Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

The world is getting sick of Israel's bullshit and if the Israeli's don't do something, the world will step in and do it for them.
This coming from an anti Israel, Jew hater which is all You post on this forum for the most part. That is your mission here ,not sure we can believe anything you post because of that fact. Also Jews serve in all areas of the government military, intelligence, state dept, and so on. Some Jews go to Israel to live. Military service is compulsory if you are of a certain age understand?

Do you even know what The Medal of Honor is, [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] or anyone else?

What do you think of veterans and, in many cases, non-veterans who wear or claim to have been awarded military medals that they are not entitled to wear or claim?

What's that haft to do with anything?:confused:

Do you even know what The Medal of Honor is, [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] or anyone else?

What do you think of veterans and, in many cases, non-veterans who wear or claim to have been awarded military medals that they are not entitled to wear or claim?

What's that haft to do with anything?:confused:

@ Jroc
I was simply responding to a conversation that you and others seemed to be having with Dreolin. This conversation delt with the fact that many Jews of duel nationalites ( US and Israel ) seemed to be leaving their home country ( US ) and serving in the IDF even though their home country was engaged in two wars at the time. I happen to agree with Dreolin and think his observation might deserve further discussion but possibly in a thread of it's own. So since you and others started this conversation please think about starting a new thread
I also notice that you are more then willing to ask questions but seem to be unwilling to answer them, so if you reply to this please start with answering my two questions.
I received an email yesterday to which I attributed a certain .....hyperbole.

Never in my life have I read such a load of right wing neocon zionist crap.

As a liberal Jew, and speaking for many more like me, we don't want war. We want peace. And that's what Kerry is trying to do.
What's that haft to do with anything?:confused:

@ Jroc
I was simply responding to a conversation that you and others seemed to be having with Dreolin. This conversation delt with the fact that many Jews of duel nationalites ( US and Israel ) seemed to be leaving their home country ( US ) and serving in the IDF even though their home country was engaged in two wars at the time. I happen to agree with Dreolin and think his observation might deserve further discussion but possibly in a thread of it's own. So since you and others started this conversation please think about starting a new thread
I also notice that you are more then willing to ask questions but seem to be unwilling to answer them, so if you reply to this please start with answering my two questions.
So? some Jews are leaving to live in Israel. So what? as i said Jews serve in all areas of the government. FBI, CIA, Justice Dept, State Dept. Whatever. I was looking through your buddies posts and saw he is Jew hater. almost everything he posts is anti Jew crap..understand?

Mr Levinson

Robert Levinson: Family of American Held In Iran Says He Was Spying for the CIA - ABC News

@ Jroc
I was simply responding to a conversation that you and others seemed to be having with Dreolin. This conversation delt with the fact that many Jews of duel nationalites ( US and Israel ) seemed to be leaving their home country ( US ) and serving in the IDF even though their home country was engaged in two wars at the time. I happen to agree with Dreolin and think his observation might deserve further discussion but possibly in a thread of it's own. So since you and others started this conversation please think about starting a new thread
I also notice that you are more then willing to ask questions but seem to be unwilling to answer them, so if you reply to this please start with answering my two questions.
So? some Jews are leaving to live in Israel. So what? as i said Jews serve in all areas of the government. FBI, CIA, Justice Dept, State Dept. Whatever. I was looking through your buddies posts and saw he is Jew hater. almost everything he posts is anti Jew crap..understand?

