Obama and the lies from this administration, 6 million NEW sign ups my ass

Does Obama have an honest bone in his body?

Benghazi was about a video: BOLD faced lie

If you like your insurance you can keep it: BOLD faced lie

6 million NEW ACA sign ups: BOLD faced lie.

How can you guys keep defending this LIAR? Everything this administration says is suspect.

Let's just go to your last statement....So if they are lying about new ACA sign ups now, who was lying about the abysmal launch and poor numbers in late October?

Shit for brains, the report said it was an attack and the state department knew it within 15 minutes. Learn to comprehend or shut up fool.

eVERYONE KNOWS IT WAS AN ATTACK, HATER DUPES. why THEY ATTACKED IS UP IN THE AIR. bUT ALL THE OTHER ATTACKS/protests earlier that day WERE due to the video- and the fundie Rush Limbaugh of Cairo/ME ranting about it...Breaking news for Fox/Rush/etc drones...

Up in the air? Obama told us the video caused it. Period.

BS- But all the other shytte that day was. Dems don't like winging it like you shytteheads...
So Obama made the insurers cancel policies instead of fixing them...so they could rip us off one more time....just take your better, cheaper, guaranteed plans and stfu...

Breaking- Promises blocked by your greedy a-hole heroes are not lies...

My ACA policy came in at a 120% increase in premium.

But wait! King Homo granted me a one-year reprieve from A-Hole Care.

So my insurer will raise my premiums 28% next month, but I get to keep my policy.

One year from now, I will be forced to accept an ACA (AfroCvntAct) policy or face legal action.

What has happened to this nation in the past five years... what will happen in the ensuing 3 years.... will be one for the history books.
Does Obama have an honest bone in his body? ... thats a easy question ... yes...

Benghazi was about a video: BOLD faced lie ... it has been determine by the senate that it was about the video, you moron ...so the only bold lie here is you lying your ass off...

If you like your insurance you can keep it: BOLD faced lie ... that was what Obama believed ... to lie you must show intent ... you haven't shown any intent

6 million NEW ACA sign ups: BOLD faced lie.you have a source for your accusation here ??? Ive only hear 2 million have sign up and has been accepted ...just because you don't like obama doesn't give you the right ot lie about him

How can you guys keep defending this LIAR? Everything this administration says is suspect.
every thing you have said here hasn't any face value ... it is nothing more then a bold face lie by you and republicans alike... its been proven Obama had nothing to do with the Benghazi Debacle.... it has noting to do with how many people have sign up for health care ... or who can keep their health care ... it has everything to do with you not knowing what the hell you're talking about ...
how many time have we heard from the right, that giving your personal information to the healthcare.gov might get hacked ... not has been hacked but might be hack ... Issa has gone to the house 23 times with this issue ... the only thing they healthcare.gov got from the right was we need to protect your personal information at healthcare.gov ...yet Issa keeps coming back with your personal information might get exposed ... my question to you on the right ... if this is so important to find out by Issa, of being of data being hack, how they can get your personal information at healthcare.gov, then why hasn't Issa brought to the house for investigation of the 110 million people who had a data breach at Target ... can you tell us liberals why Issa keeps going after a data breach at the healthcare.gov. site that has shown to us in the house that its next to impossible to hack ... where Issa hasn't made a peep about Target being hacked??? or how did this happen ... love to hear your concerns on that one... but we probably won't because Obama had nothing to do with it ...
Does Obama have an honest bone in his body?

Benghazi was about a video: BOLD faced lie

If you like your insurance you can keep it: BOLD faced lie

6 million NEW ACA sign ups: BOLD faced lie.

How can you guys keep defending this LIAR? Everything this administration says is suspect.

That's actually not the number.

They aren't including kids and medicare sign ups.

The number is closer to 9 million.
Shit for brains, the report said it was an attack and the state department knew it within 15 minutes. Learn to comprehend or shut up fool.

eVERYONE KNOWS IT WAS AN ATTACK, HATER DUPES. why THEY ATTACKED IS UP IN THE AIR. bUT ALL THE OTHER ATTACKS/protests earlier that day WERE due to the video- and the fundie Rush Limbaugh of Cairo/ME ranting about it...Breaking news for Fox/Rush/etc drones...

Up in the air? Obama told us the video caused it. Period.

Several articles have pointed to the fact that the militants who attacked the CIA outpost (aka Consulate) were angry about the anti-religious video made by a conservative hero and criminal.
Does Obama have an honest bone in his body?

Benghazi was about a video: BOLD faced lie

If you like your insurance you can keep it: BOLD faced lie

6 million NEW ACA sign ups: BOLD faced lie.

How can you guys keep defending this LIAR? Everything this administration says is suspect.

Let's just go to your last statement....So if they are lying about new ACA sign ups now, who was lying about the abysmal launch and poor numbers in late October?


It's a fair question.

The Administration gave those numbers out concerning the website.

Do you think those are believable?

And if so..why are you questioning them now?

By the way..almost the exact same thing happened with Bush's Drug Plan. It was slow to catch on. The difference is Democrats actually helped to solve the problems.
So how do you know Bengazi wasn't about the video- have you talked to the attackers lol...or are you psychic like your bs heroes lol...all the other attacks/ protests earler that day were...zzzzzzz

Don't you get tired of carrying water for that lying POS? Serious question.

Why to you have an avowed liar and traitor in you avatar?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHXq8TRejow]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

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