Obama Approval "Only" 52% This Morning

You're opinion is moronic. A bare majority of approval is Not A Mandate. It's an electoral victory, but a significant portion of the population Does Not Approve.

look, it my opinion, and you have yours. I see no need to call your POV moronic, as its yours and yours alone. You should rethink your approach. I will try and post back to you in a format that I believe is positive and healthy for a positive and intelligent discussion.

As I see it, Obama wining Florida and VA says a LOT. FL is a right leaning state by all means and so is VA. Just eyeballing those two states tells me maybe his reelection had a inkling of a mandate. For all the negativity that was real and manufactured during his first term its quite telling that hes still in office. Unreal unemployment numbers, a sluggish economy if not a economy still in recession, record high cost on such things as gas, food, shelter. I see his reelection as a mandate.

Now, can you explain your opinion with out name calling.
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You're opinion is moronic. A bare majority of approval is Not A Mandate. It's an electoral victory, but a significant portion of the population Does Not Approve.

look, it my opinion, and you have yours. I see no need to call your POV moronic, as its yours and yours alone. You should rethink your approach. I will try and post back to you in a format that I believe is positive and healthy fro a discussion.

As I see it, Obama wining Florida and VA says a LOT. FL is a right leaning state by all means and so is VA. Just eyeballing those two states tell me maybe is reelection had a inkling of a mandate. For all the negativity that was real and manufactured during his first term its quite telling that hes still in office. Unreal unemployment numbers, a sluggish economy if not a economy still in recession, record high cost on such things as gas, food, shelter. I see his reelection as a mandate.

Now, can you explain your opinion with out name calling.

The House is held by the GOP - do you agree that they have a Mandate to oppose Obama's policies?

And I still think you are an idiot. It wouldn't hurt you to do a little reading up on what a mandate means in politics. It doesn't mean that the opposition owes the majority controlling party a rubber stamp, as the Won and his Loyal Subjects expect.
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The House is held by the GOP - do you agree that they have a Mandate to oppose Obama's policies?

yes I do. I also think they have a clear mandate to work with Obama, just take a look at the Houses approval numbers. They are rock bottom to say the least.

Its all good. As in any other situation in life, once you use profanity or name calling you lose the high ground. Its no sweat off my ball sack to see you continue forward with your inability to discuss this topic.
I don't lack an ability to discuss the topic. I just lack interest in anything you have to say as you have demonstrated yourself to be an uninformed moron.

I just lack interest in anything you have to say as you have demonstrated yourself to be an uninformed moron.

as they say, takes one to know one.

BTW, you have not discussed a single thing besides being condescending. FYI.
You're opinion is moronic. A bare majority of approval is Not A Mandate. It's an electoral victory, but a significant portion of the population Does Not Approve.

look, it my opinion, and you have yours. I see no need to call your POV moronic, as its yours and yours alone. You should rethink your approach. I will try and post back to you in a format that I believe is positive and healthy for a positive and intelligent discussion.

As I see it, Obama wining Florida and VA says a LOT. FL is a right leaning state by all means and so is VA. Just eyeballing those two states tells me maybe his reelection had a inkling of a mandate. For all the negativity that was real and manufactured during his first term its quite telling that hes still in office. Unreal unemployment numbers, a sluggish economy if not a economy still in recession, record high cost on such things as gas, food, shelter. I see his reelection as a mandate.

Now, can you explain your opinion with out name calling.

So, lets see, if your mandate argument is valid, bush, after his relection in a far better economy etc. should have had a mandate too, yes?
I don't lack an ability to discuss the topic. I just lack interest in anything you have to say as you have demonstrated yourself to be an uninformed moron.



Elton John called and he wants his valediction back.
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That's because the stupid and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive, It will only get worse as more and more clueless people populate this country, and I predict that obama will get even more popular.

This is true, the teaparty now is out-yelling Republicans.

I'm not sure it will get worse, McCain and Graham are leading an offensive against the teaparty.
I don't lack an ability to discuss the topic. I just lack interest in anything you have to say as you have demonstrated yourself to be an uninformed moron.



Elton John called and he wants his valediction back.

Tell him I asked "What's crackalackin?"
No, hun. America lost.

Our Dear Leader has descended to the point where he keeps school kids from visiting the White House in order to save less than $80,000 a month while he and his awful wife spend $Millions on luxury vacations and golf outings. You Low Information Voters are getting what you deserve...it's just a shame the rest of us have to suffer.

What kind of a moron would project their own low information bullshit on reasonable people? Apparently a moron like you.

Halfwit America elected Bush in 2004. Those scum are directly responsible for Obama- who is in fact a reaction against both the Clintons and the Bush League. In 2004 Junebug had failed absolutely by every rational measure people of normal intelligence use, but the scum of the god damned earth, people like you, re elected The Bush League.

Now just relax and enjoy the horsefucking your Lord and Master, Barack Hussein Obama is giving you. You sure deserve it.
You are an idiot.
insane ramblings wont heal your partys failures

However, insane ramblings appear to ease the pain in the nutball mind.

Having listened to Chinless Mitch McConnell briefly a couple of times one can see how his own words act almost as a soporific; at 30 seconds Chinless is on full automatic, spewing bullshit thirteen to the dozen, probably feeling much like one imagines Larry Fine might have felt in front of the camera.
Here is the bottom line on "approval" ratings.


Obama was elected by the people who voted for Junebug in 2004, pictured above.

And Obama shall be the Lord and Master of Nutball America for the next four years.
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