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Obama appoints ebola czar

Ebola, a five letter word for FEAR,

thanks republitards, you're idiots.

everyone knows that ..

The US could be like Nigeria if they do what they did.

Great point. But hey, it's all about the 'Social Justice.' It's why Ebola is here. Gotta spread that Third World around. This President is a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
yawn.........your fake outrage has been noted.

Anything but fake. Ebola in America truly does sum up your asshole's reign of terror. Says it all.
Wait until the FIRST case "South of the Border".

Trail of illegals will look like ants going to a state Twinkie.

Already happening. South America reported new cases recently. It really is a Third World mess. This President is a Traitor. He's completely dismantled our Immigration System. I don't consider him my President.
Where In the World Is Ebola First Suspected Case of Ebola In South America

yeah..we dont know if it is ebola or not. Spain wasnt ebola, and this may not be...But hey you panic over nothing.
I don't think it's panic. For sure Faux is stirring up fear as fast at it can stir ... for gop political gain, and that's despicable. The people who have always hated Obama for no rational reason are of course stoking this relatively mild danger. But, there's no doubt that Obama's refusal of a travel ban is not playing well with people who are pretty middle of the road. What mystifies me is that the ban would have cost us absolutely nothing, and not endangered any American. Yet, Obama chose to speak to us from Mt. Olympus a caution us not to overreact.

I got enough from CNN about Ebola that I don't need to watch FOX, and MSNBC was talking about it a lot as well.
I think him appointing a czar probably means they expect more cases to emerge in the U.S.. Obama just wants to look like he tried to do something about it.

you're in a win win situation ... he appointed someone so he wants to look like he tried to do something about it

if he hadn't appointed someone you could have said he was doing nothing about it

either way its about Obama not Ebola.

The reason why this is a bad political situation for Obama is a) he said ebola won't reach America, b) people disagree with him on a travel ban. All he's doing now is trying to cover his ass.
a) He didn't say that.
McCain We were told there d be no Ebola in the United States PolitiFact

b) why bother you made an idiot out yourself on a.

So if you want to be taken seriously, stop making an ass out of yourself. Lets try an apology and credibility going forward.

Mean while lets get adults in charge not Fox News

At this point the Echo Chambermaids don't give an airborne rodents behind, (FRA) if what they say is the truth or not. As long as the story denigrates the President or Democrats in general it gets air time.

Turn Off Fox
Bad News for America

Nah, i think it's only bad news to you programmed Obamabots. Fox News is just one of the very few in the MSM daring to criticize the Dear Leader. But hey, there's always CNN (Communist News Network) and MSLD for your 'good news.'

Ah good old LIb-o-Paulie, never lets me down.
Ebola, a five letter word for FEAR,

thanks republitards, you're idiots.

everyone knows that ..

It's smart to be afraid of some things. I'll bet you were one of those kids who would do dangerous things just because your friends dared you to do them.
Ebola, a five letter word for FEAR,

thanks republitards, you're idiots.

everyone knows that ..

It's smart to be afraid of some things. I'll bet you were one of those kids who would do dangerous things just because your friends dared you to do them.
And you had no friends because after you flipped the bird they kicked your ass on the playground.
Prediction.. all this guy will do is what he did with Porculus... funnel a gazillion $$ in payola to democrat supporters.
Richard (Rich) M. Unes, Chairman, St. Jude Childrens Hospital.

Businessman, not a Doctor.

see how that works ?

if there were no idiot RW's there would be no idiots at all ...
He's the Chairman of the Board.. has nothing to do with day-to-day operations. It is very typical for chair positions to be filled by people not even from the same industry.

My God you libs lack even the most basic business understanding.
He's the Chairman of the Board.. has nothing to do with day-to-day operations. It is very typical for chair positions to be filled by people not even from the same industry.

My God you libs lack even the most basic business understanding.

you idiot, Doctors make the decisions on medical care, the new guy makes the decisions on the business of the Hospitals ... a damn Doctor was in charge of the Hospitals when Texas fucked up and sent an Ebola infected patient BACK HOME before he came back to DIE ..


