Obama approves of same sex marriage

Gary Johnson believes that marriage quality is a constitutionally guaranteed civil right, Obama does not. Obama says Gay marriage is a state issue. Gary Johnson believes it is a constitutionally guaranteed civil right that can't be abridged by the states.

Seems to me there are more than a few folks around here celebrating and supporting the wrong candidate.

Is he even running anymore? I never hear his name!

Oh no, you didn't say that!

Do Catholics vote like the Pope tells them to vote? How many Catholics are pro-choice? Heck! How many Catholic women use birth control?

Why on earth would you think that black people don't have the wherewithal to make their own decisions and will vote as their Pastors tell them to vote?

For that matter, why do you think that black Pastors would choose Romney over Obama? Romney is a Mormon. Mormonism is a cult and seen as such by so many black congregations. President Obama is black, a Democrat and a Christian. And you think that black Pastors are going to let a stupid comment like support for gay marriage convince them to vote for Romney? I don't think so. Again, I am afraid that is wishful thinking.


OH no I didn't say what? A pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight with his congregation than you think. Who said anything about choosing? I think the black church will stay home and not vote.

"Oh no I didn't say what?"... your comment was a blanket statement indicating that blacks were not capable of or willing to decide(-ing) for themselves. That was a racist comment.

Whether such a person chooses to vote for Mitt Romney or stay home, that is a vote for Mitt Romney because if the person would have voted for Obama and then chose to either vote for Romney or stay home, they are costing Obama at least one vote.

I don't think pastors are going to change their vote over this and I sure as hell don't think they are going to tell their congregation to vote Romney or not vote at all.

And the forerunner of the "gay marriage bans":

At the annual party rally held in Nuremberg in 1935, the Nazis announced new laws which institutionalized many of the racial theories prevalent in Nazi ideology. The laws excluded German Jews from Reich citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with persons of "German or related blood."
Once the Nazis took power in 1933, the Nazis intensified persecution of German male homosexuals. Persecution ranged from the dissolution of homosexual organizations to internment in concentration camps. In spite of their efforts to eliminate homosexuality, it thrived in Nazi Germany. Hitler filled many key positions with known or suspected homosexuals

Oh, Hitler did it, so it must be wrong! /s

Hitler was also a vegetarian, an animal rights advocate, a socialist, a hiker, and a person who deeply valued nature and passed laws to protect all the forrest in Germany.

Guess that must all be wrong as well.
Hitler's persecution of homosexuals, didn't make it wrong. It's been wrong for thousands of years. Hitler just did such damn good job of it.

To debate that the pressures of population growth is not seriously damaging the environment is so ridiculous, it's not worth debating.
Oh no, you didn't say that!

Do Catholics vote like the Pope tells them to vote? How many Catholics are pro-choice? Heck! How many Catholic women use birth control?

Why on earth would you think that black people don't have the wherewithal to make their own decisions and will vote as their Pastors tell them to vote?

For that matter, why do you think that black Pastors would choose Romney over Obama? Romney is a Mormon. Mormonism is a cult and seen as such by so many black congregations. President Obama is black, a Democrat and a Christian. And you think that black Pastors are going to let a stupid comment like support for gay marriage convince them to vote for Romney? I don't think so. Again, I am afraid that is wishful thinking.


OH no I didn't say what? A pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight with his congregation than you think. Who said anything about choosing? I think the black church will stay home and not vote.

"Oh no I didn't say what?"... your comment was a blanket statement indicating that blacks were not capable of or willing to decide(-ing) for themselves. That was a racist comment.

Whether such a person chooses to vote for Mitt Romney or stay home, that is a vote for Mitt Romney because if the person would have voted for Obama and then chose to either vote for Romney or stay home, they are costing Obama at least one vote.

I don't think pastors are going to change their vote over this and I sure as hell don't think they are going to tell their congregation to vote Romney or not vote at all.


