peaceful protests to reject violence, their efforts did not pan out, especially as many activists were arrested. Now, revolutionary action has returned to secrecy and false names, operating mainly through social media.

Eight months have passed since the armed opposition brigades and al-Nusra Front entered Raqqa, at dawn on 2 March 2013.

Since the armed opposition offensive, only three Syrian army bases in the entire governorate have survived: the 17th division, stationed around 1 km north of Raqqa; Tabaqa military airport, 50 km west of the city, along the Raqqa-Aleppo expressway; and the 93rd brigade, stationed 55 km from Raqqa near the town of Ain Issa.

More at link:

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa Syria s Kandahar Al Akhbar English
I don't see how this contradicts what Obama said. Them having known successes does not equate to the group we know them as now. Everyone underestimated them. Not just Obama, who again, listened to experts. It's not like he lead the intel initiative. That's not what presidents do
Let the unraveling begin. LOL.

This is better than Christmas. One great big ball of lies is coming undone.......ROFL
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
You realize of course that Obama got this false information from American Intel right? He listened to experts.


I thought Obama got all his information from the media. You know like when he found out about the IRS. Like when he found out about the VA scandal.

How did he miss this? Someone needs get Obama a freaking newspaper so he can stay in the loop. Or better yet a television in his bloody golf cart.

Check the date Obamabot. Oh and apologies in advance. I have no idea how the copy and paste makes the print so big.

They took it over March 2013. al Nusra was in the lead, ISIS tag teamed. Now ISIS is the greater.

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa, Syria’s Kandahar


A child looks at child look at stand selling military fatigue in the northern rebel-held Syrian city of Raqqa on October 1, 2013 as violence continues to rage in flashpoints around the country. (Photo: AFP - Mohamed Abdul Aziz)

The Euphrates overflows with blood, and the crows caw over the corpses that the Syrian city of Raqqa sacrifices every day to the princes of death in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and al-Nusra Front, ever since the two al-Qaeda affiliates turned the city into the first official province of their Islamic emirate. The tyranny that people rose up against has now returned, more morbid than before. Today, Raqqa is Syria’s answer to Kandahar – the birthplace of the Taliban.

The opposition Syrian National Coalition has no presence in Raqqa. All mainstream opposition forces left the city months ago because of clashes between the various brigades of the armed opposition. Raqqa is today without a state, and its people grapple with death every day, with no hope in sight for a normal life.

Though activists called for peaceful protests to reject violence, their efforts did not pan out, especially as many activists were arrested. Now, revolutionary action has returned to secrecy and false names, operating mainly through social media.

Eight months have passed since the armed opposition brigades and al-Nusra Front entered Raqqa, at dawn on 2 March 2013.

Since the armed opposition offensive, only three Syrian army bases in the entire governorate have survived: the 17th division, stationed around 1 km north of Raqqa; Tabaqa military airport, 50 km west of the city, along the Raqqa-Aleppo expressway; and the 93rd brigade, stationed 55 km from Raqqa near the town of Ain Issa.

More at link:

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa Syria s Kandahar Al Akhbar English
I don't see how this contradicts what Obama said. Them having known successes does not equate to the group we know them as now. Everyone underestimated them. Not just Obama, who again, listened to experts. It's not like he lead the intel initiative. That's not what presidents do

Blah, blah blah blah blah blah.....just like Lucy on Charlie Brown.....this is what it's going to sound like to the public. You people lied, you libs backed the lies up, and now your house of cards is coming down. The American people have been awakened......it's going to be a hard fall....
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
You realize of course that Obama got this false information from American Intel right? He listened to experts.


I thought Obama got all his information from the media. You know like when he found out about the IRS. Like when he found out about the VA scandal.

How did he miss this? Someone needs get Obama a freaking newspaper so he can stay in the loop. Or better yet a television in his bloody golf cart.

Check the date Obamabot. Oh and apologies in advance. I have no idea how the copy and paste makes the print so big.

They took it over March 2013. al Nusra was in the lead, ISIS tag teamed. Now ISIS is the greater.

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa, Syria’s Kandahar


A child looks at child look at stand selling military fatigue in the northern rebel-held Syrian city of Raqqa on October 1, 2013 as violence continues to rage in flashpoints around the country. (Photo: AFP - Mohamed Abdul Aziz)

The Euphrates overflows with blood, and the crows caw over the corpses that the Syrian city of Raqqa sacrifices every day to the princes of death in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and al-Nusra Front, ever since the two al-Qaeda affiliates turned the city into the first official province of their Islamic emirate. The tyranny that people rose up against has now returned, more morbid than before. Today, Raqqa is Syria’s answer to Kandahar – the birthplace of the Taliban.