"I think what you can assume Mr. Klain's role will be is an important, high-level implementation role," said Earnest. "Ultimately, it will be his responsibility to make sure that all the government agencies who are responsible for aspects of this response, that their efforts are carefully integrated. He will also be playing a role in making sure the decisions get made."
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Liberals really want to ridicule anyone who has concerns about Ebola. Are the people in Nigeria afraid of Ebola? Well, they should be because it is spreading quickly with the number of affected doubling every couple weeks. I has a very high mortality rate. So, they should be afraid and taking every precaution under the sun to avoid it. If only that fear had been present in the beginning, we might not have thousands dead and thousands more suffering. Nearly 300 of the deaths were health care workers trying to help them. I suppose all of them were ignoring protocol, at least you would assume so if you are listening to the left. Couldn't be that anyone underestimated the risk, must be sloppy practices by professionals.

It's not panic to take precautions. The reason behind being careful is so you don't have to worry. It's the same reason I took time to childproof my house when my firstborn started becoming mobile. It wasn't because I was a nervous mom, but because I was a good mom and didn't want to waste time worrying about things. The better prepared you are and the more actions you take to safeguard against any danger, the more relaxed you'll be.

Libs don't get it. When you talk about Ebola, the fact that it has spread at an alarming rate and the fact that too many people die of it, they accuse you of fear mongering. They have it backwards. If we do nothing and don't start preparing hospitals for cases and educating people on ways to prevent it, not to mention flu and other things, we could get to the point that Africans are now- in a panic because things are out of control.

It's smart to prevent it from getting to that point, but libs would rather laugh at this deadly disease and accuse the right of being scaredy cats for hoping we don't end up sitting next to someone who has it. Too much is unknown and I'd rather err on the side of caution than to compete for a spot in one the few hospitals ready to handle Ebola cases. Even the most prepared say more than 4 patients would overwhelm them.
Liberals really want to ridicule anyone who has concerns about Ebola. Are the people in Nigeria afraid of Ebola? Well, they should be because it is spreading quickly with the number of affected doubling every couple weeks. I has a very high mortality rate. So, they should be afraid and taking every precaution under the sun to avoid it. If only that fear had been present in the beginning, we might not have thousands dead and thousands more suffering. Nearly 300 of the deaths were health care workers trying to help them. I suppose all of them were ignoring protocol, at least you would assume so if you are listening to the left. Couldn't be that anyone underestimated the risk, must be sloppy practices by professionals.

It's not panic to take precautions. The reason behind being careful is so you don't have to worry. It's the same reason I took time to childproof my house when my firstborn started becoming mobile. It wasn't because I was a nervous mom, but because I was a good mom and didn't want to waste time worrying about things. The better prepared you are and the more actions you take to safeguard against any danger, the more relaxed you'll be.

Libs don't get it. When you talk about Ebola, the fact that it has spread at an alarming rate and the fact that too many people die of it, they accuse you of fear mongering. They have it backwards. If we do nothing and don't start preparing hospitals for cases and educating people on ways to prevent it, not to mention flu and other things, we could get to the point that Africans are now- in a panic because things are out of control.

It's smart to prevent it from getting to that point, but libs would rather laugh at this deadly disease and accuse the right of being scaredy cats for hoping we don't end up sitting next to someone who has it. Too much is unknown and I'd rather err on the side of caution than to compete for a spot in one the few hospitals ready to handle Ebola cases. Even the most prepared say more than 4 patients would overwhelm them.

ridicule? I just call it saying RW idiots are pretty much partisan hack bald face liars ...
Liberals really want to ridicule anyone who has concerns about Ebola. Are the people in Nigeria afraid of Ebola? Well, they should be because it is spreading quickly with the number of affected doubling every couple weeks. I has a very high mortality rate. So, they should be afraid and taking every precaution under the sun to avoid it. If only that fear had been present in the beginning, we might not have thousands dead and thousands more suffering. Nearly 300 of the deaths were health care workers trying to help them. I suppose all of them were ignoring protocol, at least you would assume so if you are listening to the left. Couldn't be that anyone underestimated the risk, must be sloppy practices by professionals.