Yes it's was blanketed. Have you ever sat in a black church and listen to the pastor? I have gone with my aunt Clair a few times in my younger days. As I said The pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight than you think.
Gary Johnson believes that marriage quality is a constitutionally guaranteed civil right, Obama does not. Obama says Gay marriage is a state issue. Gary Johnson believes it is a constitutionally guaranteed civil right that can't be abridged by the states.

Seems to me there are more than a few folks around here celebrating and supporting the wrong candidate.

Is he even running anymore? I never hear his name!

He is the Libertarian nominee for President. I guess, technically, he and Obama are the only official candidates at this point...
Oh no, you didn't say that!

Do Catholics vote like the Pope tells them to vote? How many Catholics are pro-choice? Heck! How many Catholic women use birth control?

Why on earth would you think that black people don't have the wherewithal to make their own decisions and will vote as their Pastors tell them to vote?

For that matter, why do you think that black Pastors would choose Romney over Obama? Romney is a Mormon. Mormonism is a cult and seen as such by so many black congregations. President Obama is black, a Democrat and a Christian. And you think that black Pastors are going to let a stupid comment like support for gay marriage convince them to vote for Romney? I don't think so. Again, I am afraid that is wishful thinking.


OH no I didn't say what? A pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight with his congregation than you think. Who said anything about choosing? I think the black church will stay home and not vote.

"Oh no I didn't say what?"... your comment was a blanket statement indicating that blacks were not capable of or willing to decide(-ing) for themselves. That was a racist comment.

Whether such a person chooses to vote for Mitt Romney or stay home, that is a vote for Mitt Romney because if the person would have voted for Obama and then chose to either vote for Romney or stay home, they are costing Obama at least one vote.

I don't think pastors are going to change their vote over this and I sure as hell don't think they are going to tell their congregation to vote Romney or not vote at all.


Racist please

Really to be fair

the statement is no more racist than

"For that matter, why do you think that black Pastors would choose Romney over Obama? .... President Obama is black, a Democrat and a Christian"
OH no I didn't say what? A pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight with his congregation than you think. Who said anything about choosing? I think the black church will stay home and not vote.

"Oh no I didn't say what?"... your comment was a blanket statement indicating that blacks were not capable of or willing to decide(-ing) for themselves. That was a racist comment.

Whether such a person chooses to vote for Mitt Romney or stay home, that is a vote for Mitt Romney because if the person would have voted for Obama and then chose to either vote for Romney or stay home, they are costing Obama at least one vote.

I don't think pastors are going to change their vote over this and I sure as hell don't think they are going to tell their congregation to vote Romney or not vote at all.


Racist please

Really to be fair

the statement is no more racist than

"For that matter, why do you think that black Pastors would choose Romney over Obama? .... President Obama is black, a Democrat and a Christian"

Oh he thought what I said was racist? Maybe if he would stop thinking racist thoughts what I said would not be racist to him.
It is statement of fact that blacks do no support Papa Obama on this issue
What effect is the question, especially combined with the high level of unemployment.
Sit out or vote different

Blacks voted by 2-1 margin for Amendment One

African-Americans voted 2-1 in favor of the North Carolina amendment banning gay marriage Tuesday, but the White House is betting that black voters there and beyond will stick with the president, despite broad resistance to legalization.

While there’s faith that African-Americans will turn out strong at the polls to protect Obama’s legacy, pollsters point out that while opposition to same-sex marriages has fallen in the black community, it’s still just a point shy of 50 percent — enough to affect black turnout, at least theoretically, in an election where every vote will matter.

Obama’s statement rocked the political world. But it also underscored a widely-held belief that African-American voters are closer to Republicans than Democrats when it comes to gay marriage..
Last edited:
OH no I didn't say what? A pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight with his congregation than you think. Who said anything about choosing? I think the black church will stay home and not vote.

"Oh no I didn't say what?"... your comment was a blanket statement indicating that blacks were not capable of or willing to decide(-ing) for themselves. That was a racist comment.

