Obama Approval "Only" 52% This Morning

The RCP average shows Obama at 50.4% not 51% and you might note that out of the seven polls Real Clear used to come up with it's average five of them have not been updated since February before the sequester went into effect. By the way weren't there some threads on here just a week or two ago bragging about Obama having a approval rating of 55%?

Wait till Obamacare hits. Doubt his popularity will be up there then. Of course he won't give a rats ass because He doesn't need anyone to vote for him again so I doubt he gives a rats ass what anyone thinks of him.

His lefty ideology is all he's concerned with. We taxpayers are there to foot the bills for his lefy loony idiocy. And foot the bills we will. We will be paying for every asshole who can't take care of himself along with footing our own bills.
Rasmussen is at 51%, Gallup is back up to 49%

But Cons had it for one day!

True, this is all about the sequester, even tho most Americans have no idea what it's about.

Seems Rasmussen is either with tea party or against them.

No middle road, eh Rassy?

Its important to remember that this board is very heavy on the radical right end of things. It does not represent the country and it helps to remember that most of America does not exist on hate the way the radical right does.
The tea party encourages their dittoheads to spread their swill around most message boards.

They encourage their goons to stick to the party line, and insult anyone that disagrees with them.

These sops are easily recognized.

When I find a board tilted to tea party, I like to put in a lot of positive news - it drives these idiots to distraction!!

The tea party encourages their dittoheads to spread their swill around most message boards.

They encourage their goons to stick to the party line, and insult anyone that disagrees with them.

These sops are easily recognized.

When I find a board tilted to tea party, I like to put in a lot of positive news - it drives these idiots to distraction!!


yeah... it's the tea party that's doing the insulting. Keep telling yourself that.
I didn't know Christians were tea party.

Or is that a sex crazed Mormon I'm reading

What does that have to do with what I said? The OP isn't "lying" as claimed in the post I responded to.

I'm simply pointing out the facts the OP left out claiming that the Republicans will be blamed for the sequester because Obama has a 51% approval according to RCP is questionable at best and false at worst. When the other polls are updated now that the sequester has gone into effect and they still average out to Obama have a 50% approval rating the point might be valid right now it's not and as I have also pointed out only a week or so ago again before the sequester went into effect the left were hyping Obama having a 55% approval rating. So with Obama having a 55% approval before the sequester and now a 50% approval with the limited updated RCP polls does that really support the OP contention that Republicans will be blamed for the sequester?

Sure it does...when you compare it to Republican approval...which is hovering somewhere between cockroaches and syphilis.

Only to the blind party partisan.
What else can you call it when the president has a wine tasting event in the White House last night but he tells gradeschoolers they can't visit the WH until further notice.........
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I'm simply pointing out the facts the OP left out claiming that the Republicans will be blamed for the sequester because Obama has a 51% approval according to RCP is questionable at best and false at worst. When the other polls are updated now that the sequester has gone into effect and they still average out to Obama have a 50% approval rating the point might be valid right now it's not and as I have also pointed out only a week or so ago again before the sequester went into effect the left were hyping Obama having a 55% approval rating. So with Obama having a 55% approval before the sequester and now a 50% approval with the limited updated RCP polls does that really support the OP contention that Republicans will be blamed for the sequester?

Sure it does...when you compare it to Republican approval...which is hovering somewhere between cockroaches and syphilis.

Only to the blind party partisan.

No, only to those that read the polls saying Republicans get the blame 3 to 1.

You know what I really love? Pots calling kettles black.
Yes, it means the American people have given Republicans ownership of the Sequester.

America, what a beautiful country!!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

It means the stupid don't have long memories but unfortunately for you LYING GUTLESS HYPOCRITE LIBERALS, I do!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqD2h7e_MLg]Flashback: Obama promises veto stopgap alternative to sequester cuts - YouTube[/ame]

Guess what!!!!!!!!!! Sequester was Obama's idea!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure it does...when you compare it to Republican approval...which is hovering somewhere between cockroaches and syphilis.

Only to the blind party partisan.

No, only to those that read the polls saying Republicans get the blame 3 to 1.

You know what I really love? Pots calling kettles black.

But we all know who is really responsible. What the misinformed public thinks isn't a reflection of reality, only perception. You must admit that if you want to be honest about it.

How else can one explain the fact that Obama is on record ignoring less damaging cuts and instead choosing to inflict the most pain possible on the voting public.

It reminds me of the way Don Sunquist, better known as 'Governor Grumpy', tried to inflict as much pain on Tennessee before he left office just because he couldn't get a state income tax.
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Only to the blind party partisan.

No, only to those that read the polls saying Republicans get the blame 3 to 1.

You know what I really love? Pots calling kettles black.

But we all know who is really responsible. What the misinformed public thinks isn't a reflection of reality, only perception. You must admit that if you want to be honest about it.

How else can one explain the fact that Obama is on record ignoring less damaging cuts and instead choosing to inflict the most pain possible on the voting public.

It reminds me of the way Don Sunquist, better known as 'Governor Grumpy', tried to inflict as much pain on Tennessee before he left office just because he couldn't get a state income tax.

LOL..you're not being honest at all if you'r trying to pin the sequester on the President. That's like you holding me up at gunpoint asking for my wallet and me saying "I don't have a wallet, take my watch" then you turning around and saying giving you my watch was my idea.
<<< LOL..you're not being honest at all if you'r trying to pin the sequester on the President. That's like you holding me up at gunpoint asking for my wallet and me saying "I don't have a wallet, take my watch" then you turning around and saying giving you my watch was my idea.>>>


Good one, another form of blackmail that Republicans have adopted into their agenda!

Taking Americans hostage to "choke the beast" is a fruitless effort by Republicans, doomed to continuing failure.
No, only to those that read the polls saying Republicans get the blame 3 to 1.

You know what I really love? Pots calling kettles black.

But we all know who is really responsible. What the misinformed public thinks isn't a reflection of reality, only perception. You must admit that if you want to be honest about it.

How else can one explain the fact that Obama is on record ignoring less damaging cuts and instead choosing to inflict the most pain possible on the voting public.

It reminds me of the way Don Sunquist, better known as 'Governor Grumpy', tried to inflict as much pain on Tennessee before he left office just because he couldn't get a state income tax.

LOL..you're not being honest at all if you'r trying to pin the sequester on the President. That's like you holding me up at gunpoint asking for my wallet and me saying "I don't have a wallet, take my watch" then you turning around and saying giving you my watch was my idea.

That is what Obama wanted you to think. Go to you tube, do a search using the title "Obama threatens to veto alternatives to sequester". He is on record threatening to veto any alternatives. He thinks you weren't paying attention. He hopes you'll blame the GOP for a bill he shoved down congresses throat and that nobody forced him to sign.
Rasmussen has been steady in giving Obama 51% approval.

Looks like our President's Third Term is on track!


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