It's not panic to take precautions. The reason behind being careful is so you don't have to worry. It's the same reason I took time to childproof my house when my firstborn started becoming mobile. It wasn't because I was a nervous mom, but because I was a good mom and didn't want to waste time worrying about things. The better prepared you are and the more actions you take to safeguard against any danger, the more relaxed you'll be.

Libs don't get it. When you talk about Ebola, the fact that it has spread at an alarming rate and the fact that too many people die of it, they accuse you of fear mongering. They have it backwards. If we do nothing and don't start preparing hospitals for cases and educating people on ways to prevent it, not to mention flu and other things, we could get to the point that Africans are now- in a panic because things are out of control.

It's smart to prevent it from getting to that point, but libs would rather laugh at this deadly disease and accuse the right of being scaredy cats for hoping we don't end up sitting next to someone who has it. Too much is unknown and I'd rather err on the side of caution than to compete for a spot in one the few hospitals ready to handle Ebola cases. Even the most prepared say more than 4 patients would overwhelm them.

ridicule? I just call it saying RW idiots are pretty much partisan hack bald face liars ...

The right isn't lying about anything. There is nothing wrong with insisting that the administration address this issue with more prudence. Making light of it is exactly what the left has been doing. Geez, do you guys make fun of people for wearing seatbelts, too? After all, they must be panicking at the thought of an accident and spreading fear.

Ebola is deadly and if people aren't concerned about it spreading in the U.S., they are damn fools. Obama hiring a spin master as Ebola czar proves that he is more concerned with his own image than actually controlling the spread of Ebola.

Too many people have contracted Ebola and too many have died to dismiss this as some obscure disease. Some libs are spreading bullshit, such as racism is involved since most of the victims are black. Yup, one idiot claimed that racist America is allowing Africans to die at alarming rates. Of course, they totally excuse the Obama administration. Sheila Jackson Lee is out there spouting her usual crazy shit blaming the Republicans. Moore blamed the NRA. The CDC funding was sharply increased during the Bush years and while they got less in recent years, it was hardly a cut. They were still getting a generous amount. They chose not to spend on Ebola research, so that is on them.

It's crazy that the left is looking real hard for someone to blame, even as they claim it's not a problem. Well, they must think it is or they wouldn't be frantically trying to find ways to excuse Obama's handing of the matter.
It's not even surprising that the RWnuts now WANT an Ebola epidemic in the US, so they can use it against Obama politically.

Nobody WANTS an Ebola epidemic dipshit! Republicans and even some Democrats know that all Obama has to do is order the US Embassies in the affected African countries to stop issuing VISA's to travel to the US. Since he won't do that, I won't be an asshole like you and say he wants an Ebola epidemic, but he will be responsible for it should we have one.

I know you people too well.

Ebola is here to stay. But it sounds like you're the one who's completely ok with that. Y'all Obamabots have lost it.
Canada is releasing a new vaccine. The idea that ebola will kill millions is absurd.

Those right wing nuts at the CDC disagree with your expert opinion.

o Without additional interventions or changes in community behavior, CDC estimates that by January 20, 2015, there will be a total of approximately 550,000 Ebola cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone or 1.4 million if corrections for underreporting are made.

· Cases in Liberia are currently doubling every 15-20 days, and those in Sierra Leone and Guinea are doubling every 30-40 days.

· Halting the epidemic requires that approximately 70% of Ebola cases be cared for in Ebola Treatment Units or, if they are at capacity, at home or in a community setting in which there is a reduced risk of disease transmission and safe burials are provided.