Whether such a person chooses to vote for Mitt Romney or stay home, that is a vote for Mitt Romney because if the person would have voted for Obama and then chose to either vote for Romney or stay home, they are costing Obama at least one vote.

I don't think pastors are going to change their vote over this and I sure as hell don't think they are going to tell their congregation to vote Romney or not vote at all.


Yes it's was blanketed. Have you ever sat in a black church and listen to the pastor? I have gone with my aunt Clair a few times in my younger days. As I said The pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight than you think.

As a matter of fact I have, but not a lot.

I still don't agree with you.

I still think you have wishful thinking if you think any or very many pastors of black churches are going to tell their congregations to choose Romney over Obama.

Romney = rich, Republican, mormon, cultist, non-Christian, white
Obama = not-so-rich, Democrat, black, Christian

I simply don't see such a pastor choosing R over O in this case.

"Oh no I didn't say what?"... your comment was a blanket statement indicating that blacks were not capable of or willing to decide(-ing) for themselves. That was a racist comment.

Whether such a person chooses to vote for Mitt Romney or stay home, that is a vote for Mitt Romney because if the person would have voted for Obama and then chose to either vote for Romney or stay home, they are costing Obama at least one vote.

I don't think pastors are going to change their vote over this and I sure as hell don't think they are going to tell their congregation to vote Romney or not vote at all.


Yes it's was blanketed. Have you ever sat in a black church and listen to the pastor? I have gone with my aunt Clair a few times in my younger days. As I said The pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight than you think.

As a matter of fact I have, but not a lot.

I still don't agree with you.

I still think you have wishful thinking if you think any or very many pastors of black churches are going to tell their congregations to choose Romney over Obama.

Romney = rich, Republican, mormon, cultist, non-Christian, white
Obama = not-so-rich, Democrat, black, Christian

I simply don't see such a pastor choosing R over O in this case.


The "black pastors" in NY have all supported candidates who voted to pass marriage equality...
First of all, I said nothing about a flip-flop, so back off on that insinuation.

It has nothing to do with intelligence unless you are talking about the intelligence of people that can see through the pandering for votes.
Changing your opinion has everything to do with intelligence.
What's it called when you "change your opinion" back and forth several times?
When has he changed his opinion back and forth on the gay marriage issue? This is the first time he or any president has supported gay marriage. When he was campaigning, he strongly opposed don't ask, don't tell but he did not support gay marriage.
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"Oh no I didn't say what?"... your comment was a blanket statement indicating that blacks were not capable of or willing to decide(-ing) for themselves. That was a racist comment.

Whether such a person chooses to vote for Mitt Romney or stay home, that is a vote for Mitt Romney because if the person would have voted for Obama and then chose to either vote for Romney or stay home, they are costing Obama at least one vote.

I don't think pastors are going to change their vote over this and I sure as hell don't think they are going to tell their congregation to vote Romney or not vote at all.


Yes it's was blanketed. Have you ever sat in a black church and listen to the pastor? I have gone with my aunt Clair a few times in my younger days. As I said The pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight than you think.

As a matter of fact I have, but not a lot.

I still don't agree with you.

I still think you have wishful thinking if you think any or very many pastors of black churches are going to tell their congregations to choose Romney over Obama.

Romney = rich, Republican, mormon, cultist, non-Christian, white
Obama = not-so-rich, Democrat, black, Christian

I simply don't see such a pastor choosing R over O in this case.


I really don't care if you agree or disagree I don't think the black turn out will be as strong this time because Black Pastors will not be firing up their congregation this go around. I said they will not choose they will stay home.
Yes it's was blanketed. Have you ever sat in a black church and listen to the pastor? I have gone with my aunt Clair a few times in my younger days. As I said The pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight than you think.

As a matter of fact I have, but not a lot.

I still don't agree with you.

I still think you have wishful thinking if you think any or very many pastors of black churches are going to tell their congregations to choose Romney over Obama.

Romney = rich, Republican, mormon, cultist, non-Christian, white
Obama = not-so-rich, Democrat, black, Christian

I simply don't see such a pastor choosing R over O in this case.


