Obama admits to campaigning not leading


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2009
Do you liberals not know how absolutely corrupt; irresponsible and fucked up this is?

The acknowledgment of the permanent campaign is quite an admission, casting most of what the president does in a more realistic light. He is engaged in bare-knuckle campaigning, not governing, when he engages in faux negotiations and goes around the country to hammer Republicans.

GOP accusation confirmed: Obama out to break it
He is doing so by trying to articulate for the American electorate his own feelings — an exasperation with an opposition party that blocks even the most politically popular elements of his agenda.”

About time he took it to the American People

When are Republicans going to help to accomplish ANYTHING? Time to make them politically accountable
Right on cue Obama apologist's lend their support.

What a dismal future we have as a nation when a president can spend our money tearing down our two party system, instead of actually working to fix our problems. And doing so while almost half the nation is on welfare~
Time to file impeachment charges for dereliction of duty IMO.

This confirms what Republicans have been saying (despite liberal pundits’ scoffing): The president is interested in breaking the back of the opposition not accommodating or passing centrist legislation. A senior GOP House aide was mattter-of-fact: “It’s been clear since December that President Obama is more interested in leading his Organizing for Action campaign than leading this nation.”
So he is incapable of actually sitting down and talking to the Republicans?

I guess I really can't blame him too much. He's done it four times and got spanked three times.

If it hadn't been for Candy, it would have been even worse.
When he isn't campaigning he is playing golf with celebrities. He actually claimed that he didn't know about releasing the illegal aliens until he read it in the papers. Is he in touch with anything?
Do you liberals not know how absolutely corrupt; irresponsible and fucked up this is?

The acknowledgment of the permanent campaign is quite an admission, casting most of what the president does in a more realistic light. He is engaged in bare-knuckle campaigning, not governing, when he engages in faux negotiations and goes around the country to hammer Republicans.

GOP accusation confirmed: Obama out to break it

You actually used a RW opinion piece to make your point? You're really not that clever, are you clevergirl?
It is about time that Obama started to take his case to the American people. Reagan was a master at getting public support for his agenda. If Republicans want to block everything, make them pay a political price.
It is about time that Obama started to take his case to the American people. Reagan was a master at getting public support for his agenda. If Republicans want to block everything, make them pay a political price.

They sure paid it when President Clinton was kicking their ass all over the place.
There is no public support for Obama's agenda. Just support among uneducated voters to elect a black man "who cares"(hahaha). People who actually understand and pay attention to agenda/policy issues oppose him by a solid margin.
Right on cue Obama apologist's lend their support.

What a dismal future we have as a nation when a president can spend our money tearing down our two party system, instead of actually working to fix our problems. And doing so while almost half the nation is on welfare~

How is Obama tearing down our two party system?

It seems Republicans are doing a good enough job of collapsing on their own
It is about time that Obama started to take his case to the American people. Reagan was a master at getting public support for his agenda. If Republicans want to block everything, make them pay a political price.

They sure paid it when President Clinton was kicking their ass all over the place.

You mean like he "kicked their ass" on welfare reform? :lol
It is about time that Obama started to take his case to the American people. Reagan was a master at getting public support for his agenda. If Republicans want to block everything, make them pay a political price.

They sure paid it when President Clinton was kicking their ass all over the place.

You mean like he "kicked their ass" on welfare reform? :lol

Republicans paid a political price for Gingrich shutting down government and their impeachment boondoggle

Lets see if the American people hold them accountable this time
I love this line from the link:

"The president is interested in breaking the back of the opposition"

Awwwww...poor widdle Republican's!

They've been trying to break Obama since before he got the nomination in 2008, telling every known lie, inventing conspiracy theories, flooding the internet and our inboxes with lies, opposing EVERYTHING he does, blaming him for everything and giving him no credit for anything, including killing bin Laden. They've obstructed, lied, cheated, swindled, blocked, grandstanded, pandered to morons, filibustered and used ever parliamentary tool in their arsenal to prevent Barack Obama from claiming a victory for anything at all. Everything he has accomplished was done in spite of the GOP and after forcibly ramming it down their throats. They've pretended to care, offered to compromise, then cut Obama's legs out from under him the first chance they got. They've tied up Congress with radical, loony legislation they know the Senate won't consider, then blamed the Democrats for doing nothing! They've been the most dishonest, duplicitous, lying opposition any President has ever faced. Their policies caused the recession, they've done all they could to extend it, then have the gall to blame Obama for the whole mess!

And now...NOW...when the President has finally had enough, has finally recognized the GOP isn't going to work with him on ANYTHING and that they're willing to send the whole nation right down the tubes to "get" him...now, he starts to fight back, to play THEIR game and they're crying "UNFAIR!" as crocodile tears pour down their pained little faces.

