Obama and McCain Debate: Round 2

i didnt find either being that impressive. mccain seems old school at best....a continum of bush..obama seemed hesitant to go on the attack.
Did anyone on here learn anything new about either candidate?

Geez, I about fell asleep. The talking points, the he said/she said, the finger pointing......


Just my humble opinion folks.
Did anyone on here learn anything new about either candidate?

Geez, I about fell asleep. The talking points, the he said/she said, the finger pointing......


Just my humble opinion folks.

It sounded almost exactly like the last debate. Nothing really new at all. I thought McCain took the reins at the beginning, but Obama came on strong at the end. But you are right, nothing special.
Biden and Palin debate>>>>>>>>>>>>>>this one

Obama (2-0)
Biden (1-0) ^_^

McCain (0-2)
Palin (0-1)
McCain considers Obama a threat, so therefore McCain's next musical hit will be "Bomb Bomb Bomb Chicago?"

I noticed Obama wouldnt shake Mccains hand, I'm glad, he takes cheap shots and doesnt deserve respect anymore. All 3 Republicans on CNN had Obama winning, they looked depressed. Obama scored big with Ohio women, looks good all around.
McCain was on the ropes going into the debate and Obama could have knocked him out...but nobody landed shit. Nothing but talking points. Best 40 minutes of sleep I've gotten in a long time.
If Obama shines here tonight, then McCain is cooked like a thanksgiving turkey.

You ever see 8 mile with eminem? This was mccains one shot do not miss ya chance to blow cause opportunity comes once in a lifetime....

And instead all he gave us was a one man quartet.
McCain went on the attack first. Not a good move. Obama also looks and sounds good tonight.

Turn on Cnn none of the posters are singing anyone's praises. Apparently the messiah did not just thrill everyone like the obamanites thought he would.
McCain was on the ropes going into the debate and Obama could have knocked him out...but nobody landed shit. Nothing but talking points. Best 40 minutes of sleep I've gotten in a long time.

Hell, I was so bored at one point I turned the t.v. to the Kentucky/Alabama football game, it was a repeat that had been played last Saturday!
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The Loser: Tom Brokaw

What's the point of having a Town Hall format with a bunch of boring frickin' questions???

What a waste of time.

yeah, the whole thing was a total waste of time IMO..

neither one really answered the questions and the questions were fucking weak!

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