Mr Levinson

Robert Levinson: Family of American Held In Iran Says He Was Spying for the CIA - ABC News

While some of the posters are worried about some Jews serving in the Israeli military that they have brought it up previously (my own husband by the way served over 22 years in the U.S. military), they don't seem concerned with the American-born Muslims who are hightailing it out of this country to join up with the terrorists and the authorities here and also in other countries are worried about these Muslims coming back to their countries and committing domestic terrorism since they will have been trained while overseas. I don't think the authorities here are worried about those Jews who have joined the Israeli military and then return eventually to the States.
@ Jroc
I was simply responding to a conversation that you and others seemed to be having with Dreolin. This conversation delt with the fact that many Jews of duel nationalites ( US and Israel ) seemed to be leaving their home country ( US ) and serving in the IDF even though their home country was engaged in two wars at the time. I happen to agree with Dreolin and think his observation might deserve further discussion but possibly in a thread of it's own. So since you and others started this conversation please think about starting a new thread
I also notice that you are more then willing to ask questions but seem to be unwilling to answer them, so if you reply to this please start with answering my two questions.
So? some Jews are leaving to live in Israel. So what? as i said Jews serve in all areas of the government. FBI, CIA, Justice Dept, State Dept. Whatever. I was looking through your buddies posts and saw he is Jew hater. almost everything he posts is anti Jew crap..understand?

Mr Levinson

Robert Levinson: Family of American Held In Iran Says He Was Spying for the CIA - ABC News

While some of the posters are worried about some Jews serving in the Israeli military that they have brought it up previously (my own husband by the way served over 22 years in the U.S. military), they don't seem concerned with the American-born Muslims who are hightailing it out of this country to join up with the terrorists and the authorities here and also in other countries are worried about these Muslims coming back to their countries and committing domestic terrorism since they will have been trained while overseas. I don't think the authorities here are worried about those Jews who have joined the Israeli military and then return eventually to the States.

:clap2:Excellent point...Jew haters tend not to be clear thinkers
Obama's done all he can to support Islamic Jihad: He's the best friend of the Muslim Brotherhood, AQ is back in business with Val Jarrett as it's new leader, Iraq, Syria and Libya are destabilized.

@ Jroc
I was simply responding to a conversation that you and others seemed to be having with Dreolin. This conversation delt with the fact that many Jews of duel nationalites ( US and Israel ) seemed to be leaving their home country ( US ) and serving in the IDF even though their home country was engaged in two wars at the time. I happen to agree with Dreolin and think his observation might deserve further discussion but possibly in a thread of it's own. So since you and others started this conversation please think about starting a new thread
I also notice that you are more then willing to ask questions but seem to be unwilling to answer them, so if you reply to this please start with answering my two questions.
So? some Jews are leaving to live in Israel. So what? as i said Jews serve in all areas of the government. FBI, CIA, Justice Dept, State Dept. Whatever. I was looking through your buddies posts and saw he is Jew hater. almost everything he posts is anti Jew crap..understand?

Mr Levinson

Robert Levinson: Family of American Held In Iran Says He Was Spying for the CIA - ABC News

My statement/question was a legitimate response to a post by irosie who was bragging about americans who abandoned America to serve in the IDF. I merely said that it was no wonder that people would get the impression that American jews were more loyal to Israel than the USA, particularly when that abandonment continues today when the USA is engaged in a waar(s).

I have every respect for those few jews who do serve in the U.S.A military.

And I think Patrickcaturday's two questions, which you seem reluctant to or are afraid to answer, judging from your refusal to do so, are valid questions and well within the context of the many directions this thread has taken.

I think I know where he is going with this and if I am correct, I agree wiith him.
So? some Jews are leaving to live in Israel. So what? as i said Jews serve in all areas of the government. FBI, CIA, Justice Dept, State Dept. Whatever. I was looking through your buddies posts and saw he is Jew hater. almost everything he posts is anti Jew crap..understand?

Mr Levinson

Robert Levinson: Family of American Held In Iran Says He Was Spying for the CIA - ABC News

While some of the posters are worried about some Jews serving in the Israeli military that they have brought it up previously (my own husband by the way served over 22 years in the U.S. military), they don't seem concerned with the American-born Muslims who are hightailing it out of this country to join up with the terrorists and the authorities here and also in other countries are worried about these Muslims coming back to their countries and committing domestic terrorism since they will have been trained while overseas. I don't think the authorities here are worried about those Jews who have joined the Israeli military and then return eventually to the States.

:clap2:Excellent point...Jew haters tend not to be clear thinkers

The ones who seem to lack the ability to think clearly are you two.