The opposition Syrian National Coalition has no presence in Raqqa. All mainstream opposition forces left the city months ago because of clashes between the various brigades of the armed opposition. Raqqa is today without a state, and its people grapple with death every day, with no hope in sight for a normal life.

Though activists called for peaceful protests to reject violence, their efforts did not pan out, especially as many activists were arrested. Now, revolutionary action has returned to secrecy and false names, operating mainly through social media.

Eight months have passed since the armed opposition brigades and al-Nusra Front entered Raqqa, at dawn on 2 March 2013.

Since the armed opposition offensive, only three Syrian army bases in the entire governorate have survived: the 17th division, stationed around 1 km north of Raqqa; Tabaqa military airport, 50 km west of the city, along the Raqqa-Aleppo expressway; and the 93rd brigade, stationed 55 km from Raqqa near the town of Ain Issa.

More at link:

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa Syria s Kandahar Al Akhbar English
I don't see how this contradicts what Obama said. Them having known successes does not equate to the group we know them as now. Everyone underestimated them. Not just Obama, who again, listened to experts. It's not like he lead the intel initiative. That's not what presidents do

Blah, blah blah blah blah blah.....just like Lucy on Charlie Brown.....this is what it's going to sound like to the public. You people lied, you libs backed the lies up, and now your house of cards is coming down. The American people have been awakened......it's going to be a hard fall....
Lol umm okay.
You've gotta love it! Barry chose to believe his own view of the Middle East as opposed to what his military and intelligence advisers were telling him...then he turns around and blames the intelligence community for dropping the ball on ISIS and says the military didn't have any plans in place to deal with ISIS.

This is the kind of leadership that inspires those that work for a President!!! They know that Barack Obama will claim any successes as "his" and that any failures will be blamed on "them".
that's actually the opposite of what he said.

so, let's pretend that they hadn't been underestimated.
what do you think we would have done differently?
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS
You realize of course that Obama got this false information from American Intel right? He listened to experts.


I thought Obama got all his information from the media. You know like when he found out about the IRS. Like when he found out about the VA scandal.

How did he miss this? Someone needs get Obama a freaking newspaper so he can stay in the loop. Or better yet a television in his bloody golf cart.

Check the date Obamabot. Oh and apologies in advance. I have no idea how the copy and paste makes the print so big.

They took it over March 2013. al Nusra was in the lead, ISIS tag teamed. Now ISIS is the greater.

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa, Syria’s Kandahar


A child looks at child look at stand selling military fatigue in the northern rebel-held Syrian city of Raqqa on October 1, 2013 as violence continues to rage in flashpoints around the country. (Photo: AFP - Mohamed Abdul Aziz)

The Euphrates overflows with blood, and the crows caw over the corpses that the Syrian city of Raqqa sacrifices every day to the princes of death in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and al-Nusra Front, ever since the two al-Qaeda affiliates turned the city into the first official province of their Islamic emirate. The tyranny that people rose up against has now returned, more morbid than before. Today, Raqqa is Syria’s answer to Kandahar – the birthplace of the Taliban.

The opposition Syrian National Coalition has no presence in Raqqa. All mainstream opposition forces left the city months ago because of clashes between the various brigades of the armed opposition. Raqqa is today without a state, and its people grapple with death every day, with no hope in sight for a normal life.

Though activists called for peaceful protests to reject violence, their efforts did not pan out, especially as many activists were arrested. Now, revolutionary action has returned to secrecy and false names, operating mainly through social media.

Eight months have passed since the armed opposition brigades and al-Nusra Front entered Raqqa, at dawn on 2 March 2013.

Since the armed opposition offensive, only three Syrian army bases in the entire governorate have survived: the 17th division, stationed around 1 km north of Raqqa; Tabaqa military airport, 50 km west of the city, along the Raqqa-Aleppo expressway; and the 93rd brigade, stationed 55 km from Raqqa near the town of Ain Issa.

More at link:

The Mysterious Fall of Raqqa Syria s Kandahar Al Akhbar English
I don't see how this contradicts what Obama said. Them having known successes does not equate to the group we know them as now. Everyone underestimated them. Not just Obama, who again, listened to experts. It's not like he lead the intel initiative. That's not what presidents do

Blah, blah blah blah blah blah.....just like Lucy on Charlie Brown.....this is what it's going to sound like to the public. You people lied, you libs backed the lies up, and now your house of cards is coming down. The American people have been awakened......it's going to be a hard fall....
who lied about what?

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