Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

We do reap what we sow, you know, just saying.

Choose violence, die.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

gee----so many arab/muslim societies have been into "THE SWORD" over the
past two years-----do you think they will all die over there? Did you know that,
traditionally, muslim men carry a large dagger as part of their dress-----is that
because they wish to DIE BY THE DAGGER? I attended an art exposition with
hubby-----"islamic art" More than half of the items were either daggers or
swords and even the few items of figurative art depicted morons on horses
waving scimitars
You neglected to answer what springs to your mind, and most American's minds, when they hear about American soldiers being awatded the "The Medal of Honor."

I will add, what do you think if someone else knowingly attrubutes a military award to someone other than themselves for whatever reason?

As for what it has to do with the OP, that has diverged into many different legitimate directions.
OK, I'll bite. First, I spent 3 days on a little patch of ground in Nov '65 and 3 of the guys were awarded the MOH. After they got it, I thought of about a dozen other guys who deserved it as well. But that dozen got a lot of lesser medals and they were satisfied. As for giving out medals to someone who didn't earn them, the one who comes to mind is John Kerry. Now tell us what the connection is.

I wasn't talking about medals being awarded to those who didn't deserve them. first of all. Most folks I know have some of that bang bang bling if they did the deed between mid 60s to early 70s.

Now you and I both know that "The Medal of Honor" is, the CMOH, but when you and I see "The Medal of Honor" we think CMOH, and so do a helluva lot of people who haven't seen the end of the world do as well.

This (below) makes me angry, and it should you as well, as most people do not know exactly what the CMOH is. especially civilians and kids. I also think it does a disservice to the men listed, as I am sure that along with the honor, valor, and bravery which earned them these medals comes a large amount of integrity. I am absolutely certain that if someone claimed your silver star was the CMOH you would be the first to object and your honor and service should not put you in that position of having to object. You and I both know that that "gallantry in action" is pretty damn impressive.

I am not sure why [MENTION=35694]patrickcaturday[/MENTION] asked but this just made me angry, the hundreds of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

You know what I mean...

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

And I stand by what I said about people who join a foreign army and abandon their own country when is at war. I said that merely to explain why, if some people answer "yes" to the question "Do you think American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States?" why it isn't necessarily an indication of anti-Semitism, as Abe Foxman and the ADL claim.

Look, you and I may not get along, but I would never ever disrespect your service to our country. You and I were comrades in arms in that regard and I feel absolutely no need to seprate out the Catholic soldiers from the Christian soldiers from the Athiest soldiers from the Jewish soldiers. We are all in the same boat, or bird if you perfer, but this absolutely shame;ess self promotion just breed division.

How is this. There were more Canadian citizens from Canada who won the CMOH than jewish Americans and I am Irish and I believe you are as well, but we are American war veterans, not Irish American war veterans, and i like it that way yet somehow, I become an anti-Semite because i regard Jewish soldiers as American vets and not Jewish American vets.

Who else makes the distinction so obviously and ad nauseum...but if people of the jewish faith choose to make such distinctions and attempts to seperate jewish vets from other vets regardless of background, than they have no bisiness labeling me a "Jew hater" and "anti-Semite" for calling them on such lies.

obsessional ob·ses'sion·al adj.

Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety

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OK, I'll bite. First, I spent 3 days on a little patch of ground in Nov '65 and 3 of the guys were awarded the MOH. After they got it, I thought of about a dozen other guys who deserved it as well. But that dozen got a lot of lesser medals and they were satisfied. As for giving out medals to someone who didn't earn them, the one who comes to mind is John Kerry. Now tell us what the connection is.

I wasn't talking about medals being awarded to those who didn't deserve them. first of all. Most folks I know have some of that bang bang bling if they did the deed between mid 60s to early 70s.

Now you and I both know that "The Medal of Honor" is, the CMOH, but when you and I see "The Medal of Honor" we think CMOH, and so do a helluva lot of people who haven't seen the end of the world do as well.