The "black pastors" in NY have all supported candidates who voted to pass marriage equality...

That's New York come down to the south.
Yes it's was blanketed. Have you ever sat in a black church and listen to the pastor? I have gone with my aunt Clair a few times in my younger days. As I said The pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight than you think.

As a matter of fact I have, but not a lot.

I still don't agree with you.

I still think you have wishful thinking if you think any or very many pastors of black churches are going to tell their congregations to choose Romney over Obama.

Romney = rich, Republican, mormon, cultist, non-Christian, white
Obama = not-so-rich, Democrat, black, Christian

I simply don't see such a pastor choosing R over O in this case.


The "black pastors" in NY have all supported candidates who voted to pass marriage equality...
They will say they disagree with him on gay marriage, but they'll support him. What's alternative?
Question is, did he really change his mind or is he only pandering to the base.

I don't think he changed his mind. I pointed out a youtube video earlier where he stated that he believed marriage was between a man and a woman but that he felt that a homosexual couple should be allowed marry.

He hasn't changed his mind at all. In fact, the quote that started this OP doesn't really state anything different than what he stated in the past. I'd say, he's pandering.

He's pandering, that was my point also.

Pandering to who? "They gheys" were gonna vote for him anyway. President Obama has done more for gay rights than any past President. Willard Romney actually (currently because you never know with Mitt Romney) believes that gays should not only be denied marriage equality, but should not get anything that even looks a little bit marriagey...even if we called it cabbage soup.

Oh sure, if we get gay bashed he thinks our partners should be able to visit each other in the hospital...but that it should be decided at a state level? Really, Mittens? Don't get bashed in Alabama or you might not be able to see your spouse on their deathbed?

Yeah, President Obama is "pandering". :rolleyes:

To you, evidently.
It worked for him, this time.
It is statement of fact that blacks do no support Papa Obama on this issue
What effect is the question, especially combined with the high level of unemployment.
Sit out or vote different

Blacks voted by 2-1 margin for Amendment One

African-Americans voted 2-1 in favor of the North Carolina amendment banning gay marriage Tuesday, but the White House is betting that black voters there and beyond will stick with the president, despite broad resistance to legalization.

While there’s faith that African-Americans will turn out strong at the polls to protect Obama’s legacy, pollsters point out that while opposition to same-sex marriages has fallen in the black community, it’s still just a point shy of 50 percent — enough to affect black turnout, at least theoretically, in an election where every vote will matter.

Obama’s statement rocked the political world. But it also underscored a widely-held belief that African-American voters are closer to Republicans than Democrats when it comes to gay marriage..

Yet, you think this one issue will change their votes?

I simply disagree with you two. Not going to happen. Romney isn't a Christian, Obama is. Romney is a Republican and elite. Obama is Democrat and "one of the guys".

In the long run, this issue is going to fade away and we're going to have Democrats waging class warfare. It will be "us" vs. them and the "us" are going to win.

Yes it's was blanketed. Have you ever sat in a black church and listen to the pastor? I have gone with my aunt Clair a few times in my younger days. As I said The pastor of a black church opinion carries more weight than you think.

As a matter of fact I have, but not a lot.

I still don't agree with you.

I still think you have wishful thinking if you think any or very many pastors of black churches are going to tell their congregations to choose Romney over Obama.

Romney = rich, Republican, mormon, cultist, non-Christian, white
Obama = not-so-rich, Democrat, black, Christian

I simply don't see such a pastor choosing R over O in this case.


I really don't care if you agree or disagree I don't think the black turn out will be as strong this time because Black Pastors will not be firing up their congregation this go around. I said they will not choose they will stay home.

No doubt

An ABC/Washington Post polling shows 55% of black voters are still against it. That compares to 43% of whites.

Combine that dropping support among all groups including blacks
it could effect total vote
Will he still get the majority black vote- sure

But in this election, Papa Obama will need ever vote to win
He really can not afford to alienate any voters
anymore than he already has....

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