Questions and Answers Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic 8212 Liberia and Sierra Leone 2014 8211 2015 Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC
Liberals really want to ridicule anyone who has concerns about Ebola. Are the people in Nigeria afraid of Ebola? Well, they should be because it is spreading quickly with the number of affected doubling every couple weeks. I has a very high mortality rate. So, they should be afraid and taking every precaution under the sun to avoid it. If only that fear had been present in the beginning, we might not have thousands dead and thousands more suffering. Nearly 300 of the deaths were health care workers trying to help them. I suppose all of them were ignoring protocol, at least you would assume so if you are listening to the left. Couldn't be that anyone underestimated the risk, must be sloppy practices by professionals.

It's not panic to take precautions. The reason behind being careful is so you don't have to worry. It's the same reason I took time to childproof my house when my firstborn started becoming mobile. It wasn't because I was a nervous mom, but because I was a good mom and didn't want to waste time worrying about things. The better prepared you are and the more actions you take to safeguard against any danger, the more relaxed you'll be.

Libs don't get it. When you talk about Ebola, the fact that it has spread at an alarming rate and the fact that too many people die of it, they accuse you of fear mongering. They have it backwards. If we do nothing and don't start preparing hospitals for cases and educating people on ways to prevent it, not to mention flu and other things, we could get to the point that Africans are now- in a panic because things are out of control.

It's smart to prevent it from getting to that point, but libs would rather laugh at this deadly disease and accuse the right of being scaredy cats for hoping we don't end up sitting next to someone who has it. Too much is unknown and I'd rather err on the side of caution than to compete for a spot in one the few hospitals ready to handle Ebola cases. Even the most prepared say more than 4 patients would overwhelm them.

ridicule? I just call it saying RW idiots are pretty much partisan hack bald face liars ...

The right isn't lying about anything. There is nothing wrong with insisting that the administration address this issue with more prudence. Making light of it is exactly what the left has been doing. Geez, do you guys make fun of people for wearing seatbelts, too? After all, they must be panicking at the thought of an accident and spreading fear.

Ebola is deadly and if people aren't concerned about it spreading in the U.S., they are damn fools. Obama hiring a spin master as Ebola czar proves that he is more concerned with his own image than actually controlling the spread of Ebola.

Too many people have contracted Ebola and too many have died to dismiss this as some obscure disease. Some libs are spreading bullshit, such as racism is involved since most of the victims are black. Yup, one idiot claimed that racist America is allowing Africans to die at alarming rates. Of course, they totally excuse the Obama administration. Sheila Jackson Lee is out there spouting her usual crazy shit blaming the Republicans. Moore blamed the NRA. The CDC funding was sharply increased during the Bush years and while they got less in recent years, it was hardly a cut. They were still getting a generous amount. They chose not to spend on Ebola research, so that is on them.

It's crazy that the left is looking real hard for someone to blame, even as they claim it's not a problem. Well, they must think it is or they wouldn't be frantically trying to find ways to excuse Obama's handing of the matter.

RW's don't lie? about anything, they lie about everything ... take you for instance
The President enforces the laws that Congress passes. Just so you will know, both the House and the Senate must vote to change the immigration laws. Republican bills from the House are either sitting in Harry Reids' in basket or in a Senate Democrat controlled committee gathering dust.
never said he didn't .... the poster said he dismantled it ... pay attention ... once again if we dems don't like what the republicans are passing then the basket is where it belongs ... I guess all those bills that the senate passed are either sitting in John Boehner' in basket or in a house repub-lie-can controlled committee gathering dust.... but thats not what I was talking about here... the poster said the president dismantled the plan ... he can't and he didn't ... those are the facts ... pay attention

And you said the House dismantle the Immigration system. I merely pointed out that it takes both houses to pass an Immigration law and a President to enforce it. There are 352 Republican bills that were sent to the Senate that have not been debated and voted on. Now you can tell me how many Senate bills have been sent to the House and were shelved.

