Obama announces order: Your employer must submit payroll stats by race & gender to Feds now.

No, dumbass.

Then you've destroyed your own argument. If whites are more educated as a whole, why shouldn't the pay difference be expected as a whole.
The educational differences get accounted for, and women and minorities still make less. THIS ISN'T A NEW THING!

And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.
Then you've destroyed your own argument. If whites are more educated as a whole, why shouldn't the pay difference be expected as a whole.
The educational differences get accounted for, and women and minorities still make less. THIS ISN'T A NEW THING!

And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

Depends on what you call the same. If two people are in the same job but one outperforms the other, that's not the same when it comes to what matters. To you, it's the same because you go by title and not output.
There are lots of reasons why two employees might make different salaries and race isn't one of them.
Oh, but it is, and we have the numbers to prove it, already. Now we want.....................................................................even better numbers.

Ok. Numbers also show blacks are more violent. And rape more. And steal more. And aren't as smart. Numbers prove it right?
Yep, and die younger, and suffer more heart disease, and collect less social security, and have higher unemployment, and get jailed more often, and get fucked by loan officers and their employers more often. Numbers, it's math, embrace it.

and get fucked by loan officers

Maybe we should push banks to make more loans to more lower income minorities.
What's the worst that could happen?
They should make loans, ah, without prejudice. Let's start there.

Default rates should be equivalent, when adjusted for income. Sound good?
Then you've destroyed your own argument. If whites are more educated as a whole, why shouldn't the pay difference be expected as a whole.
The educational differences get accounted for, and women and minorities still make less. THIS ISN'T A NEW THING!

And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less.

The educational differences get accounted for, and women and minorities still make less. THIS ISN'T A NEW THING!

And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less.


The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2015)
And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less.


The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2015)

Cool chart.........but you said, "Same against same"
Oh, but it is, and we have the numbers to prove it, already. Now we want.....................................................................even better numbers.

Ok. Numbers also show blacks are more violent. And rape more. And steal more. And aren't as smart. Numbers prove it right?
Yep, and die younger, and suffer more heart disease, and collect less social security, and have higher unemployment, and get jailed more often, and get fucked by loan officers and their employers more often. Numbers, it's math, embrace it.

and get fucked by loan officers

Maybe we should push banks to make more loans to more lower income minorities.
What's the worst that could happen?
They should make loans, ah, without prejudice. Let's start there.

Default rates should be equivalent, when adjusted for income. Sound good?
The rates are what they are. The fact that minorities are less likely to get the loan, and at a higher rate, is already known.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less.


The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2015)

Cool chart.........but you said, "Same against same"
Do the research yourself, and men and women are the same in this case.
And you said as a whole, whites are more educated. It's accounted for by whites, as a whole, making more.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less.


The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2015)

The only thing that shows is median income is higher for one than the other. It doesn't say why nor do you have proof it's due to gender.
I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less.


The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2015)

Cool chart.........but you said, "Same against same"
Do the research yourself, and men and women are the same in this case.
Colorful but no proof of what you say.
Nope. Put a black man or a woman with the same education and experience up against a white man, and the chances are extremely high that he will be making more. You are fighting a fight you can't win. This is well-known. What isn't well-known is just how wide the gap actually is but the gap is not up for debate.

Like so:

"In the same high-skilled positions such as computer programmers and software developers, Asians make $8,146 less than whites and blacks $3,656 less than whites, according to the report from the American Institute for Economic Research.

"What this tells us is that race and ethnicity matter, and they matter a lot," said Nicole Kreisberg, the senior research analyst who conducted the research. "Simply increasing diversity is not enough. We also have to talk about money."

The study takes into account education, occupation, age, geography, gender, citizenship status, marital status and children in the home."
High-tech pay gap: Minorities earn less in skilled jobs

I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less.


The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2015)

The only thing that shows is median income is higher for one than the other. It doesn't say why nor do you have proof it's due to gender.
Must you people always act like stupid children?
Ok. Numbers also show blacks are more violent. And rape more. And steal more. And aren't as smart. Numbers prove it right?
Yep, and die younger, and suffer more heart disease, and collect less social security, and have higher unemployment, and get jailed more often, and get fucked by loan officers and their employers more often. Numbers, it's math, embrace it.

and get fucked by loan officers

Maybe we should push banks to make more loans to more lower income minorities.
What's the worst that could happen?
They should make loans, ah, without prejudice. Let's start there.

Default rates should be equivalent, when adjusted for income. Sound good?
The rates are what they are. The fact that minorities are less likely to get the loan, and at a higher rate, is already known.

The rates are what they are.

Exactly. And if blacks have to be more qualified borrowers to get a mortgage, their default rates would be lower.
Ok. Numbers also show blacks are more violent. And rape more. And steal more. And aren't as smart. Numbers prove it right?
Yep, and die younger, and suffer more heart disease, and collect less social security, and have higher unemployment, and get jailed more often, and get fucked by loan officers and their employers more often. Numbers, it's math, embrace it.

and get fucked by loan officers

Maybe we should push banks to make more loans to more lower income minorities.
What's the worst that could happen?
They should make loans, ah, without prejudice. Let's start there.

Default rates should be equivalent, when adjusted for income. Sound good?
The rates are what they are. The fact that minorities are less likely to get the loan, and at a higher rate, is already known.

And the only reason you can make up is because of race. People with lower incomes and lower credit scores don't get loans and when they do, it's at a higher rate.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less.


The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2015)

Cool chart.........but you said, "Same against same"
Do the research yourself, and men and women are the same in this case.
Colorful but no proof of what you say.
I don't even need to prove this. It's been known for a very long time, you just don't want to accept that you live in a racist and sexist nation.
Yep, and die younger, and suffer more heart disease, and collect less social security, and have higher unemployment, and get jailed more often, and get fucked by loan officers and their employers more often. Numbers, it's math, embrace it.

and get fucked by loan officers

Maybe we should push banks to make more loans to more lower income minorities.
What's the worst that could happen?
They should make loans, ah, without prejudice. Let's start there.

Default rates should be equivalent, when adjusted for income. Sound good?
The rates are what they are. The fact that minorities are less likely to get the loan, and at a higher rate, is already known.

The rates are what they are.

Exactly. And if blacks have to be more qualified borrowers to get a mortgage, their default rates would be lower.
Minorities almost always end up paying a higher rate, based on race.
Obama can't order a State or a business to do jack shit. so he can order whatever the hell he wants. and a fool can follow it if they want.
I asked if you believed blacks as a whole had the same educational level as whites as a whole. YOU said no.

The chances are? You mean that you want to believe that they are.
We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less. Same if one is white and one is black. Sorry, reality is once again, your enemy.

We have the numbers already. Same against same, but one is male and one is female, she gets paid less.


The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap (Fall 2015)

The only thing that shows is median income is higher for one than the other. It doesn't say why nor do you have proof it's due to gender.
Must you people always act like stupid children?
Doesn't take into account the specific types of engineers. Invalid unless you break it down by engineering disciplines and take into account many factors you ignore.

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