This (below) makes me angry, and it should you as well, as most people do not know exactly what the CMOH is. especially civilians and kids. I also think it does a disservice to the men listed, as I am sure that along with the honor, valor, and bravery which earned them these medals comes a large amount of integrity. I am absolutely certain that if someone claimed your silver star was the CMOH you would be the first to object and your honor and service should not put you in that position of having to object. You and I both know that that "gallantry in action" is pretty damn impressive.

I am not sure why [MENTION=35694]patrickcaturday[/MENTION] asked but this just made me angry, the hundreds of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

You know what I mean...

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

And I stand by what I said about people who join a foreign army and abandon their own country when is at war. I said that merely to explain why, if some people answer "yes" to the question "Do you think American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States?" why it isn't necessarily an indication of anti-Semitism, as Abe Foxman and the ADL claim.

Look, you and I may not get along, but I would never ever disrespect your service to our country. You and I were comrades in arms in that regard and I feel absolutely no need to seprate out the Catholic soldiers from the Christian soldiers from the Athiest soldiers from the Jewish soldiers. We are all in the same boat, or bird if you perfer, but this absolutely shame;ess self promotion just breed division.

How is this. There were more Canadian citizens from Canada who won the CMOH than jewish Americans and I am Irish and I believe you are as well, but we are American war veterans, not Irish American war veterans, and i like it that way yet somehow, I become an anti-Semite because i regard Jewish soldiers as American vets and not Jewish American vets.

Who else makes the distinction so obviously and ad nauseum...but if people of the jewish faith choose to make such distinctions and attempts to seperate jewish vets from other vets regardless of background, than they have no bisiness labeling me a "Jew hater" and "anti-Semite" for calling them on such lies.

obsessional ob·ses'sion·al adj.

Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety

obsession: Definition, Synonyms from Answers.com

To my way of thinking the problem here stems from how groups see themselves, in the UK we are just starting to add a persons country of origin into their Britishness. This make a mockery of the whole racist thing as the groups are deliberately being racist themselves to stir up unrest. We should refuse to acknowledge that a person of African heritage is anything other than American or British, if they insist on calling themselves Afro-American then the should be asked politely to go back to Africa or face jail time for incitement to racial hatred
People have a right to their CLUBS in my town ---THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ---
marched in the fouth of july parade as such--------ITALIAN AMERICANS

no one objected
OK, I'll bite. First, I spent 3 days on a little patch of ground in Nov '65 and 3 of the guys were awarded the MOH. After they got it, I thought of about a dozen other guys who deserved it as well. But that dozen got a lot of lesser medals and they were satisfied. As for giving out medals to someone who didn't earn them, the one who comes to mind is John Kerry. Now tell us what the connection is.

I wasn't talking about medals being awarded to those who didn't deserve them. first of all. Most folks I know have some of that bang bang bling if they did the deed between mid 60s to early 70s.

Now you and I both know that "The Medal of Honor" is, the CMOH, but when you and I see "The Medal of Honor" we think CMOH, and so do a helluva lot of people who haven't seen the end of the world do as well.

This (below) makes me angry, and it should you as well, as most people do not know exactly what the CMOH is. especially civilians and kids. I also think it does a disservice to the men listed, as I am sure that along with the honor, valor, and bravery which earned them these medals comes a large amount of integrity. I am absolutely certain that if someone claimed your silver star was the CMOH you would be the first to object and your honor and service should not put you in that position of having to object. You and I both know that that "gallantry in action" is pretty damn impressive.

I am not sure why [MENTION=35694]patrickcaturday[/MENTION] asked but this just made me angry, the hundreds of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

You know what I mean...

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

And I stand by what I said about people who join a foreign army and abandon their own country when is at war. I said that merely to explain why, if some people answer "yes" to the question "Do you think American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States?" why it isn't necessarily an indication of anti-Semitism, as Abe Foxman and the ADL claim.

