Obama announces order: Your employer must submit payroll stats by race & gender to Feds now.

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA)

See "Collection of Data" section.

Every employer subject to any provision of this chapter or of any order issued under this chapter shall make, keep, and preserve such records of the persons employed by him and of the wages, hours, and other conditions and practices of employment maintained by him, and shall preserve such records for such periods of time, and shall make such reports therefrom to the Administrator as he shall prescribe by regulation or order as necessary or appropriate for the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter or the regulations or orders thereunder. The employer of an employee who performs substitute work described in section 207(p)(3) [section 7(p)(3)] of this title may not be required under this subsection to keep a record of the hours of the substitute work.

Wow, it's like you work for the government
Just because I actually know stuff and don't form my opinions in total ignorance?


Unlike you rubes, I spend a lot of time reading the laws for myself, instead of getting my information from piss outlets like you do.

Yeah. You know stuff like have an obscure 1963 law at your fingertips

You'd be surprised. I have very good memory retention, unlike you goldfish. Then it's just a matter of Googling it.

I happened to have spent a lot of time on this particular issue, because as a member of YAF I gave speeches against the Equal Rights Amendment.


Just keep listening to those voices in your head, babe. They provide endless entertainment.
Watching CNN right now and Obama is currently on giving a splendid lecture again on how white men have it too good. He broke down by race and gender everyone's earnings.....AND he is now announcing a requirement that:

Every employer with 100 or more employees must provide data on pay broken down by gender and race!!'


He says all the other races and genders make "less than a white man and that's not fair".

Folks....2016 is gonna be a long fucking year with this motherfucker in office.

Get ready for the "blacklist" at your job. You evil evil white man....Lashonda in the mail room makes half of what you earn and it's time that it changes.

and? :cuckoo:

i'm going to take a stab at reality here and say its for employers with more than 50 employees.

just guessing.

Wow so smart of you!!! You "guessed" it was for 50 or more employees.....and my OP says it's 100. Wow. Great guess. How did you get so smart???
Her was schooled. :)
Are you claiming blacks as a whole have the same level of education as whites as a whole?
No, dumbass.

Then you've destroyed your own argument. If whites are more educated as a whole, why shouldn't the pay difference be expected as a whole.
The educational differences get accounted for, and women and minorities still make less. THIS ISN'T A NEW THING!

And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
No, dumbass.

Then you've destroyed your own argument. If whites are more educated as a whole, why shouldn't the pay difference be expected as a whole.
The educational differences get accounted for, and women and minorities still make less. THIS ISN'T A NEW THING!

And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.

They want equal pay for unequal qualifications.
So I guess an example of the new Obama blacklist at our jobs will read:

Pay / Race / Gender / Name
100K W M John
50K B M Jerome
44K W F Shannon
44K W M Richard
35K B F Shonda
34K H M Pedro
And so on for 100+ employees.

EVIL whites. You can't earn more than others. Period.

doesn't look good for your ilk :itsok:

We don't hire people like you so our numbers won't matter.

sorry i wouldn't work in the waffle house like you, those jobs are for inbred hill billy hick southern cletus like you

You don't eat there because
A) Your too old to drive
B) You're so old your heart will give out if you did

Your diet is probably prune juice and Werthers Originals.
the deluded world of a whitey t hill billy hick cracker

^ The rambling of yet another loud mouthed jiggaboo.
Wow, it's like you work for the government
Just because I actually know stuff and don't form my opinions in total ignorance?


Unlike you rubes, I spend a lot of time reading the laws for myself, instead of getting my information from piss outlets like you do.

Yeah. You know stuff like have an obscure 1963 law at your fingertips

You'd be surprised. I have very good memory retention, unlike you goldfish. Then it's just a matter of Googling it.

I happened to have spent a lot of time on this particular issue, because as a member of YAF I gave speeches against the Equal Rights Amendment.


Just keep listening to those voices in your head, babe. They provide endless entertainment.

Yeah, you have an UNBELIEVABLE ability to instantaneously source Establish story-line documents. It's all just out there and you find them within seconds
Obama and his minions are tired of all this white privilege crap and he's gonna fix whitey before
he leaves office if it's the last thing he does....

Fuck whitey!
I destroy strongly with this...I support a lot of government but it is now going to far.

