Obama Approval "Only" 52% This Morning

There are those who don't believe Bloomberg has been encouraging Obama to run for a third term.

They don't know who Bloomberg is!
The newest RCP poll on Obama's approval rating which is now six polls three of which have been recently updated to include the sequester going into effect and three which have not now have his approval rating at 48.3%
Sure it does...when you compare it to Republican approval...which is hovering somewhere between cockroaches and syphilis.

Only to the blind party partisan.

No, only to those that read the polls saying Republicans get the blame 3 to 1.

You know what I really love? Pots calling kettles black.

which the poll linked by the Op did not say perhaps you should go check the RCP Obama approval rating poll and see what it say's now but be sure and put all your breakables in safe place before you try and spin it.
The newest RCP poll on Obama's approval rating which is now six polls three of which have been recently updated to include the sequester going into effect and three which have not now have his approval rating at 48.3%

You on the left keep trying to pass off misinformed public opinion as reality when folks like you and me know that Obama is responsible. It doesn't matter that the bulk of the public isn't paying attention and doesn't know that Obama authored the sequester we are currently in. So stop with the nonsense.
Opinion polls are a feature of free expression, but they aren't Votes.

And only a demented moonbat would think a bare majority is a Mandate.
No, hun. America lost.

Our Dear Leader has descended to the point where he keeps school kids from visiting the White House in order to save less than $80,000 a month while he and his awful wife spend $Millions on luxury vacations and golf outings. You Low Information Voters are getting what you deserve...it's just a shame the rest of us have to suffer.
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And only a demented moonbat would think a bare majority is a Mandate.

oh please! spare us the BS! For all the turbulence and BS Obama had t deal with during his first term combined with his reelection, um ya, hes sort of got a mandate to do what hes been doing. If you cant see that maybe you watch too much Fox news.
And only a demented moonbat would think a bare majority is a Mandate.

oh please! spare us the BS! For all the turbulence and BS Obama had t deal with during his first term combined with his reelection, um ya, hes sort of got a mandate to do what hes been doing. If you cant see that maybe you watch too much Fox news.

How cute. Thank you for proving my point.

Carry on!
The rightwing broke up with Scott Rasmussen right about the time he apparently unskewed his polls out of their longtime pro-GOP bias.

then why is he quoting it?

what about gallup?

02/24-26/2013 53 40
02/25-27/2013 51 43
02/26-28/2013 51 43
02/27-03/1/2013 47 45
02/28-03/2/2013 46 46
03/1-3/2013 46 46
03/2-4/2013 49 44
03/3-5/2013 48 44
03/4-6/2013 47 46
03/5-7/2013 49 44

oops, not as good...oh well.....thats why crash didn't post it or the rcp avarage....eh?

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