Look, you and I may not get along, but I would never ever disrespect your service to our country. You and I were comrades in arms in that regard and I feel absolutely no need to seprate out the Catholic soldiers from the Christian soldiers from the Athiest soldiers from the Jewish soldiers. We are all in the same boat, or bird if you perfer, but this absolutely shame;ess self promotion just breed division.

How is this. There were more Canadian citizens from Canada who won the CMOH than jewish Americans and I am Irish and I believe you are as well, but we are American war veterans, not Irish American war veterans, and i like it that way yet somehow, I become an anti-Semite because i regard Jewish soldiers as American vets and not Jewish American vets.

Who else makes the distinction so obviously and ad nauseum...but if people of the jewish faith choose to make such distinctions and attempts to seperate jewish vets from other vets regardless of background, than they have no bisiness labeling me a "Jew hater" and "anti-Semite" for calling them on such lies.

obsessional ob·ses'sion·al adj.

Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety

obsession: Definition, Synonyms from Answers.com

I'm a vet. I don't like "stolen valor". When I see it I object to it.

When the "National Museum of American Jewish military History" does so, it reflects on Jews as a people and, to some degree, reflects on all the military, and particularly those who receive medals. for their bravery and valor. by casting their awards into doubt.

I think those obsessed with it are those Jews and Jewish organizations who are so lacking that they feel the need to inflate their credentials and pad their resumes by any means necessary, and that includes lying.

So, your defense for Jews stealing valor is that I am "obsessed" and you see no other problem. Well, just as you piss on every single man and woman who served and is serving this country honorably and their families and indeed, the honest citizens of this country who support those men and woman serving, I piss on you.
I wasn't talking about medals being awarded to those who didn't deserve them. first of all. Most folks I know have some of that bang bang bling if they did the deed between mid 60s to early 70s.

Now you and I both know that "The Medal of Honor" is, the CMOH, but when you and I see "The Medal of Honor" we think CMOH, and so do a helluva lot of people who haven't seen the end of the world do as well.

This (below) makes me angry, and it should you as well, as most people do not know exactly what the CMOH is. especially civilians and kids. I also think it does a disservice to the men listed, as I am sure that along with the honor, valor, and bravery which earned them these medals comes a large amount of integrity. I am absolutely certain that if someone claimed your silver star was the CMOH you would be the first to object and your honor and service should not put you in that position of having to object. You and I both know that that "gallantry in action" is pretty damn impressive.

I am not sure why [MENTION=35694]patrickcaturday[/MENTION] asked but this just made me angry, the hundreds of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

You know what I mean...

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

And I stand by what I said about people who join a foreign army and abandon their own country when is at war. I said that merely to explain why, if some people answer "yes" to the question "Do you think American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States?" why it isn't necessarily an indication of anti-Semitism, as Abe Foxman and the ADL claim.

Look, you and I may not get along, but I would never ever disrespect your service to our country. You and I were comrades in arms in that regard and I feel absolutely no need to seprate out the Catholic soldiers from the Christian soldiers from the Athiest soldiers from the Jewish soldiers. We are all in the same boat, or bird if you perfer, but this absolutely shame;ess self promotion just breed division.

How is this. There were more Canadian citizens from Canada who won the CMOH than jewish Americans and I am Irish and I believe you are as well, but we are American war veterans, not Irish American war veterans, and i like it that way yet somehow, I become an anti-Semite because i regard Jewish soldiers as American vets and not Jewish American vets.

Who else makes the distinction so obviously and ad nauseum...but if people of the jewish faith choose to make such distinctions and attempts to seperate jewish vets from other vets regardless of background, than they have no bisiness labeling me a "Jew hater" and "anti-Semite" for calling them on such lies.

obsessional ob·ses'sion·al adj.

Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety

obsession: Definition, Synonyms from Answers.com

I'm a vet. I don't like "stolen valor". When I see it I object to it.

