Obama Announces Huge Tax Increases Are Only Solution


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

Today was his first campaign speech for the 2012 run, those terrible people who have succeeded, no mention of his GE buddy....

Obama, the grand manipulator, divide and conquer....

For someone who is supposed to be so smart, you would think he could come up with a new angle....

God help us if he does win re-election.....
Bullshit! I pay enough freaking taxes. The government is so f'd up nobody is ever going to fix it. I already am doing more with less. The government and the people with hand outs to the government should do the SAME! It is disgusting.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

Y'know, if he doesn't watch it, Democrats may become known as the party of tax-and-spend....
It has never been about Taxes. It's about Government spending more than they ever had. Punishing the Taxpayers for Government malfeasance is not the answer. I just don't get how so many agree with blaming Taxpayers for Government fucking everything up. It's not the Taxpayers' fault. It's the Government's fault. The more they raise Taxes,the more money they spend. So raising Taxes just isn't the answer. It's all just Community Organizer Class Warfare stuff. Community Organizers thrive on pitting Americans against Americans. It's just a distraction and a diversion. The real problem is with the Government. It's not with the Taxpayers.
All the rabble who AREN'T going to get taxed are the ones making the most noise.


The emphasis on shared sacrifice and raising taxes is just code for this administration is not serious about curbing gov't expenditures.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

I'm all for dropping the mortgage deduction, and charitable deductions as well. But lower the over-all tax rate after that.
It has never been about Taxes. It's about Government spending more than they ever had. Punishing the Taxpayers for Government malfeasance is not the answer. I just don't get how so many agree with blaming Taxpayers for Government fucking everything up. It's not the Taxpayers' fault. It's the Government's fault. The more they raise Taxes,the more money they spend. So raising Taxes just isn't the answer. It's all just Community Organizer Class Warfare stuff. Community Organizers thrive on pitting Americans against Americans. It's just a distraction and a diversion. The real problem is with the Government. It's not with the Taxpayers.

I can see it now. The government will see this new tax revenue as a windfall and spend the shit on something other than intended. Typical!
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

Y'know, if he doesn't watch it, Democrats may become known as the party of tax-and-spend....

Love it!!!
Bullshit, it is not about taxes. Before Bush tried to run two wars and cut taxes at the same time, we had an expanding economy. Now we are trying to pull out of a recession verging on a Great Depression. The debt we have now cannot be paid by just cutting spending, or by increasing taxes, we will have to do both.

And defense is not off the table. Nor are the breaks given corperations.

I am a blue coller worker with an income that is just under or over six figures for that last few years. I would like to see the tax structure under Clinton re-instated, with a higher bracket, maybe by 5%, for those with an income over $1,000,000. I can afford the increases, as can all that are working. The people that the Ryan cuts are aimed at are those that are already at the bottom. I don't buy that at all.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

I'm all for dropping the mortgage deduction, and charitable deductions as well. But lower the over-all tax rate after that.

Then you are not serioius about addressing the deficit.
This is all just more Community Organizer Class Warfare shit. Obviously the usual suspects will fall for it. The Taxpayers paid their Taxes as required by Law. The Government then spent us $15 Trillion into Debt. How can anyone blame the Taxpayers for that? Punishing Taxpayers for Government corruption & incompetence just isn't the answer. We should punish the Government instead. Lets force them to balance the Budget. This raising Taxes on the Rich stuff is just being used to divide the people. A nice distraction from who's really to blame. It's just so sad so many continue to fall for this Class Warfare shit.
Bullshit! I pay enough freaking taxes. The government is so f'd up nobody is ever going to fix it. I already am doing more with less. The government and the people with hand outs to the government should do the SAME! It is disgusting.

Malibu...sit down when I tell you this:

In Obamacare alone, we will be taxed $500 billion more over the next ten years. That would be $1700 for every man, woman and child on the country....so if you have a family of four, the stats are $680 per year in Obamacare taxes alone...

Did I do the math right?

Rename the boat "The IRS."

OMG! I just used the calculator...and this is too good. The actual figure is ...do you read the bible?
Here's a hint: the mark of the beast!

Must be a coincidence....
lol.....Obama REALLY doesnt get it.

He claimed that HE does not need another tax cut. He sees himself as no different than the rest of the "wealthy"...

What he seems to not understand is that he, and a small portion of the wealthy do not have an income based on the revenue of a company....and visa versa......He can not grasp the concept that if his taxes were a bit higher it may affect his ability to grow a company.

He IGNORES the logic that a large portion of the wealthy are the ones that can grow the economy.

Thus what happens when you elect a President that has never had the fiscal responsibility to anything buyt himself and his family.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

Y'know, if he doesn't watch it, Democrats may become known as the party of tax-and-spend....

As opposed to the Republicans being the party of spend and borrow.
Interesting political speech. His statement that he would not extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy again, coupled with his suggestion to revise the tax code eliminating many deductions could increase tax revenues while cutting rates. Politically this is a much better way to raise tax revenue than increasing rates because it becomes almost impossible to tell what your taxes will be when congress starts playing around with deductions and credits.

IMHO, taxes revenues should be increased and more people should be paying taxes, both wealthy and middle class. It's unexceptionable to have half the country not paying any income tax.
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Dropping the tax break on charitable donations will hit the charities. People will be less inclined to give as much. How about the Government gives the tax we paid on any amount given to charity to the charity.

That way, the charity gets the benefit, not me and not the government.

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