Micro-managing the private sector isn't good.
Then you've destroyed your own argument. If whites are more educated as a whole, why shouldn't the pay difference be expected as a whole.
The educational differences get accounted for, and women and minorities still make less. THIS ISN'T A NEW THING!

And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.

They want equal pay for unequal qualifications.

Yep, they want the government to give them something no matter if they have the education, years on the jobs or qualifications...Just because they were born a women.

Kind of sad.
The educational differences get accounted for, and women and minorities still make less. THIS ISN'T A NEW THING!

And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.

They want equal pay for unequal qualifications.

Yep, they want the government to give them something no matter if they have the education, years on the jobs or qualifications...Just because they were born a women.

Kind of sad.

I thought you supported Bernie Sanders college tuition idea. Isn't that someone wanting the government to pay for their school just because they're own parents won't do it?
And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.

They want equal pay for unequal qualifications.

Yep, they want the government to give them something no matter if they have the education, years on the jobs or qualifications...Just because they were born a women.

Kind of sad.

I thought you supported Bernie Sanders college tuition idea. Isn't that someone wanting the government to pay for their school just because they're own parents won't do it?

It applies to everyone fairly. Government already loans money and grants fafsa for college students so there isn't much difference. Education is investing in this country....Granting special rights because you're a women isn't right.
There are lots of reasons why two employees might make different salaries and race isn't one of them.
Oh, but it is, and we have the numbers to prove it, already. Now we want.....................................................................even better numbers.

Ok. Numbers also show blacks are more violent. And rape more. And steal more. And aren't as smart. Numbers prove it right?
Yep, and die younger, and suffer more heart disease, and collect less social security, and have higher unemployment, and get jailed more often, and get fucked by loan officers and their employers more often. Numbers, it's math, embrace it.

and get fucked by loan officers

Maybe we should push banks to make more loans to more lower income minorities.
What's the worst that could happen?
Here the thing.

Just pay everyone the same. Regardless of job title. I know....sounds like commun....uh...oh....now I see...
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.

They want equal pay for unequal qualifications.

Yep, they want the government to give them something no matter if they have the education, years on the jobs or qualifications...Just because they were born a women.

Kind of sad.

I thought you supported Bernie Sanders college tuition idea. Isn't that someone wanting the government to pay for their school just because they're own parents won't do it?

It applies to everyone fairly. Government already loans money and grants fafsa for college students so there isn't much difference. Education is investing in this country....Granting special rights because you're a women isn't right.

There is a difference. School loans have to be paid back. Sanders bullshit doesn't.

If education is such a good investment, why shouldn't the parents of the kids who will get it not invest in their own kids?

For those who get full scholarships they EARNED, they don't benefit from it. They worked to earn those scholarships and you want to reward someone that didn't with another person's money.
There are lots of reasons why two employees might make different salaries and race isn't one of them.
Oh, but it is, and we have the numbers to prove it, already. Now we want.....................................................................even better numbers.

Ok. Numbers also show blacks are more violent. And rape more. And steal more. And aren't as smart. Numbers prove it right?
Yep, and die younger, and suffer more heart disease, and collect less social security, and have higher unemployment, and get jailed more often, and get fucked by loan officers and their employers more often. Numbers, it's math, embrace it.

and get fucked by loan officers

Maybe we should push banks to make more loans to more lower income minorities.
What's the worst that could happen?
They should make loans, ah, without prejudice. Let's start there.
Here the thing.

Just pay everyone the same. Regardless of job title. I know....sounds like commun....uh...oh....now I see...

Even if that happened, in 20 years we'd be right back where we started with the left complaining that the poor didn't have the same opportunities as the rest of us.
There are lots of reasons why two employees might make different salaries and race isn't one of them.
Oh, but it is, and we have the numbers to prove it, already. Now we want.....................................................................even better numbers.

Ok. Numbers also show blacks are more violent. And rape more. And steal more. And aren't as smart. Numbers prove it right?
Yep, and die younger, and suffer more heart disease, and collect less social security, and have higher unemployment, and get jailed more often, and get fucked by loan officers and their employers more often. Numbers, it's math, embrace it.

and get fucked by loan officers

Maybe we should push banks to make more loans to more lower income minorities.
What's the worst that could happen?
They should make loans, ah, without prejudice. Let's start there.

You mean make a loan without considering the ability to pay it back? That's what cause many of the problems we have today in the economy. Too many bought what they couldn't afford and when they couldn't pay, they expected the rest of us to feel sorry for them.

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