When the "National Museum of American Jewish military History" does so, it reflects on Jews as a people and, to some degree, reflects on all the military, and particularly those who receive medals. for their bravery and valor. by casting their awards into doubt.

I think those obsessed with it are those Jews and Jewish organizations who are so lacking that they feel the need to inflate their credentials and pad their resumes by any means necessary, and that includes lying.

So, your defense for Jews stealing valor is that I am "obsessed" and you see no other problem. Well, just as you piss on every single man and woman who served and is serving this country honorably and their families and indeed, the honest citizens of this country who support those men and woman serving, I piss on you.
I still don't understand. What's the rub?
You neglected to answer what springs to your mind, and most American's minds, when they hear about American soldiers being awatded the "The Medal of Honor."

I will add, what do you think if someone else knowingly attrubutes a military award to someone other than themselves for whatever reason?

As for what it has to do with the OP, that has diverged into many different legitimate directions.
OK, I'll bite. First, I spent 3 days on a little patch of ground in Nov '65 and 3 of the guys were awarded the MOH. After they got it, I thought of about a dozen other guys who deserved it as well. But that dozen got a lot of lesser medals and they were satisfied. As for giving out medals to someone who didn't earn them, the one who comes to mind is John Kerry. Now tell us what the connection is.

I wasn't talking about medals being awarded to those who didn't deserve them. first of all. Most folks I know have some of that bang bang bling if they did the deed between mid 60s to early 70s.

Now you and I both know that "The Medal of Honor" is, the CMOH, but when you and I see "The Medal of Honor" we think CMOH, and so do a helluva lot of people who haven't seen the end of the world do as well.

This (below) makes me angry, and it should you as well, as most people do not know exactly what the CMOH is. especially civilians and kids. I also think it does a disservice to the men listed, as I am sure that along with the honor, valor, and bravery which earned them these medals comes a large amount of integrity. I am absolutely certain that if someone claimed your silver star was the CMOH you would be the first to object and your honor and service should not put you in that position of having to object. You and I both know that that "gallantry in action" is pretty damn impressive.

I am not sure why [MENTION=35694]patrickcaturday[/MENTION] asked but this just made me angry, the hundreds of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

You know what I mean...

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

And I stand by what I said about people who join a foreign army and abandon their own country when is at war. I said that merely to explain why, if some people answer "yes" to the question "Do you think American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States?" why it isn't necessarily an indication of anti-Semitism, as Abe Foxman and the ADL claim.

Look, you and I may not get along, but I would never ever disrespect your service to our country. You and I were comrades in arms in that regard and I feel absolutely no need to seprate out the Catholic soldiers from the Christian soldiers from the Athiest soldiers from the Jewish soldiers. We are all in the same boat, or bird if you perfer, but this absolutely shame;ess self promotion just breed division.

How is this. There were more Canadian citizens from Canada who won the CMOH than jewish Americans and I am Irish and I believe you are as well, but we are American war veterans, not Irish American war veterans, and i like it that way yet somehow, I become an anti-Semite because i regard Jewish soldiers as American vets and not Jewish American vets.

Who else makes the distinction so obviously and ad nauseum...but if people of the jewish faith choose to make such distinctions and attempts to seperate jewish vets from other vets regardless of background, than they have no bisiness labeling me a "Jew hater" and "anti-Semite" for calling them on such lies.
Where do you get "hundreds"?
Your denial doesn't change the fact that you said that.

I didn't say it and you are a liar, and a piss poor one at that.
Temper, temper, spalpeen! Don't let that Irish temper get you in trouble again!

I have dealt with worthless little pissants before and they really don't bother me too much. I throw them a bone every once in awhile and and it keeps them in a relatively harmless condition, not that they could do much anyway even if they set their minds to it.