The GOP created this WWE spectacle which Washington has become, they've dog-piled the President for more than 4 years, while trying to tie his hands and feet and now they're getting it thrown back at them, in spades. They've sown the seeds of their own destruction and if Obama is now ready to water and harvest those seeds, I say more power to him. Enough is enough. He's been engaged in a knife fight with the GOP will trying to uphold the Marquis de Queensbury rules and GOP has slaughtered him and nation because of it. Now...the gloves have finally come off.

The Republican's will get no sympathy from me, so go whine to someone else.
I love this line from the link:

"The president is interested in breaking the back of the opposition"

Awwwww...poor widdle Republican's!

They've been trying to break Obama since before he got the nomination in 2008, telling every known lie, inventing conspiracy theories, flooding the internet and our inboxes with lies, opposing EVERYTHING he does, blaming him for everything and giving him no credit for anything, including killing bin Laden. They've obstructed, lied, cheated, swindled, blocked, grandstanded, pandered to morons, filibustered and used ever parliamentary tool in their arsenal to prevent Barack Obama from claiming a victory for anything at all. Everything he has accomplished was done in spite of the GOP and after forcibly ramming it down their throats. They've pretended to care, offered to compromise, then cut Obama's legs out from under him the first chance they got. They've tied up Congress with radical, loony legislation they know the Senate won't consider, then blamed the Democrats for doing nothing! They've been the most dishonest, duplicitous, lying opposition any President has ever faced. Their policies caused the recession, they've done all they could to extend it, then have the gall to blame Obama for the whole mess!

And now...NOW...when the President has finally had enough, has finally recognized the GOP isn't going to work with him on ANYTHING and that they're willing to send the whole nation right down the tubes to "get" him...now, he starts to fight back, to play THEIR game and they're crying "UNFAIR!" as crocodile tears pour down their pained little faces.

The GOP created this WWE spectacle which Washington has become, they've dog-piled the President for more than 4 years, while trying to tie his hands and feet and now they're getting it thrown back at them, in spades. They've sown the seeds of their own destruction and if Obama is now ready to water and harvest those seeds, I say more power to him. Enough is enough. He's been engaged in a knife fight with the GOP will trying to uphold the Marquis de Queensbury rules and GOP has slaughtered him and nation because of it. Now...the gloves have finally come off.

The Republican's will get no sympathy from me, so go whine to someone else.

Are you serious? lol - Did you just sleep through the Bush years?? OMG hahahahahaha!!!!
They just don't get it do they, The American people spoke last Nov and REJECTED their bitter backward worldview. What are they still doing ? The same whining and insane talking points as the last 4 years! The demographic shift has taken place and they still think they are living in father knows best land of the 1950's. The world dynamic has changed and with it America. Whining, gun clutching , bible thumping will further make America a forth World Country.
Time to file impeachment charges for dereliction of duty IMO.

This confirms what Republicans have been saying (despite liberal pundits’ scoffing): The president is interested in breaking the back of the opposition not accommodating or passing centrist legislation. A senior GOP House aide was mattter-of-fact: “It’s been clear since December that President Obama is more interested in leading his Organizing for Action campaign than leading this nation.”

They just don't get it do they, The American people spoke last Nov and REJECTED their bitter backward worldview. What are they still doing ? The same whining and insane talking points as the last 4 years! The demographic shift has taken place and they still think they are living in father knows best land of the 1950's. The world dynamic has changed and with it America. Whining, gun clutching , bible thumping will further make America a forth World Country.
Time to file impeachment charges for dereliction of duty IMO.

This confirms what Republicans have been saying (despite liberal pundits’ scoffing): The president is interested in breaking the back of the opposition not accommodating or passing centrist legislation. A senior GOP House aide was mattter-of-fact: “It’s been clear since December that President Obama is more interested in leading his Organizing for Action campaign than leading this nation.”

They just don't get it do they, The American people spoke last Nov and REJECTED their bitter backward worldview. What are they still doing ? The same whining and insane talking points as the last 4 years! The demographic shift has taken place and they still think they are living in father knows best land of the 1950's. The world dynamic has changed and with it America. Whining, gun clutching , bible thumping will further make America a forth World Country.

The peoples' house is still Republican.
Time to file impeachment charges for dereliction of duty IMO.

This confirms what Republicans have been saying (despite liberal pundits’ scoffing): The president is interested in breaking the back of the opposition not accommodating or passing centrist legislation. A senior GOP House aide was mattter-of-fact: “It’s been clear since December that President Obama is more interested in leading his Organizing for Action campaign than leading this nation.”

They just don't get it do they, The American people spoke last Nov and REJECTED their bitter backward worldview. What are they still doing ? The same whining and insane talking points as the last 4 years! The demographic shift has taken place and they still think they are living in father knows best land of the 1950's. The world dynamic has changed and with it America. Whining, gun clutching , bible thumping will further make America a forth World Country.

The peoples' house is still Republican.

We the People gave a million more votes to the Democrats in the House than the Republicans and yet Republicans still took more seats by a comfortable margin

The power of the Gerrymander

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