The 'Party of No.' Isn't that what the Dumocrats said about the Republicans in the past? Harry Reid is the biggest steaming pile of shit to ever run the U.S. Senate. He's as corrupt as they come. To hell with em.
you clearly said that OBAMA DISMANTLED the Immigration system ... then you proceeded to dodge that statement of yours .... that I told you that OBAMA DIDN"T DISMANTLE ANYTHING ... then you did what right wing nut jobs do.... dodge what you said ..... then you said oh lookie over here, obama has to sign it ... which by the way has nothing to do with what you said you said that being, that OBAMA DISMANTLED the Immigration system ....show us your proof that OBAMA DISMANTLED the Immigration system .... for some stupid reason you felt that you needed to show us your knowledge on how gubment works ... I don't care how many republicans bills are sent to the senate ... if we see nothing in their bills that we agree on, then harry Reid is doing his Job that we elected him to do by not bringing them to the floor... that fact that you don't like it, well tuff shit ... but that's not what we are talking about here ... we are talking about your statement on how obama dismantled the immigration system ... we are waiting here to see how he did that.... you haven't shown us how he dismantled the immigration system ... or is this just you shooting off your big mouth about things you haven't any knowledge about

Ha, the 'Party of No.' Remember when you dipshits couldn't stop screeching that about the Republicans? Harry Reid is a piece of shit, and so is your President.
translation= you're lost in space... but we all knew that
never said he didn't .... the poster said he dismantled it ... pay attention ... once again if we dems don't like what the republicans are passing then the basket is where it belongs ... I guess all those bills that the senate passed are either sitting in John Boehner' in basket or in a house repub-lie-can controlled committee gathering dust.... but thats not what I was talking about here... the poster said the president dismantled the plan ... he can't and he didn't ... those are the facts ... pay attention

And you said the House dismantle the Immigration system. I merely pointed out that it takes both houses to pass an Immigration law and a President to enforce it. There are 352 Republican bills that were sent to the Senate that have not been debated and voted on. Now you can tell me how many Senate bills have been sent to the House and were shelved.

The 'Party of No.' Isn't that what the Dumocrats said about the Republicans in the past? Harry Reid is the biggest steaming pile of shit to ever run the U.S. Senate. He's as corrupt as they come. To hell with em.
you clearly said that OBAMA DISMANTLED the Immigration system ... then you proceeded to dodge that statement of yours .... that I told you that OBAMA DIDN"T DISMANTLE ANYTHING ... then you did what right wing nut jobs do.... dodge what you said ..... then you said oh lookie over here, obama has to sign it ... which by the way has nothing to do with what you said you said that being, that OBAMA DISMANTLED the Immigration system ....show us your proof that OBAMA DISMANTLED the Immigration system .... for some stupid reason you felt that you needed to show us your knowledge on how gubment works ... I don't care how many republicans bills are sent to the senate ... if we see nothing in their bills that we agree on, then harry Reid is doing his Job that we elected him to do by not bringing them to the floor... that fact that you don't like it, well tuff shit ... but that's not what we are talking about here ... we are talking about your statement on how obama dismantled the immigration system ... we are waiting here to see how he did that.... you haven't shown us how he dismantled the immigration system ... or is this just you shooting off your big mouth about things you haven't any knowledge about

Ha, the 'Party of No.' Remember when you dipshits couldn't stop screeching that about the Republicans? Harry Reid is a piece of shit, and so is your President.
translation= you're lost in space... but we all knew that

The 'Party of No.' Gawd, you guys were such miserable dipshits with that whining. And Harry Reid and your President are pieces of shite. To hell with em.
An 'Ebola Czar' who has absolutely no medical experience or knowledge. My God, what a mess. WTG Obola.
yep lost in space here you have the republicans blocling the person to run the department ... you're stupid enough to say he needs to have a medical back ground to manage operations???sorry man I guess he could find a person who manage arabian horses ....yep you're just lost in space as you can be
An 'Ebola Czar' who has absolutely no medical experience or knowledge. My God, what a mess. WTG Obola.
yep lost in space here you have the republicans blocling the person to run the department ... you're stupid enough to say he needs to have a medical back ground to manage operations???sorry man I guess he could find a person who manage arabian horses ....yep you're just lost in space as you can be

Nice corrupt Crony. Gawd, you Obamabot nutters really will defend anything your Dear Leader does. Y'all craaazy. :cuckoo:

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