Almist everyones been in some kind of trouble at on time or another. What are you talking about "again".
Last edited:
OK, I'll bite. First, I spent 3 days on a little patch of ground in Nov '65 and 3 of the guys were awarded the MOH. After they got it, I thought of about a dozen other guys who deserved it as well. But that dozen got a lot of lesser medals and they were satisfied. As for giving out medals to someone who didn't earn them, the one who comes to mind is John Kerry. Now tell us what the connection is.

I wasn't talking about medals being awarded to those who didn't deserve them. first of all. Most folks I know have some of that bang bang bling if they did the deed between mid 60s to early 70s.

Now you and I both know that "The Medal of Honor" is, the CMOH, but when you and I see "The Medal of Honor" we think CMOH, and so do a helluva lot of people who haven't seen the end of the world do as well.

This (below) makes me angry, and it should you as well, as most people do not know exactly what the CMOH is. especially civilians and kids. I also think it does a disservice to the men listed, as I am sure that along with the honor, valor, and bravery which earned them these medals comes a large amount of integrity. I am absolutely certain that if someone claimed your silver star was the CMOH you would be the first to object and your honor and service should not put you in that position of having to object. You and I both know that that "gallantry in action" is pretty damn impressive.

I am not sure why [MENTION=35694]patrickcaturday[/MENTION] asked but this just made me angry, the hundreds of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

You know what I mean...

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

And I stand by what I said about people who join a foreign army and abandon their own country when is at war. I said that merely to explain why, if some people answer "yes" to the question "Do you think American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States?" why it isn't necessarily an indication of anti-Semitism, as Abe Foxman and the ADL claim.

Look, you and I may not get along, but I would never ever disrespect your service to our country. You and I were comrades in arms in that regard and I feel absolutely no need to seprate out the Catholic soldiers from the Christian soldiers from the Athiest soldiers from the Jewish soldiers. We are all in the same boat, or bird if you perfer, but this absolutely shame;ess self promotion just breed division.

How is this. There were more Canadian citizens from Canada who won the CMOH than jewish Americans and I am Irish and I believe you are as well, but we are American war veterans, not Irish American war veterans, and i like it that way yet somehow, I become an anti-Semite because i regard Jewish soldiers as American vets and not Jewish American vets.

Who else makes the distinction so obviously and ad nauseum...but if people of the jewish faith choose to make such distinctions and attempts to seperate jewish vets from other vets regardless of background, than they have no bisiness labeling me a "Jew hater" and "anti-Semite" for calling them on such lies.
Where do you get "hundreds"?

Click the link at the bottom of the list of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

Tell me, Hoss, what exactly do you think the acceptable limit should be for those individuals and organizations who falsly claim military honors.

Your response doesn't seem to indicate that it is no big deal. perhaps. but I have been there when medals were awarded posthumously so it is a big deal for me.
I wasn't talking about medals being awarded to those who didn't deserve them. first of all. Most folks I know have some of that bang bang bling if they did the deed between mid 60s to early 70s.

Now you and I both know that "The Medal of Honor" is, the CMOH, but when you and I see "The Medal of Honor" we think CMOH, and so do a helluva lot of people who haven't seen the end of the world do as well.

This (below) makes me angry, and it should you as well, as most people do not know exactly what the CMOH is. especially civilians and kids. I also think it does a disservice to the men listed, as I am sure that along with the honor, valor, and bravery which earned them these medals comes a large amount of integrity. I am absolutely certain that if someone claimed your silver star was the CMOH you would be the first to object and your honor and service should not put you in that position of having to object. You and I both know that that "gallantry in action" is pretty damn impressive.

I am not sure why [MENTION=35694]patrickcaturday[/MENTION] asked but this just made me angry, the hundreds of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

You know what I mean...

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

And I stand by what I said about people who join a foreign army and abandon their own country when is at war. I said that merely to explain why, if some people answer "yes" to the question "Do you think American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States?" why it isn't necessarily an indication of anti-Semitism, as Abe Foxman and the ADL claim.