Neither [MENTION=35694]patrickcaturday[/MENTION] nor I are particularly worried about how many Jews do or do not serve in the military. I myself though responded to a post that was boasting about American Jews who abandon the country of their birth to fight in a foreign military when our own country, the USA, is engaged in a war. That pisses me off. To me, that is the same as if the draft dodgers from the Vietnam war went and enlisted in the Canadian military. A little different, sure, but close.

And another strike against clear thinking on both of your parts is that Jews joining the IDF has very little with the few Muslims who do whatever your and her imagined claims suggest.

Gentile haters like you and Sally need to learn to get their stories straight.
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Do you even know what The Medal of Honor is, [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] or anyone else?

What do you think of veterans and, in many cases, non-veterans who wear or claim to have been awarded military medals that they are not entitled to wear or claim?
What's this have to do with Obmama's plan to destroy Israel? It's called stolen valor and it should be punished harshly.

You neglected to answer what springs to your mind, and most American's minds, when they hear about American soldiers being awatded the "The Medal of Honor."

I will add, what do you think if someone else knowingly attrubutes a military award to someone other than themselves for whatever reason?

As for what it has to do with the OP, that has diverged into many different legitimate directions.
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Poor l'il phocid redux. It imagines that its feeble deception has worked. It hasn't.

And nobody gives a rodent's round rump if the silly drek-oid is 'pissed off' about something that hasn't actually happened. It's as made up as drek-lin's being a "new" poster here......
While some of the posters are worried about some Jews serving in the Israeli military that they have brought it up previously (my own husband by the way served over 22 years in the U.S. military), they don't seem concerned with the American-born Muslims who are hightailing it out of this country to join up with the terrorists and the authorities here and also in other countries are worried about these Muslims coming back to their countries and committing domestic terrorism since they will have been trained while overseas. I don't think the authorities here are worried about those Jews who have joined the Israeli military and then return eventually to the States.

:clap2:Excellent point...Jew haters tend not to be clear thinkers

The ones who seem to lack the ability to think clearly are you two.

Neither [MENTION=35694]patrickcaturday[/MENTION] nor I are particularly worried about how many Jews do or do not serve in the military. I myself though responded to a post that was boasting about American Jews who abandon the country of their birth to fight in a foreign military when our own country, the USA, is engaged in a war. That pisses me off. To me, that is the same as if the draft dodgers from the Vietnam war went and enlisted in the Canadian military. A little diferent, sure, but close.

And another strike against clear thinking on both of your parts is that Jews joining the IDF has very little with the few Muslims who do whatever your and her imagined claims suggest.

Gentile haters like you and Sally need to learn to get their stories straight.

Now how many Jews have joined the Israeli military that you know of? Are you keeping track somehow. We keep on reading about Muslims like the Somali Americans going to fight with the terrorists. We read about Americans converting to Islam who go join the terrorists. If you want to close your eyes that they are being trained in terrorism overseas, that is your prerogative. Why not close your eyes also to the Muslims whom our intelligence agencies have picked up before they were able to carry out some atrocity on the American public. However, regardless of what you think, there are countries who are worried that these Muslims going overseas will come back and commit domestic terrorism and they certainly are not worried about any Jews joining the Israeli military. Perhaps you can get back to us when your learn how to say "Dirty Jewish Dog" in Arabic like some other Seattle guy called an Iranian Jew in Farsi on another message board. Takes a real hater to learn something like that in a foreign language. I would never think to learn how to say Dirty Irish Dog in Gaellic.
Poor l'il phocid redux. It imagines that its feeble deception has worked. It hasn't.

And nobody gives a rodent's round rump if the silly drek-oid is 'pissed off' about something that hasn't actually happened. It's as made up as drek-lin's being a "new" poster here......

Gee, for someone who doesn't "give a rodents round rump" about something, you sure seem to have quite a wild imginattion and seem quite irate.

LOL...man, my being "pissed off" certainly seems much more mild than your not caring.

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