Look, you and I may not get along, but I would never ever disrespect your service to our country. You and I were comrades in arms in that regard and I feel absolutely no need to seprate out the Catholic soldiers from the Christian soldiers from the Athiest soldiers from the Jewish soldiers. We are all in the same boat, or bird if you perfer, but this absolutely shame;ess self promotion just breed division.

How is this. There were more Canadian citizens from Canada who won the CMOH than jewish Americans and I am Irish and I believe you are as well, but we are American war veterans, not Irish American war veterans, and i like it that way yet somehow, I become an anti-Semite because i regard Jewish soldiers as American vets and not Jewish American vets.

Who else makes the distinction so obviously and ad nauseum...but if people of the jewish faith choose to make such distinctions and attempts to seperate jewish vets from other vets regardless of background, than they have no bisiness labeling me a "Jew hater" and "anti-Semite" for calling them on such lies.
Where do you get "hundreds"?

Click the link at the bottom of the list of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

Tell me, Hoss, what exactly do you think the acceptable limit should be for those individuals and organizations who falsly claim military honors.

Your response doesn't seem to indicate that it is no big deal. perhaps. but I have been there when medals were awarded posthumously so it is a big deal for me.
If I had an inkling what you're talking about I might give you an answer.
Where do you get "hundreds"?

Click the link at the bottom of the list of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

Tell me, Hoss, what exactly do you think the acceptable limit should be for those individuals and organizations who falsly claim military honors.

Your response doesn't seem to indicate that it is no big deal. perhaps. but I have been there when medals were awarded posthumously so it is a big deal for me.
If I had an inkling what you're talking about I might give you an answer.

Don't act stupid.

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

How about next listing people who receive the Good Conduct Medal as recipients of "The Medal of Honor"
Click the link at the bottom of the list of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

Tell me, Hoss, what exactly do you think the acceptable limit should be for those individuals and organizations who falsly claim military honors.

Your response doesn't seem to indicate that it is no big deal. perhaps. but I have been there when medals were awarded posthumously so it is a big deal for me.
If I had an inkling what you're talking about I might give you an answer.

Don't act stupid.

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

How about next listing people who receive the Good Conduct Medal as recipients of "The Medal of Honor"
Read The President's Page, spalpeen. It lists the 13 Jewish MOH recipients and the hundreds who won the DSC. Theres no subtrafuge. BTW, it is not the CMOH anymore. It's MOH. That change happened years ago. And FYI, theres a fine line of difference between the two awards and many times the DSC is upgraded to the MOH. Such nitpicky crappie.
Only 13 medals of honor out of 3468 given? How pathetic. Well, they ain't known for fighting.
Only 13 medals of honor out of 3468 given? How pathetic. Well, they ain't known for fighting.

That's making the false assumption that the only way to 'fight' is by being a line troop. Which is only what, one out of about 14 these days? So the other 13 are 'not brave' because their primary MOS isn't 11B? I don't think so.

Anyway, that entire schtick is totally irrelevant to anything vaguely near the actual topic - in addition to being stale, inane, asinine and in exceedingly poor taste. Of course, trolls gonna troll - and the phocid redux which started spewing this BS is a very old troll indeed....
Click the link at the bottom of the list of "American Jewish Recipients of The Medal of Honor".

Tell me, Hoss, what exactly do you think the acceptable limit should be for those individuals and organizations who falsly claim military honors.

Your response doesn't seem to indicate that it is no big deal. perhaps. but I have been there when medals were awarded posthumously so it is a big deal for me.
If I had an inkling what you're talking about I might give you an answer.

Don't act stupid.

Hall of Heroes: American Jewish Medal Recipients

How about next listing people who receive the Good Conduct Medal as recipients of "The Medal of Honor"

He has to ACT to look stupid. You, OTOH, exude stupidity as a primary characteristic....... How incredibly bathetic, you trying to pull those posthumous MOH coat-tails over yourself to 'borrow' a bit of the glory ........ It'd be sad if you were somewhat less disgusting.
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